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Beginning with the earliest edition of the Highland Park News in 1874, several newspapers have been published for Highland Park. Click on a date range to search the index for local news articles and obituaries from these newspapers. Full text available on microfilm at the library. Full text of newspaper articles from 1874 - 1922 are also available online in our Newspaper Collection. Complete this form to request full text of an obituary if you’re unable to visit the library. Contact the Reference Department at or 874.831.7031 for more information.
Abbreviations used:
HPH .......Highland Park Herald
HPN........Highland Park News
HPNL....Highland Park Newsletter
HPP........Highland Park Press
NSNL....North Shore Newsletter
SRN........Sheridan Road Newsletter
January 1, 1941-December 31, 1945
Note: National and international news was reported weekly by syndicated columnists Walter Winchell and Drew Pearson in the Highland Park Press. These items are not indexed. Local government proceedings are in a column called Around Town. Items of significance from this column are indexed under: HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS.
Special Section: Honors service men and women. Mar. 8, 1945. HPN
Includes lists of people in service, prisoners of war, women in service, missing in action and killed in action.
1941 New electroliner derailed. (Photo) June 12, 1941. p. 9. HPP.
July Two Deerfield men die in Sunday auto crash. R. Dow, H. Larson. M. Vleck also killed.) July 17, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Army children are drowned as boat upsets at Fort beach. July 17, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Baby strangles in sleeping garment. (David Eyles) July 24, 1941. p. 3 HPP.
Choir boy Ralph Walker drowned in Sunday outing. July 24, 1941. p8 HPP.
Sept. Swim toll for season.: 7. Sept. 4, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Nov. Soldiers on leave killed by train. Nov. 13, 1941. p. 18. HPP.
1942 Two Clavey brothers, Gerhard and Russell, killed as train hits automobile. Oct. 1, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Army sergeant Eddie R. Brown killed in Highwood by hit-run driver. Nov. 5, 1942. p. 6. HPN.
1943 No traffic fatalities for City in 1942. Jan. 7, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
July Man (Franklin Barber) dies of heart attack on tracks. July 29, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Aug. Man (Howard F. Ogle) found on steps of tavern, dies in hospital. Aug. 5, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Drinks synthetic of wintergreen, dies. (Robert Cassai, 4) Aug. 19, 1943, p. 1. HPP. & Aug.19,1943 p. 5. HPN.
Oct. Miss Loretta Bauer killed in accident on Skokie Rd. Oct. 28, 1943. p.4 HPN.
Nov. Edith Todd struck by train, dies in hospital. Nov. 4, 1943. p. 9. HPN.
1944 Ft. Sheridan lieutenant (Robert Wilson) killed by train. June 1,1944 p.3 June HPN.
Texas ensign killed in plane crash in Deerfield (Milton Pickens) June 1, 1944. p. 6. HPN.
Highwood gardener, John Covelli, killed in fall from train. June 15, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Girl fatally injured in motorcycle crash (Priscilla Scott) June 29, 1944 p. 1. HPP
July Chicago woman killed by train. (Jessie Sterling) July 6, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Identify woman killed by train (Jessie Sterling) July 6, 1944. p.3 HPN
Increase in traffic accidents' toll in first months of year. July 13, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Former resident of this city killed by train. (Marie Frank) July 27, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Aug. Dies of injuries as result of jumping from train. (Esther Tepp) Aug. 10, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Woman collector killed in fall from train steps. (Lois Carlos) Aug. 10,1944. p. 3. HPN.
Sept. Two brothers drown in pool on McDaniels Ave. (Thomas and Larry Cash, 9 and 7) Sept. 21, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Two little boys drown in Foley's pond (Larry, Thomas Cash) Sept. 21, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Oct. 9 year old girl (Delcy Schram) struck by automobile, seriously hurt. Oct. 19, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Nov. Policeman Lange struck by automobile covering accident. Nov. 30, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Philip Leesch dies as a result of explosion burns. Nov. 30, 1944. p4 HPN
Dec. Arcangleo Franci of Highwood killed by train. Dec. 7. 1944. p. 6. HPN.
1945 Deerfield child, John Hermanson, 21 mos., killed by train. Mar. 29, 1945 p. 6. HPN.
Mar. Esko Holappa killed when automobile hit by train. Mar. 29, 1945 p39 HPN
July Four casualties in Glenview plane crash. July 12, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Aug Requiem mass for plane crash victim, Cadet J.D. Hobson. Aug. 16, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Soldier at Fort, Pvt. Theodore Parks, drowns. Aug. 16, 1945. p.23 HPN
Highwood man instantly killed by train. (D. Santi) Aug. 23, 1945. p.5 HPN
Sept Highland Parkers fatally injured at Elm Pl. crossing. Sept.13,1945. p1 HPP
Mrs. Lola Nelson, daughter, killed by train. Sept. 13, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Car driven by local man kills pedestrian on Skokie. Sept. 27, 1945. p5 HPN
Women Voters will prepare adoption amendments. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 1. HPP
500 enroll in adult education. Oct. 16, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Expect 400 in classes offered at night school. Oct. 7, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Air raid wardens well-organized. Group photo. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 13. HPN
Air wardens plan program for fire week. Sept. 30, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Sky Harbor is first Illinois C.A.P. Port (Civil Air Patrol) March 5, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Airway trainee air traffic controllers needed. July 23, 1942. p7. HPP
89 Deerfield people register as aliens. Jan. 2, 1941. p. 13. HPP.
All aliens must register with County post office. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Naturalize aliens March 5. Feb. 19, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
All registrant aliens must register for draft. Sept. 17, 1942. p.1. HPP
1941 America First Committee to have Highland Park branch. May 15, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
May America First group present Dr. G. Swann. May 22, 1941. p.4. HPP.
America's destiny in this hemisphere. May 29, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
June Gen. R. E. Wood issues statement. June 5, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Sen. Wheeler to speak here. June 19, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Sen. Wheeler asks that U.S. remain out of war. June 26, 1941. p5 HPP.
July Gen. Wood asks referendum vote. July 10, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Attend speaking of America First. July 10, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
America First invites letters. July 24, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
America First peace rally. July 31. 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Aug. Congressman addresses Chairmen of America First. Aug. 7, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
First prize (for float) to Highland Park America First. Aug. 14, 1941. p. 2. HPP.
Chicago America First rally at arena. Gen. Wood speaks. Aug. 21, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Sept. America First lists four debates at Orchestra Hall. Sept 4, 1941 p6 HPP
1942 Name captains of Red Cross War Relief Drive. Jan. 1, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Jan Red Cross quota. Jan. 8, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Red Cross collects $8,250. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Red Cross has third of quota. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
H.P. Red Cross over half way mark in fund drive. Jan. 29,1942. p1 HPP
Feb. $12,402.67 collected by H.P. Red Cross. Feb. 5, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Mar. Red Cross collects $16,125.pp. March 12, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Apr. Red Cross needs volunteers in Nurses Aide Corps. April 23, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
June Blood of Red Cross volunteer donors riding high seas with U.S. Navy. June 18, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
July Highland Parkers to have opportunity to donate blood to Armed Forces. July 2, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Red Cross gets 15,000 pounds of wool in drive. July 2, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Blood donors registering now. July 9, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Blood donors register. July 16, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
450 blood donors have registered. July 23, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Red Cross to prepare service surgical dressings. July 30, 1942. p. 5. HPP.
Aug. 499 gave blood to Red Cross unit last week. Aug. 23, 1942. p1. HPP.
Sept. Red Cross production unit reopens in Woman's Club building. Sept. 24, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
1943 $50,000 Red Cross quota for Highland Park. Mar. 4, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Jan. 76 nurses aides graduate from Chicago hospitals. Jan. 7, 1943. p. 14, HPN.
Open letter from local Red Cross chapter. Jan. 14, 1943. p. 3.HPN.
Mar. Red Cross raises $15,000 in war fund drives. Mar. 25, 1943. p.1 HPP
Red Cross 'Light Up' drive scheduled for Friday night. Mar. 18, 1943. p. 3 HPN.
$18, 000 raised in current Highland Park Red Cross war fund drive. Mar. 25, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Apr. School children donate $1,000. April 8, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Contributions to Red Cross top $23,000. Apr. 1, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Workers urgently needed by local Red Cross committee. Apr. 15, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
May Red Cross war fund drive goes over the top. May 6, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
July American Red Cross slips (sic) food to prisoners of war overseas. July 22, 1943. p. 10 HPN.
Aug. Call for more donors for Mobile (blood bank) unit visit Aug. 26. Aug. 19, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Meet quota of additional donors for mobile unit. Aug. 26, 1943. p1. HPP.
Production unit of Red Cross is very active. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 14. HPN.
Oct. Total number of articles sewed by Red Cross listed. Oct. 28, 1943. p8 HPN
1944 Plans to establish Red Cross center at 521 Central Ave. Feb 10, 1944. p. 1 Feb. HPP
Officially open Red Cross Center at Public Service. Feb. 24, 1944. p16 HPN
Mar. Open national drive $40,000 to local quota. Mar. 2, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Apr. Generous response to Red Cross appeal oversubscribes quota. April 6, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Pint of blood for each man in service--quota. April 13, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
More blood donors needed for Red Cross mobile unit. Apr. 27, 1944 p 1 HPP
May Red Cross issues appeal for workers in surgical dressings. May 18, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Messages to civilians in enemy held lands handled by Red Cross. July 20, 1944. p. 26. HPN.
1945 $11,300,000 goal set for Red Cross 1945 war fund drive. Jan. 25, 1945 p. 16. HPN
Set quota of $42,500 for Red Cross fund drive. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Feb. More Red Cross workers needed for overseas duty., Feb.1,1945. p18 HPN
Special gifts committee workers named by R.C. Feb. 15, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Quota of $42,500 set for Red Cross war fund drive. Feb. 8, 1945 p3 HPN
Mar. House-to-house Red Cross war fund drive opens. Mar. 1, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
House-to-house Red Cross war fund campaign begins. Mar. 1, 1945. p3 HPN
Red Cross goal exceeded -continues thru March. Mar. 22, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Late figures indicate $53,000 given Red Cross. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
$53,000 given to Red Cross war fund drive. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
April Great help given by volunteer aides in hospitals. April 12,1945. p27 HPN.
May Surgical unit of Red Cross urgently in need of workers. May 17, 1945. May 17, 1945. p. 42. HPN.
July Jobs! jobs! jobs! for paid staff workers. July 5, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Deer roam fields in Deerfield. Feb. 18, 1943. p. 24. HPN.
Two persons are bitten by dogs. June 24, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Recruit dogs for duty overseas, on home front. Aug. 19, 1943. p. 13. HPN
Service cross given to dog. Sept. 30, 1943. p. 55. HPN.
Novel dog-confining contraption designed by Highland Parker (A.J. Donahue) July 5, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
First annual horse show to be Aug. 26. Aug. 9, 1945. p. 6. HPN.
William Ralphs celebrate 60th wedding anniversary. Nov. 12, 1942. p. 17. HPN
W. E. Heller home featured in April issue of American Home magazine (Architects: Yerkes and Grunsfeld) March 20, 1941. P16 HPP
See also: Servicemen.
1941 Coordinating council asked to help solve soldier problem here.
Jan. Jan. 9, 1941. p. 20. HPP.
Feb. Soldiers and sailors service committee gets under way. Feb. 20, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Apr. Col. Jeffords ordered to London. April 3, 1941.p. 3. HPP.
Col. John L. Homer promoted to brigadier general. April 17, 1941. p. 10. HPP.
Aug. Fifth Division of Custer to Kansas. Aug. 21, 1941. p. 2. HPP.
Officer candidate school program widened by Army. Aug. 21, 1941. p. 2. HPP.
Chicago squadron to select own insignia. Aug. 21, 1941. p. 2. HPP.
Fort loses soldier to navy. Aug. 21, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Nov. Navy starts recruiting here. Nov. 20, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Dec. 12 enlist in U.S. Army in Waukegan. Dec. 4, 1941. p. 6. HPP. List.
1942 Reopen enlistments for 4 month training in naval reserve. Jan. 1, 1942 p7 HPP.
July Highland Parkers to have opportunity to donate blood to Armed Forces. July 2, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Aug. Legion military unit is being formed in H.P. Aug. 13, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Dec. 138 men, 2 girls on War Service from state labor office. Dec. 3, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
1943 Lions Club Honor Roll list nearing completion. Feb. 18, 1943. p1 HPP
June Forty-seven men inducted into the service. (List) June 24, 1943. p.1. HPP
Aug. Army calls for more chaplains. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 2. HPP.
