Book Discussion. Davis Schneiderman, Executive Director of the Krebs Center for the Humanities and Professor of English at Lake Forest College, leads the discussion of Alice B. Toklas is Missing.
Jazz-age Paris was the center of the artistic and literary world, and the center of the center was Gertrude Stein’s salon, where the famous and aspiring creative talents gathered to gawk at Stein’s Picassos and vie for status. Young Midwesterner Ida Caine arrives in Paris with her husband Teddy, a would-be Hemingway who thinks he can adventure first and write later. A few days later, Gertrude Stein’s partner Alice B. Toklas vanishes. Soon after, Teddy vanishes. Forced to seek out her missing husband, Ida follows his trail through a milieu including strange Surrealist rituals, Tarot card readings, and the catacombs beneath the city (NoveList Plus). By a local author.
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AGE GROUP: | Adults |
EVENT TYPE: | Discussion | Books & Authors |
TAGS: | Discussions with Davis | book discussion |
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