All grand prize drawing tickets must be submitted by 9 pm on Tuesday, July 30.
Grand Prize Winners Will be Notified in August.
Sign up at the Youth Services desk and pick up your Summer Reading Log.
Get a Summer Reading Club tote bag, pencil, and bookmark – while supplies last.
Earn milestone rewards as you complete reading and activities based on age.
Select a book to keep after you finish your log.
Earn grand prize drawing tickets along the way as you complete reading and activities.
Teens & Adults
Sign up at the Information & Reader Services desk and pick up your Summer Reading booklet and prize tickets.
Get a Summer Reading Club tote bag and take-home craft kit – while supplies last.
Earn grand prize drawing tickets each time you check out a book, movie, CD, etc., and/or attend a program, or use the digital collection including hoopla, kanopy, and Libby.