Sept. One out of ten Highland Parkers serving his country. Sept. 2, 1943. p2 HPP
Marine Capt. John McMahon, Highland Park, hero back home. Sept. 9, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Lt. High Suttle awarded solder's medal for rescue. Sept. 9, 1943. p. 1. HPP
Distinguished flying cross awarded to William Peters. Sept. 9, 1943, p. 2. HPP.
Program planned for dedication Sunday of Service Honor Roll. Sept. 30, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Oct. Lt. C. A. Clark missing in action. Oct. 28, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Dec. Post-War education for the armed forces. (G.I. Bill) Dec. 9, 1943, p1 HPP
High officers are graduates of local high school. (Generals Wainwright, Bradley and Clark) Feb. 18, 1943. p. 7. HPN.
Highland Park salutes its five generals: Allen, Bradley, Clark, Wainwright, Wilbur. Photos, biographies. July 1, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
1941 Mrs. Elizabeth Peyraud to be honored by Creative Writers. Jan. 16, 1941. p. 11. HPP
1942 Elm Place School presents exhibit of Tunis Ponsen paintings. Jan. 15, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Landscape painting by Peyraud on exhibit. Nov. 26, 1942. p10 HPN
1943 Three local artists display painting at Woman's Club. (Savin, Boulton, Straub) Jan. 14, 1943. p. 12. HPN.
Apr. George Charney of Braeside exhibits paintings at club. Apr. 15, 1943. p. 6. HPP.
George Charney of Braeside exhibits paintings at club. Apr. 22, 1943.p. 20 HPN
June Tom Wilder presents paintings to Ravinia School. June 3,1943. p1 HPP.
Sept. State murals on display in recreation room of local U.S.O. Sept. 2, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Work of local artists on display at Mandel Brothers. Sept. 30, 1943.p. 1. HPP.
Oct. Ravinia honors Tom Wilder. Oct. 21, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Ravinia Club and PTA to join in honoring Tom Wilder. Oct. 21,1943. p5 HPN
Mexican paintings exhibited by D.C. Watson at Woman's Club. Oct. 21, 1943. p. 10, HPN.
1945 Tom Wilder's career stresses serious study of landscape. Oct. 4, 1945. p. 3. HPP.
1945 list. Sept. 13, 1945. p. 5. HPP.
Two eclipses of sun and moon due during 1945. Dec. 28, 1944. p. 1. HPP
1941 Bennett, Rowena Photo. Cover. July 17, 1941. HPP.
1942 Story on armored cars written by local boy in 1900. (John F. Reddick) Nov. 5, 1942. p. 3. HPP & Nov. 5, 1942. p30 HPN
Book by Mrs. (Kenneth) Weir to go on news stands Dec. 1. (Liberty Laughs) Dec. 3, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
1943 Twelve contests planned for annual writers' conference. July 1, 1943. p. 10. HPN.
Preview of new books to climax writers' conference. July 29,1943. p7. HPN
1944 New book published by Rowena Bennett. Apr. 20, 1944. p. 3. HPP.
New book written by local authors: Clara Spiegel, Jane Mayer. Apr. 20,1944. p. 3. HPP.
New book written by local authors: Spiegel, Mayer. Apr. 20, 1944. p14 HPN
Place advance orders for story by Rowena Bennett. Apr.20, 1944. p.30 HPN.
Two authors: Spiegel, Mayer, will autograph new book at Gift Corner. Apr. 27, 1944. p16 HPN.
Clare Spiegel and Jane Mayer: Photo: Dec. 7, 1944. p. 12. HPN.
1945 Elizabeth Orton Jones autographs copies of prize winning book at Gift Corner. June 14, 1945. p. 5N
Elizabeth Horton (sic) Jones to autograph books. Nov. 1, 1945. p.3. HPP
Local author (Elizabeth Orton Jones) to autograph books at Ravinia Fair. Photo. Nov. 1, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Federal use tax sticker must be displayed. Jan 29, 1942. p. HPP
Motorists are applying for drivers' licenses. March 5, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
New license plates should be recorded on ration books. Jan. 7, 1943 p. 1. HPP.
Greet "North Shore Flyer"-commuter plane. (Photo). June 5, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Auxiliary air field to be constructed at Arlington Heights. Apr. 15, 1943. p. 4. HPP.
Auxiliary air field to be constructed at Arlington Heights. Apr. 15, 1943. p. 16. HPN.
Naval aviation training open to 17 year olds. Aug. 26, 1943. p1 HPP.
Highland Park officer Brig. Gen. William H. Wilbur decorated by President Roosevelt. Jan. 28, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
John Jackson receives award for engineers. Oct. 7, 1943. p. 8. HPN.
Bahr observes 50th anniversary in business here. May 24, 1945. p. 7 HPN
Photo of Bahr. May 24, 1945. p. 16. HPN.
Fritz Bahr, philosopher. (Column) Oct. 25, 1945. p. 2. HPP.
Fritz Bahr book printed in braille (Commercial Flower Culture) Oct. 11, 1945. p. 20 HPN.
BARD, RALPH A. (Asst. Secy. Navy)
Appoint Bard to U.S. Navy post. Feb. 20, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Bard nominated to serve as under Sec'y of the Navy. June 22, 1944. p.3 HPN
Ralph A. Bard is sworn in as Navy undersecretary. June 29, 1944. p.3 HPN.
Ralph A. Bard's navy career ends. July 5, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Ralph Bard named trustee at Northwestern. Nov. 15, 1945. p.3. HPN.
Italian newspaper tells war story of priest born here. Nov. 29, 1945. p. 16. HPN.
Crow hunt to be held Memorial Day. May 28, 1942. p. 8 HPP.
The threat of the robot rocket bomb. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Julius Laegeler, Jr. among those perfecting new atomic bomb, Aug. 9, 1945. p. 3. HPP.
Local scientist prominent in research, production of bomb. (Dr. Haydn Jones) Aug. 23, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Victory book goal is 500 for Highland Park. Mar. 4, 1943 p. 1 HPP.
More books sought for men in service. Mar. 11, 1943. p. 4. HPP.
British War Relief Society wants books for fighting forces. July 22, 1943. p. 3. HPP.
1941 Building and Loan reduce interest. Feb. 13, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
June "Store of Tomorrow" opens here. June 26, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
July "Smittie" (Alred Esmiz) serves two generations of Gladers. (Local barber) July 10, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Aug. Highland Park building boom continues apace. Aug. 7, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
$15,000,000 in new construction in July; gains over 1940. Aug. 21, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Sept. Stores favor closing Wednesday afternoons. Sept. 4, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Merchants discuss Wednesday closing. Sept. 18. 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Oct. New Woolworth's opens Friday. Oct. 9, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Nov. North Shore Gas to take over Coke company. Nov. 20, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
1942 Barber prices and hours change. Feb. 5, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
July Establish Bond Booths in local stores. July 16, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Retailers' Victory Drive progresses in Highland Park. July 30, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Aug. War gives women opportunity to enter laundering profession. Aug. 27, 1942. p. 5. HPP.
1943 New owner of Moraine Hotel explains plans. Jan. 21, 1943. p3 HPN
1944 Majority of merchants plan to close stores Wednesday afternoons. May 11, 1944. p. 3. HPN. New home of North Shore Gas Co.
(photo) June 1, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Controversy in progress between citizens, Hawthorn Mellody. Aug. 3, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
1945 Establish an all-time high in business. Jan. 11, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Store closing hours subject of survey. April 19, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Announcement of Wednesday afternoon closings. April 26, 1945. p20 HPN
Bahr observes 50th anniversary in business here. May 24, 1945. p. 7. HPN
Photo of Bahr. May 24, 1945. p. 16. HPN.
Grocers will meet to make plans for anti-inflation drive. June 28, 1945. p. 14. HPN.
To close meat markets at noon each Wednesday. Nov. 22, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
James Cagney to make appearance in Libertyville. Sept.3, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
Community Chest drive is success. Jan. 23, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Community Chest drive started. Oct. 23, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
$30, 830.22 collected by Chest. Oct. 30, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Chest nets $41.900 . Nov. 6, 1931. p. 1. HPP.
$44,658.77 collected for chest. Nov. 13, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
March of Dimes scheduled Jan. 14-31. Dec. 21, 1944. p. 5. HPP.
March of Dives drive reported successful. Feb. 15, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
39th annual drive for Christmas seal sale under way. Nov. 29,1945 p1 HPP
1941 Infant Welfare Centers sponsor Baby Week here. May 1, 1941. p4 HPP. "
1941 ADC law activities outlined. June 28, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Focus interest on question of delinquency. Nov. 19, 1942. p. 4 HPP.
League School to discuss reasons for delinquency. Nov. 26, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
League school told how to prevent delinquency. Dec. 10, 1942. p3 HPP
1943 Founder of Dorcas home hears sad news of closing. Mar. 11, 1943. p. 16, HPN.
League Women Voters studies state adoption laws. Mar. 18, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
1944 Immediate need of volunteer aid in care of children. Jan. 17, 1944, p. 1. HPP.
Feb. Call of child care committee answered by 70. 500 needed. Feb. 17, 1944 p. 1. HPP.
Expect increased enrollment in war nurseries. Feb. 24, 1944. p. 24. HPN.
Mar. Infant Welfare members to hear report on society's activities. Mar. 2, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
May National Baby Week first established by Infant Welfare. May 4,1944. p1 HPP
National Baby week being observed April 30-May 6. May 4, 1944. p.3. HPN
June Playgrounds offer play school for 5-6-7 year olds. June 22, 1944. p1 HPP
Aug. New law requires physical exams for 1st grade children. Aug. 24, 1944. p. 30. HPN.
Dec. Overseas fathers will receive hand prints of their babies. Dec. 7, 1944. p. 46 HPN.
1945 Three local groups join to celebrate Baby Week. May 3,1945. p. 1. HPP.
Aug. Lake Bluff Orphanage has 50th anniversary. Aug. 2, 1945. p. 27 HPN.
Nov. Warning to parents issued by officials. Nov. 1, 1945. p. 6. HPN.
Dec. Highland Park man arrested, charged with molestation. Dec. 6, 1945. p. 13. HPN.
CHINA (Country)
Appeal to local residents for aid in China relief. Oct. 8,1942. p.1 HPP and Oct. 8, 1942. p. 17. HPN.
1941 Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church celebrates 50th birthday. Photo p. 3. Story p. 4. April 24, 1941. HPP.
Evangelical Lutheran Church celebrates 50th anniversary. May 1, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Veteran Lutheran minister, W. F. Suhr, to retire. July 31,1941. p1 HPP.
H. F. Platzer takes Lutheran pulpit. Jan. 11, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
1942 Father J. O. O'Neil honored for 50 years service (Immaculate Conception Church). May 7, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
1943 St. Paul's Church (Deerfield) being rebuilt. July 29, 1943. p. 26 HPN.
Army calls for more chaplains. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 2. HPP.
1944 40th anniversary to be celebrated at Highwood Church. May 4, 1944. p3 HPN
New pastor at Evangelical Church (Rev. Robert Wilson) preaches first sermon. Sept. 28, 1944 p. 3. HPN.
Clergymen of city to meet to form ministers' alliance. Oct. 5, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
New minister, Rev. R. Wilson, concludes series of prayer messages. Nov. 16, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
1945 All churches remain open for prayers of peace. May 10, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Msgr. Joseph Morrison appointed pastor of Catholic Church. Aug. 23, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Rev. R.S. Wilson completes year at Evangelical Church. Aug.23, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Morrison succeeds late Rev. O'Neill. Aug. 30, 1945. p1 HPP
History of churches (local) Dec. 13, 1945. p. 22. HPN.
C.A.P. holds first meet to organize. June 11, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Highland men (sic) in the Civil War. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 35. HPN.
1941 Gov. Green asks cooperation for collection of aluminum. July 10, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
July Aluminum bin sites picked. July 17, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Aluminum drive gets under way. July 24, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Dec. Highland Park civilian defense plans to be announced. in January. Dec. 18, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Motorists get air raid instructions. Dec. 25, 1941. p.3. HPP.
1942 Mayor starts defense program. Jan. 1, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Jan. Highland Park Civilian Defense organized. Jan. 8, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Mayor Ronan explains urgency for civilian defense enrollment. Jan. 15, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Defense Council asks $1,000. Jan. 29, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Feb. Civilian Defense work gets underway. Feb. 12, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Civilian Defense Conservation Committee ready for work. Feb. 12, 1942. p. 5. HPP.
