"Garden for Wildlife" is a family-friendly resource fair. Hosted by Habitat Highland Park and Moraine Township.
A very GREEN St. Patrick’s Day at the HP Library Sunday March 17, 2-4pm
“Garden for Wildlife” is the theme of a family-friendly resource fair open to all at no cost at the Highland Park Public Library on Sunday, March 17 from 2:00-4:00pm. Hosted by Habitat Highland Park and Moraine Township, residents will learn about making their yards (and balconies) pollinator (and human)-friendly.
An engaging video about how people can add to planet health one yard at a time will be screened 2pm and 3pm.Visit with experts on native plants and garden design; on supporting birds and other wildlife; and for craft activities related to raising monarch butterflies. HabitatHP will be giving away seeds for native plants and signing people up to certify their gardens and porches with the National Wildlife Federation. Leaders from Lake-To-Prairie Wild Ones and Master Gardeners from Moraine Township’s Food Pantry Garden will be on hand to introduce plans and sign up volunteers for the coming growing season’s Pantry Plants.Lake-Cook Audubon representatives will add their expertise on native birds. Go Green Highland Park reps will be on hand to give further tips: on composting, recycling and more, adding to the (very green) afternoon. (HabitatHP is funded in part by Rotary Club of Highland Park/Highwood and is a joint project of GGHP and the LWVHP-Hwd. The Highland Park Public Library provides meeting space as a community service. The Library neither sponsors nor endorses this event nor the presenting individuals or organizations.)
Contact: Candice Dalrymple (410) 913–5454
Opening doors to information and imagination.