C.D.C. committee making house to house canvass, Feb.19,1942. p1 HPP
Register for Victory Garden. Feb. 26, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Mar. Civilian Defense (column) March 12, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Consumers meet Wednesday. March 19, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Blackout instructions. March 26, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Apr. Hold blackout test. April 23, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Air raid wardens receive instruction. April 23, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Trial blackout a success in H.P. April 30, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
May Highwood air wardens graduate. May 7, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park plans ceremony to induct 675 air raid wardens. May 21, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Deerfield Scouts to work with OCD in salvage. May 21, 1942. p.8 HPP
June Salvage of scrap rubber aids nation and local OCD. June 18, 1942. p4 HPP
Junior Red Cross to aid in rubber salvage. June 25, 1942. p.3. HPP.
Aug. Blackout to be held. August 12. Aug. 6, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
City blackout a success. Aug. 20, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Ask cooperation in suppressing noise during blackouts. Aug. 27, 1942. p. 6. HPP,
Sept. 'Don't get mad' Civilian Defense slogan. Sept. 10, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Vallee Appel opens course in Civilian Defense. Sept. 18. Sept. 17, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Gas instruction to begin at Civilian Defense. Sept. 24, 1942. p. 1.HPP.
Oct. Defense workers being fingerprinted by high school staff. Oct. 1, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Public safety groups ready for air raids. Oct. 29, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Dec. Training for air raid warden to be completed by Dec. 10. Dec. 3, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Plan to complete training for warden by Dec. 10, Dec. 3, 1942 p. 5. HPN
Clerical workers needed by Civilian Defense office. Dec. 3, 1942 p. 2. HPP.
Civilian Defense sponsors V-home insignia. Dec. 10, 1942. p.1. HPP.
V-home enrollment being made by Civilian Defense. Dec. 10, 1942. p. 5. HPN.
500 enroll in city's new Civilian Defense Corps. Dec. 17, 1942. p. 6. HPN
Civilian Defense sends women to ration board. Dec. 24, 1942. p8 HPN
1943 City's car-sharing plan adopted by all suburbs. Jan. 7, 1943. p3 HPN
Jan. Car-sharing proves boon to local organizations. Jan.14,1943. p3 HPN
Announce second class of rifle marksmanship. Jan. 14, 1943. p3 HPN
Check for $68.82 turned over to OCD from tin cans. Jan. 14, 1943. p4 HPN
Citizens asked to loan wool blankets to C.D. Jan. 21, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Group riding plan proves of value in bad weather. Jan. 21, 1943. p.11 HPN
To install eight new air raid sirens in this city. Jan.21,1943 p14 HPN
Civilian Defense offers new courses in First Aid. Jan. 28, 1943. p. 4 HPN
Feb. Basic gas fire defense course to be conducted. Feb. 18. 1943. p.3 HPN
Launch all out drive in behalf of Civilian Defense. Feb.18, 1943 p.4 HPN
Mar. Turn old license plates over to Civilian Defense. Mar. 4,1943. p4 HPN
Civilian Defense office seeks "explainers" for Mar. 1 week. Feb. 18, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
O.C.D. to offer new classes on marksmanship.. Mar. 11, 1943. p.1 HPP.
Highland Park air raid wardens enroll "V" homes. Mar. 18, 1943. p1 HPP
Highland Park air raid wardens enroll 'V; homes. Mar. 18, 1943 p. 3 HPN
2,000 families in Highland Park enroll in O.C.D. (Office of Civilian Defense. Mar. 25, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Local O.C.D. enrolls 2000 families. Mar. 25, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Apr. O.C.D. seeks aides for care of children. Apr. 8, 1943. p. 6. HPP.
In case of air raid emergency. Apr. 8. 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Give instructions for air raid or other emergency. Apr. 8, 1943. p. 6 HPP
Black out try out scheduled Sunday, May 10. Apr. 15, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Air raid siren test scheduled for Sunday, May 3. Apr. 22, 1943. p. 1. HPP
Highland Park to test air raid sirens. Apr. 29, 1943. p. 3. HPN
May Mock air raid planned by C.D. protective services. May 13, 1943. p.3 HPN
Highland Park will have mock air raid on Sunday. May 13,1943. p1 HPP
Mock air raid planned by all of Chicago. May 20, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Highland Park will have mock air raid on Sunday. May 20, 1943. p1 HPP
June Highland Park estimates damage after mock air raid. June 3, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
July Importance of waste fats is stressed by local O.C.D. July 29, 1943, p. 1. HPP.
Rifle classes announced by club and O.C.D. July 29, 1943. p.1 HPP.
Aug. O.C.D. Salvage committee lists rules and items. Aug. 5, 1943. p1 HPP
Photo: Committee chairmen. Aug. 26, 1943. cover page. HPN.
Over 1000 Highland Parkers active in Civilian Defense. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 13. HPN.
Dec. O.C.D. promotes campaign to collect old clothes. Dec. 2, 1943. p. 1. HPP
1944 Civilian Defense presents inhalator to Fire Department. Jan. 6, 1944.p. 3. HPP.
Jan Inhalator given fire department by Civilian Defense. Jan. 6, 1944. p.5 HPN
Civilian Defense renews conservation activities. Jan. 20, 1944. p.14. HPN
Inhalator presented to Fire Department by office of C.D. Jan. 27, 1944 p3 HPN
Inhalator presented to City Fire Dept. by O.C.D. Jan. 27, 1944. p1 HPP
May Defense wardens meet and discuss problems May 11, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
1945 Air raid warning rules. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
'Brown out' Feb. 22, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
'Brown-out' officially ends on V-E day. May 10, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Protective services of local Civilian Defense terminate. July 26, 1945. p3. HPN.
Elmer L. Clavey gets state post. Nov. 6, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
1941 Officers of Ravinia Woman's Club. Photo. Jan. 9, 1941. p.1. HPP.
Jan. New officers of Young Men's Club. Photo. Jan. 16, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Mar. Local Girl Scouts celebrate founding of Girl Scouting. Mar. 13, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Cubbing program in Deerfield moves ahead with progress. March 13, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
29th annual meeting of YWCA Sunday. March 20, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
British art "refugees" display at Womans Club. March 27, 1941. p4 HPP
Apr. Blackhawk Society celebrates tenth birthday Sunday. April 3, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
May Janet Ingram elected junior State President of Children of American Revolution. May 8,m 1941. p. 3. HPP. (CAR)
Mrs. Earl Gsell new vice-regent of Daughters of American Revolution. May 15, 1941. p. 3. HPP. (DAR)
Nov. Women Voters League affair packs Womans Club to capacity. Nov. 6, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Many attend first annual community dinner (Men's Clubs) Nov. 20, 1941, p. 1. Photo. HPP.
1942 Girl Scouts celebrate anniversary. Mar. 12, 1942. p. 5. HPP.
May Deerfield Scouts to work with OCD in salvage. May 21, 1942. p.8 HPP
June Garden Convention (Men's Garden Clubs) here. June 18, 1942. p1 HPP.
Men's Garden Clubs in session. June 25, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Sept. Four organizations sponsor Ladies' Night. Sept. 3, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Oct. Fifth season of Creative Writers to open at YWCA. Oct. 1,1942 p. 5 HPP.
New YWCA secretary (Laura Brown) has traveled all over the world. Oct. 15, 1942. p. 5. HPN.
Celebrate National Girl Scout Week. Oct. 22, 1942. p. 3. HPN.
Dec. Victory fund drive completed by Girl Scouts. Dec. 3, 1942. p.1. HPP
15th anniversary celebrated by Rotary Club. Dec. 31, 1942. p.3. HPN.
1943 Discuss problems at first meeting of Victory Gardens. Jan. 14, 1943 p. 9. HPN
YWCA sponsors local membership drive. Jan. 21, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Mar. Girl Scouts commemorate 31st birthday March 7. Mar. 11, 1943 p. 6 HPN
Apr. C.A.R. will observe 12th anniversary April 4. Apr. 1, 1943. p1 HPP.
Honor roll of Sea Scout Ship 39 totals 16. Apr. 8, 1943. p. 15. HPN.
May Manuscript morning planned by Writers for June 3. May 27, 1943. p. 8 HPN
June Boy Scout camp opens for 15th season on Friday. June 24, 1943. p14. HPN
Aug. Dumaresq Spencer post organized in war committees. Aug. 26,1943. p.14 HPN
H.P. Woman's Club active in all war drives. Photo. Aug. 26, 1943. p20 HPN
Briargate Country Club victory garden. Photo. Sept. 2, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Club secretaries form welcome home committees. Sept. 9, 1943. p3 HPN
Nov. Highland Park Rotary to organize youth service council. Nov. 4, 1943, p. 1. HPP.
1944 Senior Girl Scouts offer fine service at local hospital. Jan. 6, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Jan. Women Voters to sponsor a ration problem discussion. Jan. 6, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Club histories to be prepared for H.P. News. Jan. 20, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Boy Scouts to be responsible for city waste paper pick-up. Jan. 27, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Feb. Boy Scouts observe 34th anniversary. Feb. 3, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Juvenile delinquency problems discussed by Women League Voters (sic) Feb. 24, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Mar. Observe 32d anniversary of Girl Scouting. Mar. 9, 1944. p. 6. HPP.
May Legion compiling citizens' war service record. May 4, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Legion to use Poppy Day profit for rehabilitation. May 18, 1944. p1 HPP
First Report meeting held by Seeing Eye. May 18, 1944. p. 24. HPN.
Aug. Five Highland Parkers awarded prizes in Writers' Conference. Aug. 10, 1944. p. 10. HPN.
Highland Park Legion plans to erect building after the war. Aug. 31, 1944, p. 3. HPN.
Sept. 47th year plans of Womans Club. Sept. 14, 1944, p. 3. HPN.
Creative writers group to begin 7th year in October. Sept. 28, 1944, p3 HPN
Oct. Organizations requested to submit scheduled meetings. Oct. 5, 1944. p4 HPN
29th anniversary to be observed by Mothers' Club. Oct. 5, 1944. p5. HPN.
Republican women invite public to hear Louis Bromfield. Oct.5,1944. p. 1 HPP
Membership of Girl Scouts now totals 515 here. Oct. 12, 1944. p.3 HPN.
Membership of Men's Garden Club limited to 240. Oct. 19, 1944 p.3 HPN.
Highland Park Woman's Club is mobilized for war work. Oct. 19, 1944. p. 7. HPN.
Community war fund drive's quota raised. Nov. 16, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
League studies veteran rehabilitation program. Dec. 7, 1944, p1. HPP.
1945 Highland Park Rotary marks 17th anniversary. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Rotary observes 17th anniversary at club meeting. Jan. 25, 1945. p3 HPN
Highland Park leads area in Eagle Scouts. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Jan. Scouts collect paper from stores weekly. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Boy Scouts collect paper from stores each week. Jan. 25, 1945. p1 HPN
Local Welfare group (Infant Welfare) begins twentieth year. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Feb. Voters' League organized twenty-five years ago (League of Women Voters) Feb. 15, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Royal Neighbors celebrate anniversary in March. Feb. 22,1945. p10 HPN
World Fund is contributed to by Girl Scouts. Feb. 22, 1945. p. 11. HPN
Mar. 33rd anniversary being observed by Girl Scouts. Mar. 15, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Mar. Garden Club prepares for Easter at the Fort. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
April Highland Park League of Women Voters (column: history, purpose, etc.) April 5, 1945. p. 17. HPN.
May Local Scout patrol receives high rating. May 3, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Celebrate 20th anniversary of Infant Welfare Society. May 17, 1945. p12 HPN.
June Give history of memorial garden sponsored by men. June 7, 1945. p5. HPN
Independent Voters will meet to form permanent unit. June 7, 1945 p. 11. HPN.
Organize first troops of Girl Scouts in Highwood with services. June 14, 1945. p. 10. HPN.
July Highwood Legion elects 4 WW II veterans. July 19, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Moose observe 25th anniversary of lodge's founding. Aug. 16, 1945. p. 14. HPN.
Oct. Honor retiring secretary of Social Service Comm. (Nellie Flinn) Oct. 4, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Highland Park War Vets organization growing. Oct. 29, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Nov. Highland Park Veterans of Foreign Wars post formally instituted. Nov. 22, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Legion auxiliary helps in veterans' gift program. Dec. 6, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Voters League plans study group program for all members. Dec. 13, 1945 p. 1. HPP
American Legion initiates group of new members. Dec. 20, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Trail blazers in citizenship (League of Woman Voters) Column. Dec. 20, 1945. p. 1. and Dec. 27, 1945. p. 1. HPP..
Columbia College to open Sept. 8. Aug. 6, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
America's strength and Highland Park. (ed.) Oct. 8, 1942. p2 HPN.
Three hundred volunteer workers start chest drive. Oct. 8, 1942. p. 3. HPN.
Subscriptions totaling over $35,000. reported by Chest. Oct. 22, 1942. p. 3. HPN.
$35,000 in subscriptions is reported by Community Chest. Oct. 22, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Hope to finish Community Chest campaign by this week. Oct. 29, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Chest campaign ends with increase in subscriptions. Dec. 3, 1942. p. 6. HPN.
Former German Lt. to talk on concentration camps. Nov. 5, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Former German Lt. to talk on concentration camps. Nov. 5, 1942. p. 4. HPN.
Sergeant L.J. Maiorano sends home pictures of German atrocities. (Dachau) Aug. 9, 1945, p. 2. HPP.
Column: Highland Park Craftsmen
Mundstock, Harold C. woodworker. June 12, 1941. p. 15. HPP.
Brown, J. Hamilton. photographer, stone cutter. June 19, 1941.p. 12. HPP.
Kelly, Bill, Jr. weaver, leather worker. June 26, 1941. p. 14. HPP.
Thomson, James A. woodworker. July 3,1 941. p. 11. HPP.
Laurie, Bill, model trains collector. Aug. 21, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Abt, Larry, sign maker, metal worker. Sept. 11, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Highland Park child (Helen Aynsley, 10) kidnapped by Chicago man. June 11, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Two men rob victory garden. July 22, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Chicago man, R. Pautz, killed in stolen car. Aug. 19, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Middle aged man jailed for molesting child. Dec. 6, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park man charged with molestation. Dec. 6, 1945. p. 13. HPN.
D DAY (June 6, 1944)
D Day observations in Highland Park. June 8, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Invasion Day is observed here. June 8, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Girls at telephone office kept busy. June 8, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Children in all schools observe D-Day quietly. June 8, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Navigator writes impression of Invasion Day. June 29, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Planning officer Lt. John Kinney describes the hours before Invasion Day. Aug. 10, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
1941 Fire damages Deerfield church (St. Paul Evangelical) Sept. 18, p.1. HPP.
1942 Deerfield organizes C.D. (Civil Defense) committee. June 11, 1942 p.4 HPP.
Deerfield to observe flag day. June 11, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Assessment roll. Aug. 6, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Deerfield price and rationing board names location. Aug. 27, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Delinquent tax list. Sept. 10, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Start O.C.D. (Office of Civilian Defense) program for Deerfield. Sept. 24, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
1943 Deerfield pages inserted weekly. Feb. 11, 1943. p.22--HPN
How Deerfield got its name. Mar. 11, 1943. p. 26 HPN.
Tax rates for school districts low in Deerfield. Mar. 11, 1943. p. 7. HPN.
The Old Town Hall (history of building) June 24, 1943. p. 27. HPN
Deerfield men in service-special section. July 8, 1943. pp27- HPN.
St. Paul's Church being rebuilt. July 29, 1943. p. 26. HPN.
Village of Deerfield starts its own U.S.O. campaign. Aug. 26, 1943. p34 HPN
1944 Deerfield post office moving to new location. April 20, 1944. p28 HPN
Village Board plans light repairs to stop dim-out. Apr. 20, 1944. p28 HPN
Deerfield Board acts on varied business program. Aug. 10, 1944. p.11 HPN
Fire truck fund reaches $3734.00. Sept. 28, 1944. p. 26 HPN.
Committee considers building of town hall for township. Feb. 3, 1944. p4. HPN
Vote on new town hall at April 4 meeting. Mar. 30, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Reject ordinance for new town hall. Apr. 6, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Supervisor's report for township of Deerfield. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 31. HPN
Supervisor's report for W. Deerfield. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 33. HPN.
DOOLEY, WILLIAM M. (Former mayor)
William M. Dooley, former mayor, is taken by death. Oct. 19, 1944. p1 HPP
Former mayor of Highland Park, William Dooley, dies. Oct. 19, 1944 p3 HPN
Founder of Dorcas home hears sad news of closing. Mar. 11,1943. p16 HPN
Dorcas Home sold for $8500. Sept. 23, 1943. p. 14. HPN.
See Also: Selective Service .
Feb. Libakken begins his year of army training. Feb. 13, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Mar Call 35 men in March draft program. March 13, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
28 draftees leave for military service. (List) March 27, 1941. p.11 HPP.
June Lake County will send 29 selectees. June, 12, 1941. p. 12 HPP.
July Registration date set for Tues. July 1. June 19, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
14 are inducted in Chicago today. (List) July 24, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Aug. Induct 15 men from local board. (List) Aug. 28, 1941. p. 10. HPP.
Sept. Local draft will furnish 10 men (List) Sept. 18, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Oct. 18 inducted in army Tuesday. (List) Oct. 16, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
28 year-olds must conform to orders from local board. Oct. 30, 1941. p. 2. HPP.
1942 Men 20-45 to register Feb. 16, list draft facts. Jan. 15, 1942. p.1. HPP.
18 inducted into Army Monday 26th. List. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Men 20-45 register Feb. 16. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Paddock suggests Army specialties to basic trainees. Jan. 15, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Feb. Men 20-45 to register Monday. Feb. 12, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
14 to be inducted Feb. 15. Feb. 12, 1942. p. 1. HPP. List.
983 H.P. men register Monday. Feb. 19, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Mar. Local Board physical exams are not final. March 5, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
9 selectees to leave March 14. List. March 12, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Harvey C. Brock is first Highland Parker in draft lottery. March 26, 1942. p. 1. HPP. List.
May Board 1 sends 35 to army (list) May 7, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
46 to be inducted May 28 from L.C. draft board (List) May 21, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
June 58 from local board inducted. June 25, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
July 458 men register Tuesday. 423 18 & 19 year olds registered. July 2, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Nine from Draft Board No. 1 to be inducted Monday. List. July 2, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
16 men from this area inducted. List. July 23, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Aug. 32 men from Draft Board 1 to be inducted Tuesday. Aug. 13, 1942.p. 1. List. HPP.
Twenty-two men to report for induction in Army Aug. 25. Aug. 20, 1942, p. 1. HPP. List.
Sept. Fifteen men to be inducted on Labor Day. List. Sept. 3, 1942. p.1 HPP
Draft Boards to eliminate Limited Service classes. Sept. 3, 1942, p. 3. HPP.
Draft Boards stop recruiting deferments. Sept. 17, 1942. p. 7. HPP.
Oct. Thirty-three men to be inducted into Army. (List). Oct.1,1942. p1 HPP
Induct 20 into Army from local Draft Board. List. Oct. 8,1942. p1 HPP
Local Draft Board sends colored men. Oct. 15, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Local Draft Board to send 40 men on Friday, Oct. 23. Oct. 22, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Thirty-six men to be drafted on Oct. 29. List. Oct. 29, 1942. p1 HPP
Nov. 29 men to be inducted. List. Nov. 5, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Local draft board releases list of nineteen names. Nov. 26, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
Dec. 18-year old youths register for draft now. Dec. 17, 1942. p1. HPP.
18-year old youths register for draft now. Dec. 17, 1942. p5. HPN.
List young men to be drafted. Dec. 31, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
Jan. Thirty young men will be sent to induction center. List Jan. 7, 1943 p. 6. HPN
Order 26 men to report for induction into Army soon. Jan. 21, 1943. p. 6. HPN. List.
43 young men report for induction soon. Jan. 28, 1943. p3. HPN.
Feb. 27 report to local draft board soon. Feb. 4, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
Draft board releases names of 54 to be called. Feb. 18, 1943. p. 4 HPN
Mar. Draft board releases 39 names for induction. List. Mar. 4, 1943. p1 HPP
Apr. Childless men to be drafted. Apr. 15, 1943. p. 9. HPN.
May Draft boards to place fathers in class 1-A. May 13, 1943. p. 20 HPN
June Do not blame chairman of draft board for errors. June 17, 1943. p.1. HPP. and p. 7. HPN.
Forty-seven men inducted into service here. (List) June 24, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
July 18 inducted into service this week. July 1, 1943. p. 7 HPN
Two lists of draftees released by local board. July 15, 1943. p1 HPP
Aug. Forty-six men inducted into Armed Forces. Aug. 19, 1943. p1 HPP
Forty six men inducted from local board. Aug. 19, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Legion serves breakfast to draftees. Aug. 19, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Ask employers to hire men in three draft classes. Aug. 19, 1943. p18 HPN
Over 10,000 men registered with local draft board. Aug. 26, 1943. p16 HPN
Selective Service Comm. Photo, Board Members. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 16 HPN
Prepare detailed classification of available men. Sept. 9, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Sept. 16 men from local draft board report for induction. Sept. 2, 1943, p. 2. HPP.
31 men inducted into armed forces. Sept. 9, 1943. p. 2. HPP.
Prepare detailed classification of available men. Sept. 9, 1943 p5 HPN
Oct. Nine men are inducted into armed forces List. Oct. 7, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Four men inducted into Army Air Force. Oct. 14, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Nov. Draft delinquents listed. Nov. 4, 1943. p. 6. HPN.
18 men inducted into armed forces. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Dec. 18 high school boys to be inducted at end of semester. Dec.9, 1943 p. 1. HPP.
Dec. Seventeen youths to be inducted by end of semester. Dec. 23, 1943, p. 1. HPP.
1944 14 out of 19 men inducted into service are fathers. Jan. 13, 1944. p12 HPN
Mar. 37 men inducted into Army & Navy from local board. Mar. 2, 1944. p.1. HPP.
Apr. For physical exams, 130 local men (list) Apr. 6, 1944. p. 2. HPP.
134 men from local board report for physical exams. Apr. 6, 1944. p15 HPN
94 local men take pre-induction exams (list) Apr. 27, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
May 25 men report for pre-induction physical exams. May 11,1944. p. 6. HPP.
July 10 men inducted into Army from here. July 6, 1944. p.4. HPN.
Warn registrants in 26-37 brackets not to leave jobs. July 6, 1944 p.27 HPN
15 men from local board report for physical exams. July 13,1944. p.4 HPN
Sept. Five fathers inducted into service. Sept. 28, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Nov. Twelve men report for induction from local draft board. Nov. 16, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Sixteen report for pre-induction exams from local board. Nov. 23, 1944.p. 7. HPN.
1945 Eight young men inducted into service. List Feb. 15, 1945. p.20. HPN.
Mar. Eight young men inducted into service. List. Mar. 15, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Apr. Eight young men inducted into service. List. April 19, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
May Draft board in Highland Park inducts 15 men. May 24, 1945. p. 9. HPN.
June Draft 12 men into armed forces. June 21, 1945. p. 14. HPN.
July List Lake Cty. men inducted into service on July 9. July 19, 1945. p14 HPN.
Sept. Nine young men inducted into service. Sept. 13, 1945. p. 6. HPN.
Observe 20th anniversary of high school industrial course. July 5, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Observe 20th anniversary of high school industrial course. July 12, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Descendants of local pioneers honored. Mar. 9, 1944. p 1. HPP.
Idiosyncrasies of local characters. May 17, 1945. p. 3. HPP.
Jobless benefits paid during July down 82 percent. Aug. 19, 1943. p.29 HPN
Less than 3% get jobless benefits during 1943. Feb. 10, 1944. p. 24. HPN.
War against inflation is not over declares Women (sic) Voters League. Nov. 1, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
America's strength and Highland Park. Oct. 8, 1942. p. 2. HPN.
Who did the damage? (Vandalism at Deerfield H.S.) June 17, 1943. p. 27. HPN.
A column titled: "Up to Now" appears weekly in the Highland Park Press in 1944 dealing with topics relative to the war effort.
Education in Illinois far behind the times. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
1942 Light vote cast in primary election. April 16, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
July First of articles on registration. July 2, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Tax election in district. July 16, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Foresee rush at vote desk. July 23, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
1187 voters register Monday. July 30, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Oct. Be sure to register before Tuesday, Oct. 6. Sept. 17, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Nov. Republican victorious in county by 2 to 1 majority. Nov. 5, 1942. p. 3. HPN.
1943No mayoralty contest in city primary election. Jan. 28, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Jan. City primary elections to be held March 2. Jan. 28, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Feb Resolution to cancel primary election. Feb. 11, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Primary election cancelled due to lack of candidates. Feb. 11, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Mar. Four city elections to be held April 6, 10, 20. Mar. 25, 1943. p1 HPP.
Apr. Three elections scheduled for Highland Park in April. Mar. 25, 1943 p3 HPN
Highland Park citizens to vote six times in April. Apr.1, 1943. p. 13. HPN
Re-elect supervisor Steele by a majority of 620 votes. Apr. 8,1943 p3 HPN
Municipal election will be held Tuesday Apr. 20. Apr. 15, 1943. p1 HPP
J. B. Garnett elected mayor. Apr. 22, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Joseph B. Garnett elected mayor by 3 to 1 majority. Apr. 22, 1943. p3 HPN
Nov. State legislative members invited to League (of Women Voters) reception. Nov. 11, 1943. p. 4. HPN
1944 Discuss possibility of caucus system. Jan. 6, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Apr. Unusually quiet primary campaign culminates Tuesday. Apr. 6, 1944. p1 HPP
Lack of contest causes light vote. Apr. 13, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Committee to make report on study of caucus system. Apr. 20, 1944. p1 HPP
May Plan town meeting to vote on caucus system for elections. May 4, 1944. p5 HPN
Town meeting next fall to decide upon caucus system. May 4, 1944. p1 HPP.
Aug. Local groups act to protect votes of military personnel. Aug. 24, 1944. p. 1 HPP.
Committee formed to aid in voting for soldiers. Aug. 24, 1944. p.3. HPN.
Nov. Biggest local GOP vote seen-4th term issue will probably bring rush to polls. Nov. 2, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Heaviest vote in history cast by Highland Parkers. Nov. 9, 1944. p.3. HPN.
1945 Committee discusses plan for March town meeting. Feb. 1, 1945 p3 HPN
Feb. Origin of city's caucus system plan explained. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 5. HPN
Citizens will consider a city-wide caucus system. Feb. 8, 1945. p.1 HPP
Caucus plan is major project of local council. Feb. 15, 1945. p.5 HPN.
Further discussion of city-wide caucus system. Feb. 15, 1945, p. 1., Feb. 22, 1945. p. 1., Mar. 1, 1945. p. 1. all: HPP.
Background of caucus plan is discussed. Feb. 22, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Mar. Concern develops over caucus project. Mar. 1, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Committee for free elections is organized. Mar. 1, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Resolution is offered against caucus plan. Mar. 8, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Open letter regarding caucus question. Mar. 8, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Open letter asks public to study caucus plan. Mar. 8, 1945, p. 1. HPP.
Mass meeting adopts free elections resolution. Mar. 8, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Town meeting on Mar. 22 to consider caucus plan. Mar. 15, 1945. p. 3. HPN
Urge city-wide hearings before caucus adoption. Mar. 15, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Ask caucus vote delay until service men return. Mar. 15, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
City-wide hearings on caucus plans suggested. Mar. 15, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Caucus plan fails to pass town meeting. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Apr. School elections will be held Saturday April 14. April 12, 1943. p1 HPP.
Results of school elections. April 19, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Large vote is cast in high school election. April 19, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Sept. Map: new voting precincts. Sept. 27, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Oct. New voting precincts for the park district of H.P. Oct. 4, 1945. p. 21 HPN
Dec. Publisher of H.P. News may run for Congress. Dec. 13, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
H. Y. Williams tells importance of 1946 elections. Dec. 13, 1945. p.7. HPN
4,000,000 men, women needed for work. Dec. 4, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Avoid shortage of labor by hiring college students. Aug. 20, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Marshall Field & Co. offers temporary jobs to 1-A men. Nov. 5, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Workers needed at once for civilian jobs. Dec. 24, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Jobless benefits paid during July down 82 percent. Aug. 19, 1943. p29 HPN
20,000 engineers in Illinois are affected by new law. Nov. 15, 1945. p1 HPP.
Eradication of weeds is state law. May 27, 1943. p. 26 HPN.
13th season is completed by mosquito board. Nov. 4, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Special meeting of shore and beach preservation planned. May 4, 1944. p17 HPN.
Save wild life (ed.) June 15, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Lake County egg producers nearing food for freedom goal. Dec. 24, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Column: "In the Nation's Service" begins July, 1942. HPN
"I'm in the Army Now" by Whitt N. Schultz appears weekly in Highland Park Press
Book column: "The Constant Reader" by Ellen Saltonstall begins in Highland Park Press. Nov. 16, 1944. p. 32.
"They're out of the army" now column begins appearing in fall, 1945. Lists returning veterans.
Congressional Observer column appears Oct. 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Voter League Notes column appears Oct. 1945.
1944 3 departments battle fire in Highwood garage. Jan. 13, 1944. p3. HPN.
Central Ave. fire causes $10,000 damages. June 15, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Fire at National Brick Co. causes $30,000 in damage. Sept. 28, 1944 p. 3. HPN.
Local firemen kept busy during week with fires. Nov. 23, 1944. p. 5. HPN
1945 Firemen extinguish 20 grass fires in eight-hour period. Mar. 15, 1945.p. 3. HPN.
17 grass fires in one week here. Mar. 22, 1945. p. 13. HPN.
73 grass fires in one month. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 30 HPN
Grass fire in open lot causes death of Peter Malipelli. April. 5, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Fireman answer 12 grass fire calls. April 12, 1945. p. 10. HPN.
Bolt of lightning causes serious fire at athletic field house. June 7, 1945.p. 3. HPN.
90% loss to insurance companies in all fires in city. July 12, 1945. p5 HPN
Fire destroys three-quarters of Highland Park U.S.O. building. Dec. 6, 1945 p. 3. HPN.
Editorial on above story: Dec. 6, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Florsheim to open home for Russian War Relief benefit. Aug. 27, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Shoe executive directs flow of invasion supplies. July 27, 1944. p.8. HPN
See also: Gardens
Meal of the future served by Ft. Sheridan C&B School (Cooks & Bakers). (Dehydrated foods) July 22, 1943. p. 7. HPN.
Processing plant in North Chicago opens this week. July 22, 1943. p8 HPN
Balance victory garden crops with food needs. July 29, 1943. p. 16 HPN
With peace, civilian can anticipate new canned food soon. Nov. 8, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
1941 Fall maneuvers ahead, Fort Sheridan preparing. Aug. 21,1941. p.7 HPP
Sept. Fort Sheridan to get new Red Cross Field Building. Sept. 18, 1941.p. 4. HPP.
Oct. 4,000 see Joe Louis box at Fort. Oct. 16, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Dedicate chapel at Reception Center. Oct. 23, 1941. p. 2. HPP.
Selectee, Lt. R. Randle, gets officer rating. Oct. 23, 1941. p. 2. HPP.
Military show at Fort Sheridan will start Friday. Oct. 30, 1941. p1 HPP.
1942 What's doing at Fort Sheridan (weekly column) March 12, 1942. p3. HPP.
Mar. Rooms needed for guests at Fort. March 19, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Aug. 41 graduating from Transport School at Ft. Sheridan. Aug. 20, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Sept. City donates old gun to Ft. Sheridan for salvage purposes. Sept. 10,1942. p. 1. HPP.
New type of buildings at Fort save war material. Sept. 17, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Young Indian (Thos. B. Young) walks 45 miles to reach Ft. Sheridan. Sept. 24, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Oct. Biggest Army man (William Ford) serving at Fort now. Oct. 22, 1942. p. 28. HPN.
Nov. First contingent of WAACs arrive at Fort next month. Nov. 5, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
Fort Sheridan is 55 years old today. Nov. 19, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Fort Sheridan is 55 years old today. Nov. 19, 1942. p. 14. HPN.
Dec. Inspection tour made of new WAAC Headquarters. Dec. 3, 1942. p. 9. HPN.
1943 Hostess house at Fort being razed for salvage. Jan. 28, 1943. p.3 HPN
Apr. Golf course is given Fort Sheridan by Mrs. B. J. Rosenthal. Apr. 22,1943. p. 1. HPP.
Col. F. C. Rogers is commanding officer at Fort. Apr. 1, 1943. p.5. HPN
History and meaning of Army Day. Apr. 1, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Golf course is given Ft. Sheridan by Mrs. Rosenthal. Apr. 22, 1943. p. 20 HPN
May Col. Distelhorst assumes command at Fort Sheridan. May 20, 1943. p. 3. HPN
June Warn lake craft of lake shooting. June 17, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Col. J. Rhett assumes command of Ft. Sheridan. June 17, 1943. p.3. HPN
Recruit center at Ft. Sheridan opens. June 24, 1943. p. 8. HPN.
Oct. Ft. Sheridan becomes ASF (Armed Services Facility) Oct. 7, 1943. p5 HPN
Four new units move into Ft. Sheridan. Oct. 14, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Nov. Fort Sheridan newspaper renamed "The Tower" Nov. 11, 1943. p2 HPP
Ft. Sheridan newspaper now "The Tower". Nov. 11, 1943. p. 12. HPN
Every soldier at Fort to receive Xmas stocking. Nov. 18, 1943. p3 HPP
Every soldier at Fort to receive Xmas stocking. Nov. 25, 1943 p12 HPN
Refugees at Ft. Sheridan surprised at campaign. Nov. 25, 1943. p.28 HPN
Refugees at Fort surprised at new campaign. Nov. 18, 1943, p. 1. HPP
Two WAC companies fill essential jobs at Fort Sheridan. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Army site may become state park (Dunes Park) Nov. 25, 1943. p1. HPP
Dec. Five medals are awarded soldiers at Ft. Sheridan. Dec. 9, 1943. p30 HPN
1944 Review progress of past year at Ft. Sheridan Jan. 6, 1944. p. 5. HPN
Jan Salvage critical war materials at Ft. Sheridan. Jan. 6, 1944. p9 HPN
Speakers' bureau being formed at Fort. Jan. 6, 1944. p. 30. HPN.
Orchids to genial Gray Ladies at Fort Sheridan. Jan.13, 1944. p1 HPP
Former commanding officer Maj. Gen. Homer, given high award. Jan. 27, 1944, p. 24. HPN.
Feb. History of Fort Sheridan (ed.) Feb. 24, 1944. p. 23. HPN.
Booklet commemorates Fort anniversary. Feb. 24, 1944. p.16. HPN.
Mar. Blazing barracks at Ft. Sheridan fatal to veteran sergeants. Mar. 16, 1944, p. 2. HPP.
Transfer Sheridan's rehabilitation center. Mar. 30, 1944. p. 27 HPN.
Apr. New chaplain appointed at Fort Sheridan. Apr. 6, 1944. p. 6. HPN.
Convalescent program started at Sheridan. Apr. 20, 1944. p. 18. HPN.
Reconditioning program instituted at Fort Sheridan. Apr. 20, 1944. p2 HPP
Youngsters warned (re: PW signs on jackets) Apr. 27, 1944. p. 1. HPP
Explain present function of Fort as service center. Apr. 17, 1944 p3 HPP
May Announce arrival of German prisoners at Ft. Sheridan. May 18, 1944. p4. HPN
Maintain constant vigil on sanitary conditions at fort. May 18, 1944 p.22. HPN.
July Sergeant retires after serving 30 years (Alexander Guenette) July 6, 1944. p. 4. HPP.
Fort Sheridan now designated as personnel center. July 6, 1944. p.13. HPN
Start new method of training at Fort. July 6, 1944. p. 18. HPN
New Catholic chaplain added to staff at Fort. July 13, 1944. p.6. HPN
German prisoners operate shop at Fort Sheridan. July 13, 1944. p. 4. HPP.
German war prisoners maintain shop at Fort . July 20, 1944. p.6 HPN.
Start separation center at Fort for discharged men. July 27, 1944 p. 15. HPN
Aug. Fort Sheridan scene of new activity. Aug. 3, 1944. p. 4. HPP.
Soldiers are released from Army in 48 hours at Fort Sheridan. Aug. 31,1944. p. 5. HPN.
Col. G. H. Cushman new commanding officer at Fort. Aug. 31, 1944. p33 HPN.
Sept. Fort Sheridan WAC detachment departs for undisclosed post. Sept. 21, 1944. p.5. HPN.
Oct. Sheridan becomes headquarters for newly formed area. Oct. 12, 1944 p. 23 HPN.
Dec. Local volunteers decorate trees at Ft. Sheridan. Dec. 14, 1944. p.15 HPN
Profit shown in Victory Gardens at Ft. Sheridan. Dec. 14, 1944. p.28 HPN
German prisoners at Ft. Sheridan return to work. Dec. 21, 1944.p. 5. HPN.
1945 Ft. Sheridan in charge of P.W. camps. Jan. 18, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
Feb. Increase capacity at Ft. Sheridan's hospital. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 25. HPN.
Ft. Sheridan volunteers plan spring housecleaning. Feb. 15, 1945. p12. HPN
Work done by German PWs brings nearly $90,000 into treasury. Feb. 22, 1945. p. 32 HPN.
Mar. Ft. Sheridan volunteers working on curtains. Mar. 22, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Garden Club prepares for Easter at Fort. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
Ft. Sheridan volunteers decorate chapels for Easter. Mar. 29,1945. p46. HPN
May General who signed surrender papers (Gen. W.B. Smith) formerly at Fort. May 10, 1945. p. 8. HPN.
Sheridan discharges 3203 officers, men. June 14, 1945. p. 31 HPN.
Houses needed by civilians at Ft. Sheridan. June 14, 1945. p. 31. HPN
Brigadier Gen. Pierce is commanding officer at Fort. June 21, 1945. p. 6. HPN.
450 men a day being discharged at Ft. Sheridan June 28, 1945. p13 HPN
June Transformation of soldier to civilian. June 14, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Veterans handled with speed and fairness at separation center. June 21, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Brigadier Gen. John T. Pierce in command at Fort. June 21, 1945 p. 1. HPP
July Brig. Gen. John T. Pierce receives medal of honor. July 19, 1945. p. 1 HPP.
Aug. Ft. Sheridan still in need of help. Aug. 30. 1945. p. 4. HPP.
Oct. Teachers needed to aid GIs at Fort Sheridan. Oct.11, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Nov. Auction sale of many surplus items at Ft. Sheridan. Nov. 8, 1945. p4 HPP
Record number of men discharged at Fort. Nov. 15, 1945. p. 28 HPN.
Clerical employees urgently needed at Fort. Nov. 22, 1945. p. 8. HPN.
Civilian employees (sic) urgently needed at Fort Sheridan. Nov. 22, 1945 p. 4. HPP.
$33.000 worth of scrap materials salvaged at Fort. Nov. 22, 1945. p19 HPN.
Surplus items on sale at Fort. Nov. 22, 1945. p. 20 HPN.
1941 Flower shows for benefit of U.S.O. July 31, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Awards at flower show. Aug. 14, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
North Shore Garden Club celebrates 25 years. Aug. 14, 1941. p.1.HPP.
1942 Garden convention (Men's Garden Clubs) here June 25-28. June 18, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Garden convention at Moraine. June 25, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Men's Garden Club Victory Show. to be wartime project. Sept. 3, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
1943 Victory garden forms committee to aid Deerfielders. Feb. 25, 1943 p. 24 HPN.
Men gardeners suggest law to protect flowers. Apr. 8,1943. p.16. HPN
Balance victory garden crops with food needs. July 29, 1943. p. 16. HPN.
Report of the committee for food and gardens. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 24 HPN
Ask Victory Gardeners to share surplus. Sept. 2, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
Victory Garden festival opens Thursday night. Sept. 9, 1943. p. 5 HPN
Local Men's Garden Club wins top honors at show. Sept. 16, 1943. p3 HPN
1945 Announce weed killer at Men's Garden meeting. Jan. 18, 1945. p. 3. HPN
Give history of memorial garden sponsored by men. June 7, 1945. p5 HPN
Photo of memorial garden. Cover. June 14, 1945. HPN.
Highland Park Rose week to be observed June 17-14. June 14, 1945. p. 45 HPN.
Victory garden groups plan to exhibit at show. Aug. 9, 1945. p. 3. HPN
Leading horticulturists to judge at war garden show. Aug. 16,1945. p5 HPN
1082 exhibits in Men's War Garden show. Sept. 6, 1945. p.3 HPN.
Joseph B. Garnett elected mayor by 3 to 1 majority. April 22, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Thank you statement from mayor to volunteers on the Home Front. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 4.HPN.
Gas instruction to be given at Civilian Defense meeting. Sept. 24, 1942. p. 1. HPP
21 men enrolled in Chicago's flying squadron. Sept. 4, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Capt. Montgomery commanding officer at Glenview. July 29, 1943. p24 HPN
WAVES take over positions as radio operators at Glenview. Aug. 5, 1943. p. 24. HPN.
These are M-days (moving) at Glenview Station. June 22,1944. p17. HPN
Supervisor's report town of Deerfield, Mar. 29, 1945. p.31. HPN
Supervisor's report town of west Deerfield. Mar. 29, 1945. p.33 HPN
Financial statement of township school treasurer. Aug. 2, 1945. p16 HPN
Navy recruits go through training. (Photo) July 24, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Navy starts recruiting here. Nov. 20, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Major Larson to speak at Lion's meeting. March 12, 1942. p. 1. HPP
Cooks-bakers needed at naval training station. March 12, 1942. p6 HPP
Capt. Frank Lowry assumes command at Great Lakes. Dec. 3, 1942. p.6 HPN
Serious housing problem for officers at Great Lakes. June 17, 1943. p. 1. HPP. & p. 3 HPN
Adm. Downes to be retired after 46 years in Navy. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 13 HPN
Starvation teas being given to aid Greeks. Nov. 5, 1942. p.11. HPN.
GREEN, DWIGHT (Governor, State of Illinois)
Governor Green to speak at U.S.O. dedication. Jan. 8, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Announce second class of rifle marksmanship. Jan. 14, 1943. p3 HPN.
Want to learn to shoot? Classes at local club. Jan. 22, 1942. p.1. HPP.
Applications still open for civilian instruction in shooting. Jan. 29, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Marksmanship classes organized by Lake County C.O.D. ( Commission on Defense). April 30, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
O.C.D. (Office of Civilian Defense) course in rifle and pistol shooting completed by 1,100. Aug. 20, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
City donates old gun to Ft. Sheridan for salvage purposes. Sept. 10, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Movies on rifle instruction to be shown on range. Apr. 1, 1943. p1. HPP.
Rifle classes re announced by club and OCD. July 29, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Highland Park has a civilian defense marksmanship school. Aug. 26, 1943, p. 29 HPN.
John E., Long elected president of Rifle, Pistol Club. Feb. 3, 1944. p1. HPP.
Large enrollment at Winnetka's school for the blind. June 11, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
War courses offered at school for blind. June 24, 1943. p. 24 HPN
Winnetka school sends out lessons to 1225 blind. July 29,1943. p3 HPP.
Winnetka school sends out lessons to 1225 blind. July 29, 1943. p10 HPN
HASTINGS, SAMUEL M. (H.P. Mayor 1915-1928)
S. M. Hastings dies at age 82. Photo. Oct. 29, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Former mayor S. M. Hastings dies at age 81. Oct. 29, 1942. p3 HPN.
1941 Tuberculosis increases shown during wartime. Dec. 18,1941. p.7. HPP *Note: This page appears after page 6 of the December 25, 1941, edition of the Highland Park Press, out of sequence for some reason.
1942 Army in better war time health than ever before. Dec. 10, 1942. p4 HPP
1943 City's two polio victims reported much improved. Sept. 30, 1943. p4 HPN
1944 Appoint director of Hospital Care. Mar. 16, 1944. p. 8. HPN.
League committee studying health conditions. June 1, 1944. p.26. HPN.
District health officer releases paralysis figures July 27, 1944 p12 HPN
Report given by executive secretary of TB Assn. July 27, 1944. p24 HPN
Miracle of blood plasma is proven in all war zones. Aug. 17, 1944 p.24. HPN.
Supervisors deny petition for county health department. Sept. 21, 1944 p. 30. HPN.
Supervisors refuse plea for health department. Sept. 21, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Christmas seals to purchase X-ray unit (for county Tuberculosis Sanitarium).Dec. 7, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Blue Cross Plan to be sponsored by local hospital. Dec. 23, 1943. p. 4. HPP.
Hospital plan now available to small firms. Dec. 23, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
1941 Coordinating council asked to help solve soldier problem here. Jan. 9, 1941. p. 20. HPP.
Jan. To meet January 23 to discuss solder recreation problem. Jan. 16, 1941. p. 20. HPP.
Feb. New traffic code for Highland Park. Feb. 13, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Mar. Council passes new traffic code. March 13, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
New subdivision problems discussed. March 13, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
June W. Fred Gallagher heads Park Board. June 12, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
H.P. Chapter USO started this week. June 12, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
July Denies general garbage rate increase. July 7, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Farina granted injunction. July 31, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Scavenger control certain. July 31, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Clavey wants lights. July 31, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Oct. To hold town meeting November fifth. Oct. 16, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Nov. City designated as defense area by War Dept. Nov. 13, 1941. p.4 HPP
Dec. Thousand servicemen our guests over Xmas holiday. Dec. 11, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
1942 City vehicle license a must by March 1. Feb. 19, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
June Special program planned for open meeting at Council. June 11, 1942 p. 1. HPP.
Aug. City trucks to pick up tin for salvage. Aug. 6, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Lake County war savings program to be launched here. Aug. 27, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Sept. City donates old gun to Ft. Sheridan for salvage purposes. Sept. 10, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Mayor informed that (War Production) Board cannot grant road assistance aid. Sept. 17, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
1943 Permit not issued for construction work on Johns. Jan. 7, 1943. p7 HPN
Mar. Highland Park sets records in war bond sale. Mar. 18, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Park Board explains functions, limitations. Mar. 18, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Apr. What is a municipal recreation system. Apr. 1, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Municipal recreation system is explained. Apr. 1,1943. p.Ê3. HPN.
Complain of water entering basements at council meeting. Apr. 8, 1943. p. 6. HPN.
Why we need a municipal recreation system. Apr. 8, 1943. p1. HPP.
J.B. Garnett elected mayor by 3 to 1 majority. Apr. 22, 1943. p. 3. HPN
May Town meeting on elementary school survey to be held. May 20, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Coordinating council plans day camp at Sunset Park. May 27, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
June Highland Park estimates damage in mock air raid. June 3, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
To investigate apartment on St. Johns. June 24, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
July Mayor appoints members of new recreation commission. July 29, 1943 p. 3. HPN.
Aug. Organizations show they are aiding the war effort. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 3 HPN
Highland Park Community Center helps initiate war effort. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 18 HPN.
Sept. 75th birthday to be observed here on March 11. Sept. 30, 1943. p.3. HPN.
Oct. United community-war fund campaign opened. Oct. 7, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
47% of total campaign goal reached in drive. Oct. 14,1943. p. 3. HPN.
Two photos: planning celebration of 75th anniversary of Highland Park. Oct. 28, 1943. p. 9. HPN.
Dec. City caucus plan presented to coordinating council. Dec. 9, 1943. p. 1. HPP
1944 Weigh merits of caucus plan with regards to election. Jan. 6, 1944. p1. HPP
Ask all clubs to prepare for 75th anniversary. Jan. 13, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Club histories to be prepared for H.P.News. Jan. 20,. 1944. p. 3. HPN.
City's diamond jubilee plans taking shape. Jan. 27, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Feb. Definite tasks given workers of jubilee issue. Feb. 3, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Anniversary edition of News highlights city's 75th anniversary. Feb. 24, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Mar. Radio announcer to honor 75th anniversary of this city. Mar.2,1944. p1 HPP (Patsy Gallicchio)
Radio program will honor city on 75th anniversary. Mar. 2, 1944. p.4. HPN.
Mar. 11 marks 75th anniversary of Highland Park. Mar. 9, 1944. p.1 HPP
Descendants of local pioneers honored. Mar. 9, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Apr. Paper salvage to buy snow plow for city. Apr. 13, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Paper salvage proceeds to buy new snow plow. Apr. 13, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
May Ald. Muzzarelli resigns from city council. May 25, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
June H.P. recreation board in operation June 1. June 1, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Aug. Controversy in progress between citizens, Hawthorn Mellody. Aug. 3, 1944, p. 3. HPN.
Oct. Photo: plaque showing names of police officers who are/were veterans. Oct. 12, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Dec. Highland Park scheduled for $64,000 airport. Dec. 7, 1944. p.7 HPN.
1945 Committee discusses plans for March 22 town meeting. 2-1-1945 p3 HPN
Feb. Proceeds from paper salvage buys snow plow for city. Feb. 15, 1945. p3 HPN
Citizens will consider a city-wide caucus system. Feb. 8, 1945. p.l HPP
Further discussion of city-wide caucus system. Feb. 15, 1945. p. 1., Feb. 22, 1945. p. 1., Mar. 1, 1945. p. 1. all: HPP.
Mar. Concern develops over caucus project. Mar. 1, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Open letter asks public to study caucus plan. Mar. 8, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Mass meeting adopts free elections resolution. Mar. 8, 1945, p. 1. HPP.
Ask caucus vote delay until service men return. Mar. 15, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
City wide hearing on caucus plan suggested. Mar. 15, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
April Largest tax foreclosure suit filed against local property owners. April 5, 1945. p. 8. HPN.
Army of pests (Japanese beetles) have invaded city. April 12,1945. p3 HPN
General committee head appointed by Mayor Garnett. June 7, 1945. p. 7. HPN.
Annual appropriation bill. June 21, 1945. p. 23. HPN.
Aug. Improvements needed at North Western depot site. Aug. 2, 1945. p.1 HPP.
Public beach for south Highland Park. Aug. 2, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Asks $75,000 for public beach. Aug. 9, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Referendum will decide beach expansion project. Aug. 9, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Beach improvement needed (Letter to editor) Aug. 9, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
'Peace brings plans for future" Mayor Garnett. Aug. 16, 1945. p.3. HPN.
Information regarding Highland Park Veterans' Memorial. Aug. 23, 1945 p. 1. HPP.
$100,000 goal set for Veterans; Memorial Fund. Aug. 23, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Rosenwald property now available for additional park expansion. Aug. 23,1945. p. 1. HPP.
Citizens favor proposed Veterans Memorial plan. Aug. 23, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Sept. Veterans Memorial will fill an immediate need. Sept. 6, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Oct. Additional improvements will not increase taxes. Oct. 4, 1945. p.1 HPP.
C of C sends letters to merchants (re: conservation and recycling of waste) March 5, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Open athletic unit at Community Center. March 6, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Fire station dedication set for Jan. 26. Jan. 16, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
New fire station holds open house Sunday, Jan. 26. Jan. 16, 1941. p5 HPP.
Dedicate fire station Sunday. Photo. Jan. 23, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Dedicate fire station. Jan. 23, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Dedication speakers. Photo. Jan. 30, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Fire chief praises ordinance prohibiting grass fires in city. Apr. 22,1943, p. 4. HPN.
Wm. J. Cummings retires from fire department after 33 years. Aug. 19, 1943. p.3. HPN (1915 photo)
Auxiliary fire department. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 16. HPN.
Edward Hoskins retires as chief after 25 years. Nov. 18, 1942. p4 HPN
Edward C. Hoskins, popular fire chief, retires Dec. 1. Nov. 18, 1943. p1 HPP
Plan historical society. Mar. 9, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
1941 Two babies born New Year's Eve. Jan. 2, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Apr. H.P. Hospital gets modern equipment. April 10, 1941. p. 11. HPP.
Hospital provides examining rooms. April 10, 1941. p. 11. HPP..
May Woman's Auxiliary celebrates birthday (20) May 8, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
June 25,000th patient at H.P. Hospital. June 26, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Aug. Local hospital has respirator (iron lung) Aug. 28, 1941. p1 HPP.
1942 Highland Park Hospital ready for blackout. Feb. 26, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
June 11 children born in Highland Park Hospital last week. June 11, 1942 p. 8. HPP.
Announce arrival of six infants at Highland Park Hospital. June 18, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
1943 Hospital will mark 25th anniversary on July 14, 1943. p.1. HPP.
Anniversary to be observed by hospital July 14. June 24, 1943.p. 3. HPN.
July Hospital observes 25 years of service to community. July 8, 1943. p. 1. HPP
Hospital observes 25th anniversary on July 14. July 8, 1943. p3. HPN.
Special insert re H.P. Hospital history. July 8, 1943. pp15-- HPN
Aug. Highland Park Hospital aids service men, wives, geared to war effort. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 24. HPN.
Sept. Highland Park Hospital reaches new high in births. Sept.23, 1943. p1 HPP
Oct. 5,000th baby born here. Oct. 21, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Senior service scouts. Oct. 28, 1943. p. 12. HPN.
Supt. Marjorie Ibsen makes annual report. Oct. 28, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Blue Cross Plan to be sponsored by local hospital. Dec. 23, 1943. p4 HPP.
1944 Omit celebration on Hospital Day. May 11, 1944. p. 2. HPP.
May Outline work of hospital during three war years. May 11, 1944. p.3 HPN
Oct. No official conclusion yet reached in hospital investigation. Oct. 26, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Nov. Return verdict of cause unknown in death of babies. Nov. 30, 1944. p.3. HPN.
Dec. Hospital auxiliary acts as hospital volunteers. Dec. 14, 1944. p. 4. HPP.
1945 Hospital Board elects officers, reads reports. Nov. 22, 1945. p. 3. HPN
Special insert on H.P. Hospital's history. July 8, 1943. pp15-- HPN.
1941 New record system for police department. Jan. 2, 1941. p. 5.
(Rex) Andrew (Chief of Police) author of three publications. Jan. 2, 1941. p. 9. HPP.
New record system proving valuable to police department. Jan. 13, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Police department solves burglary. Sept. 4, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Improvements in city police department given. Sept. 4, 1941. p6 HPP.
1942 Highland Park has 60 active auxiliary police. May 21, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
1943 Police declare war on old man winter. Jan. 14, 1943. p. 8. HPN
Police Chief Kopp celebrates 20th year on force. Apr. 29, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Ask police to report building to zoning committee. Nov. 19, 1943. p1. HPP.
1944 Police officer William Thomas accidentally shot. Sept. 14, 1944. p3 HPN
Photo: plaque showing police officers who are/were war veterans. Oct. 12, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
1945 Chief Kopp gives warning regarding boys hitchhiking. Feb. 1, 1945 p4 HPN
Frank Belmonti, patrolman, wins award for heroism. April 12,1945. p11 HPN.
Tribute to Highland Park Police Dept. (Letter to editor) July 19, 1945. p1 HPP.
Two officers resume police positions. Nov. 8, 1945. p. 3. HPN
1942 Early texts on display at library. Sept. 17, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
Library to open branch in Ravinia. Nov. 26, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Branch station opened by library. Nov. 26, 1942. p. 12. HPN.
1943 Ravinia library (branch) June 3, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park Public Library column, re: Ravinia branch. July 8, 1943. p. 12 HPN.
New library hours (due to war) Oct. 14, 1943. p. 8. HPN.
1944 Highland Park Public Library column, re: Ravinia branch. Jan. 6, 1944, p. 3. HPP.
New flower prints at public library. Aug. 3, 1944. p. 3. HPP.
Photo: front facade. Cover. Sept. 14, 1944. HPN.
Samplers exhibit at Highland Park Library. Oct. 5, 1944. p. 4. HPP.
Books donated to library in memory of Frank Venning. Nov. 16, 1944. p.4. HPN.
Frank Venning memorial at H.P. Library. Nov. 23, 1944. p. 3. HPP.
1945 Seek old book at library: "2002: Child Life One Hundred Years From Now" by Laura D. Fessenden. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Show musical instruments at public library. May 17, 1945. p.3 HPP.
Books at library will aid soldiers in return to life as civilians. Aug. 16, 1945. p. 3. HPP.
Vets' committee moves office to local library. Sept. 20, 1945. p3. HPN
Local librarian (Inger Boye) assists in choosing books for buying list. Nov. 1, 1945. p. 23. HPP.
Add college bulletins to local library shelves. Dec. 20, 1945. p5. HPN.
Highland Park Service Men's Club in new building. Jan.1,1942. p1 HPP
1941 Three parties seek election in Highwood. April 10, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Highwood Service Center opened. April, 10, 1941. p. 11. HPP.
Highwood U.S.O. dedicated Dec. 18. Dec. 11, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
1943 Master McGuffin rules garbage ordinance void. Apr. 15, 1943. p3 HPN.
Appoint Joe Torri to Highwood police. July 1, 1943. p.12. HPN.
Highwood tavern transformed into U.S.O. club. Sept. 2, 1943. p. 27 HPN
1944 For present, Highwood's Hollywood honeymoon is over. May 11,1944. p1 HPP
May All quiet on Highwood front--until Friday night. May 18,1944. p. 3. HPN.
June What will happen next? is question in Highwood. June 8, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
No business is accomplished at Highwood meeting. June 8, 1944. p15. HPN
Highwood quiet, Fiocchi improving, Torri on vacation. June 15, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Highwood goes all out to serve soldiers at USO. June 29, 1944. p. 21. HPN.
July Highwood mayor to name new chief July 21, July 13, 1944. p.3. HPN
Highwood Mayor Portilia appoints new police chief. (Chas. E. Singer) July 27, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Highwood to get new chief of police Aug. 1. July 27, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Aug Highwood council members still at cross purposes. Aug. 10, 1944. p1 HPP
Highwood aldermen authorize purchase of new fire truck. Aug. 10, 1944.p. 4. HPN.
Highwood police chief will get his salary. Aug. 24, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Nov. Highwood man serves as interpreter in Italy. (Mario Carrafi) Nov. 16, 1944 p. 3. HPP
Highwood soldier in charge of Italian laborers overseas. (Mario Caraffi) Nov. 16, 1944. p. 22. HPN.
Highwood tavern case ends with another continuance. Nov. 16, 1944. p5 HPN.
Hearing in Highwood tavern case opens and closes again. Nov. 23, 1944. p5. HPN.
1945 Torri resigns from Highwood police force. Jan. 11, 1945. p 5 HPN
N. Ori reports on Highwood caucus. Jan. 18, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
Jan. People's Committee names Highwood candidates. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 1. HPP
Highwood tavern owner Snavely loses license appeal, Jan 25,1945 p1 HPN
City of Highwood to hold election of officials Apr. 17. Jan. 25,1945 p5 HPN
Feb. Tavern owner fails to present any new evidence. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 7. HPN.
Name five points for platform of People's part. Feb. 15, 1945. p. 16. HPN.
Highwood council members to study tavern ordinance. Feb. 22,1945. p5 HPN
Mar. Candidates named by Highwood People's Party are all family men. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Place gold stars on Highwood's honor roll. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 46 HPN.
Apr. Highwood recreation plan backed by Congressmen. April 5, 1945. p1 HPP.
Take action to secure community house for Highwood. April 5,1945 p4 HPN
Arrest Snavely, tavern owner, for selling without license. Apr. 5, 1945. p. 7. HPN
Musatto (Thomas) defeats Portilia for post of Highwood mayor. April 19, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
T. Mussatto elected mayor of Highwood. April 19, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
May Mayor Musatto of Highwood appoints officials for city. May 3,1945. p3 HPN
Quiet observance in Highwood (V-E day) May 10, 1945. p. 8. HPN.
New city council of Highwood holds initial meeting. May 10,1945. p. 9. HPN
Highwood tavern owner Snavely found guilty. May 17, 1945. p. 24. HPN
June New fire truck with latest equipment bought by Highwood. June 7, 1945. p. 7 HPN
Aug. City of Highwood approves plans for public playgrounds. Aug. 23, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Sept. Highwood votes on purchase of park property. Sept. 13, 1945. p5 HPN
Oct. Highwood will discuss park project Oct. 24,. Oct. 18, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Mayor Mussatto asks citizens to approve park plans. Oct.18,1945. p5 HPN
Beach erosion menaces Highwood water plant. Oct. 25, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Highwood mayor appoints committee to save water plant. Oct. 25, 1945. p. 7. HPN.
Vote Saturday on Highwood's two park proposals. Nov. 1, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Highwood voters approve two park proposals. Nov. 8, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Hitler ...and retribution. May 10, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
1943 D.A.R. to hear history of city by Mrs. Sewall Truax. Jan. 7, 1943. p. 10. HPN.
How Deerfield got its name. Mar. 11, 1943. p. 26. HPN.
History and meaning of Army Day. Apr. 1, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
History of the Loesch family. May 20, 1943. p. 14. HPN.
The Old Town Hall (Deerfield) June 24, 1943. p. 27. HPN.
Highland Park Hospital history. Special insert. July 8, 1943. pp15- HPN.
Deerfield Road. Letter to the editor. July 29, 1943. p. 27. HPN.
1944 History of Fort Sheridan (ed.) Feb. 24, 1944. p. 23. HPN.
Descendants of local pioneers honored. Mar. 9, 1944. p. 1. HPP
History of Highland Park (booklet) following p.15. Mar. 9, 1944. HPN.
McCraren sisters have relics of Blackhawk War. Mar. 9, 1944. p.4. HPP.
Highland Park highlights of 25 years ago (1919) Mar. 30, 1944. p. 4. HPP
History of city's Thrift Shop given by Mrs. R. Swazey. Oct. 26, 1944. p. 7. HPN.
1945 Historic heirloom is presented to Boulton family. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 6. HPN
History of churches (local) Dec. 13, 1945. p. 22. HPN.
No Christmas lights. Nov. 26, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Capt. Wygent, U.S.N. is Legion Memorial Day speaker. May 24, 1945. p1 HPP
Organize company for home defense. Feb. 13, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
National Defense registration of vets. Feb. 20, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Release pamphlets on :Defense Housing: and foreign policy. Mar. 20, 1941. p. 26 HPP.
Formulate Highland Park's program for National Defense. April 3, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Moraine Hotel sold. March 27, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Moraine Hotel, sketch. April 3, 1941. cover. HPP.
Hotels receiving more permanent guests daily. Nov. 20,1941. p.3. HPP
New owner of Moraine Hotel explains plans. Jan. 21, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
W. E. Heller home featured in April issue of magazine. (American Home) (Architects: Yerkes and Grunsfeld) March 20, 1941. p. 16. HPP.
B. F. Lewis buys old Soefker farm. May 4, 1944. p. 32. HPN.
(Harry) Kunin home on Sheridan Rd. sold to Chicago couple. July 12, 1945 p. 19. HPN.
1942 Big demand for suburban residences. March 26, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Survey shows 98.5 percent of North Shore homes are occupied. March 26, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Transfer Housing Com. Service to local U.S.O. Sept. 17, 1942. p.1. HPP
1943 Travelers' Aid needs housing for families. June 10, 1943. p. 7. HPN.
1944 New regulations given for operators of rooming houses. June 1, 1944. p.1 HPP
1945 Highland Park U.S.O. calls housing situation grave. Jan. 18, 1945. p.. HPP.
USO appeals to home owners for rooms, apartments. Jan. 25, 1945 p5 HPN
Service mothers, children occupy home on Green Bay Rd. Apr. 5, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Living quarters greatly needed by service men's families. June 7, 1945. p. 6. HPN.
U.S.O. appeals to citizens for living quarters. Aug. 30, 1945. p5. HPN
Acute lack of housing continues at Fort Sheridan. Oct. 25, 1945. p.1. HPP
News running free "Wanted to Rent" ads for war veterans. Nov. 22, 1945. p. 12. HPN.
1943 Dunes may become Illinois State Park. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 28. HPN.
1945 Education in Illinois far behind the times. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Mar. Legislature flouts basic law, disfranchises voters. Mar. 1, 1945. p. 26 HPN
Legislature ignores growth of urban voting districts. Mar. 8,1945. p13.HPN
Failure to redistrict brings taxing inequalities. Mar. 22, 1945. p.10 HPN.
Apr Unrepresentative districts are politician's paradise. April 5, 1945. p18 HPN
Chicago elects congressmen; suburbs have no say. April 19, 1945. p10 HPN
Rural legislators defy all efforts to redistrict. April 26, 1945. p27 HPN
May Redistricting solution rests with all the people. May 3, 1945. p. 26. HPN
See: Polio
New insect repellent to be available soon. Aug. 9, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
Army of pests (Japanese beetles) have invaded city. April 12,1945. p3 HPN
Novel dog-confining contraption designed by Highland Parker. (A. J. Donahue) July 5, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
See: America First
Japanese submarine to be displayed in Highland Park. Aug. 5, 1943. p. 5. HPN
Honor medal awarded Dean of landscape architects, Jensen. Jan. 28, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
Award medal to Jensen next week. June 24, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
Focus interest on question of delinquency. Nov. 19, 1942. p. 11. HPN.
'Nightmare epic' of PT-109 crew features local lieutenant. (Ensign Henry Ross) Aug. 3, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
1942G. S. McGaughey named Lake County military lawyer. Jan. 1, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
May 46 to be inducted May 28 from L.C. draft board. List. May 21, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Aug. Lake County savings program to be launched here. Aug. 27, 1942. p1. HPP.
Nov. Poor farm, hospital is inspected by League of Voters. Nov. 12, 1942. p. 22. HPN.
Dec. Lake County egg producers nearing food for freedom goal. Dec. 24,1942. p. 16. HPN>
Lake County will furnish 3500 men for Army. Dec. 31, 1942. p.7. HPN
Lake County will furnish 3500 men for Army. Dec. 31, 1942. p.1 HPP.
1943 Lake County has over 6,000 in service. Mar. 18, 1943. p. 14 HPN.
Lake County residents offered free canning facilities. July 15, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
1942 taxes in county exceed those for 1941. Sept. 23, 1943. p. 30 HPN.
1944 Supervisors refuse plea for health department. Sept. 21, 1944. p1 HPP
Supervisors deny petition for county health department. Sept. 21, 1944. p. 30 HPN.
County health problem to be League topic. Oct. 19, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
County must double seal sale of last year for X-ray unit. Dec. 21, 1944. p.8. HPN.
1945 New mark set by tax payments in Lake County. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 7 HPN.
County leading in TB seals sales. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 16. HPN.
Lake County still leading in sales of Christmas seals. Feb. 1, 1945. p. 30. HPN.
13 Lake County towns to get new postoffices. Dec. 20, 1945. p1 HPP.
1941 What's wrong with this picture? July 31, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Is lake safe for swimming? Aug. 21, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Evanston to receive Grosse Point lighthouse. Nov. 20, 1941. p. 7 HPP.
1942 Life saving boat. Aug. 20,. 1942. p. 1. HPP.
1943 Warn lake craft of lake shooting (at Great Lakes Navel Training Station) June 17, 1943. p. 1. HPP
Warn lake craft of lake shooting. June 17, 1943. p. 28. HPN.
Park District sets date for beach opening. June 24, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Roger Williams Ave. beach closed. July 13,1943. p. 1. HPP.
Protection of lake line discussed here. Aug. 19, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Dunes may become Illinois State Park. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 28 HPN.
1944 Special meeting of shore and beach preservation planned. May 4, 1944. p.27. HPN
Great lakes bulk cargo fleet breaks all previous records. July 6, 1944 p.14. HPN.
1945 Small boats must shun lake's restricted area (Great Lakes Naval Station shoreline) Aug. 2, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Aug. Public beach for south Highland Park. considered. Aug. 2, 1945. p3 HPN
Restrict small boats from Great Lakes area. Aug. 2, 1945. p. 22. HPN
Park Commissioners plan enlarged beach facilities. Aug. 2, 1945. p1 HPP
Referendum will decide beach expansion project. Aug. 9, 1945. p1 HPP
Beach improvement needed (letter to editor) Aug. 9, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Asks $75,000 for public beach sought by local park board. Aug. 9, 1945.p. 5. HPN.
Rosenwald property now available for additional park expansion. Aug. 23,1945. p. 1. HPP.
Oct. Beach erosion menaces Highwood water plant. Oct. 25, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
W. E. Heller home featured in April issue of magazine (American Home) (Architects: Yerkes and Grunsfeld) March 20, 1941. p. 16. HPP.
LARSON, MAJOR ARNOLD C. (U.S. Marine Corps.)
Major Larson to speak at Lion's meeting. March 12, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Maurice Rothschild asks $10,000 for his wife's death. March 6,1941. p. 5. HPP.
1942 League of Women Voters pledges full war aid to nation. Jan. 1, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Mar. Women voters elect new officers soon. March 26, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
June LWV to meet to discuss inflation. June 18, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Aug. Delinquency to be studied by LWV. Aug. 27, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Sept. League upholds OPA (Office of Price Administration) in enforcing price ceiling. Sept. 10, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Oct. League School to survey county governments. Oct. 15, 1942. p12 HPN
Nov. Poor farm, hospital is inspected by League of Voters (sic). Nov. 12, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Poor farm, hospital is inspected by League of Voters. Nov. 12, 1942. p. 22. HPN.
League School to discuss reasons for delinquency. Nov. 26, 1942. p1 HPP.
Dec. League School told how to prevent delinquency. Dec. 10, 1942. p3 HPP
1943 Voters League stresses need of state school board. Jan. 21, 1943. p8 HPN.
Feb. Elementary school system to be subject of League meeting. Feb. 11, 1943. p. 10. HPN.
Oct. Delinquency (juvenile) to be discussed by League. Oct. 28, 1943. p. 7. HPN.
City of Libertyville originates use of scrap depositories. Sept. 24, 1942. p. 7. HPP.
Evanston to receive Grosse Point Lighthouse. Nov. 20, 1941. p7 HPP.
History of the Loesch family. May 20, 1943. p. 14. HPN.
Simon Loeschs observe 50th anniversary July 3. June 24, 1943. p.10 HPN
Mac Arthur to be honored Sunday. June 11, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
Mrs. Emanuel Mandel celebrates 94th birthday with party. Oct. 29, 1942. p. 10. HPN. (Mandel Dept. Stores)
Photo page. Mar. 2, 1944. p. 1. HPN.
Former mayor of city laid to rest. Jan. 11, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Former mayor of city, Emil Metzel, dies in Evanston. Jan 11, 1945 p3 HPN
Mischa Elman will display rare violin. Feb. 27, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Clarinet sextet of H.P. High School. Photo. March 27, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Members of high school orchestra. April 17, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Civic Chorus concert at Elm Place Friday. Nov. 20, 1941. p. 5. HPP. Photo.
Concert will mark 100th meeting of Community Orchestra. March 12, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Band concerts Sunday. March 26, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
War relief concert to be given at Ravinia Aug. 22. Aug. 13, 1942. p1 HPP
Highland Parker writes new Navy song: " They Can't Hold Our Navy Down" (Gene Singer) July 1, 1943. p. 6. HPN.
Donnerberger's daughter, Florence, makes opera debut. Aug.12,1943. p3 HPN
Announcement of the sale of the Highland Park Press. March 27, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Ivan N. Adair new publisher, makes statement. June 12,1941. p3. HPP.
H.P. (sic) News affiliated papers now members of quality group. Feb. 11, 1943. p. 6. HPN.
Large response postpones Service Men's issue. May 27, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Ft. Sheridan newspaper now called " The Tower" Nov. 11, 1943. p. 12. HPN
Art Howard to assume News management April 1. Feb. 24, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
News' jubilee edition to be issued Mar. 9. Mar. 2, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Mark 34th anniversary of the Highland Park Press. Mar. 9, 1944. p. 1. HPP
Compare headlines of Tribune at end of World War I (with V-E day ) May 10, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
News running free "Wanted to Rent: ads for war veterans. Nov. 22, 1945 p. 12. HPN.
1941 Highland Park is host to nurses (from Ft. Sheridan, Great Lakes) Nov. 20, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Nurses wanted at Veteran's Hospital. Dec. 11, 1941. p. 8, HPP.
1942 State nursing Council on Defense maps program. Jan. 8,1942. p6 HPP.
Nurses needed for Red Cross home nursing. March 5. 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Mrs. A. H. Spiegel heads Red Cross Nurse's Aide Corps. March 12, 1942 p3 HPP.
Red Cross needs volunteers in Nurse's Aide Corps. April 23,1942. p4 HPP
Red Cross calls for Nurses' Aides. May 14, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
Custodial officers and more nurses wanted. July 2,1 942. p. 8. HPP.
To recruit 3,000 nurses' aides in Chicago area. Sept. 17, 1942. p3. HPP
1943 Lack of nurses dangerous to Army: Gen. Somervell. Sept. 16, 1943. p17 HPN
1944 Red Cross objective is 3,000,000 nurses. Apr. 27, 1944. p. 2. HPP.
Drastic need for trained and volunteer nurses. Oct. 26, 1944. p. 1.HPP.
Day time recruits needed for Nurse's Aide Corps. Dec. 7, 1944. p.1. HPP.
Army calls for more graduate nurses. Dec. 7, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
1945 Need for trained nurses. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Jan. Imperative need for nurse aides. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Goal for Army nurses: 1,163. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Hope to recruit 1,163 nurses in Chicago area drive. Jan. 25, 1945. p30 HPN
Feb. Trained nurses respond to appeal from Red Cross. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
April Recruit nurses here for cadet nurse corps. April 19, 1945. p7. HPN.
Abbott, Edward. Feb. 24, 1944. p. 7. HPN
Abbott, Eleanor (Edward) Sept. 21, 1944. p.3. HPP& Sept. 21, 1944. p. 24. HPN.
Adams, William C. Dec. 11, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Adler, Harry S. Mar. 22, 1945. p. 11. HPN
Agnew, Rev. William. July 13, 1944. p. 20. HPN.
Ahrens, Louisa (Fred) Dec. 23, 1943. p. 4. HPP& Dec. 23, 1943. p16 HPN
Allan, Alexander. Nov,. 20, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Allen, Helen (Thomas) Jan. 29, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Alschuler, Mrs. Nellie. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Nov. 25, 1943. p. 30 HPN
Altman, Frank, Aug. 24, 1944 p. 3. HPN.
Anderson, Carl. Nov. 8, 1945. p. 4. HPP & NOV. 8, 1945. P. 5. HPN.
Anderson, Clara. (William) Nov. 18, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Nov.18,1943. p30 HPN
Anderson, Violet. Aug. 28, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Anspach, Nathan. Dec. 20, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
Anspach, Sadie (Nathan) June 28, 1945. p. 3. HPP & June 28, 1945 p3 HPN
Appel, Ida (J.M.) April 24, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Arens, Eugenia (Nicholas) Sept. 13, 1945. p38 HPN
Athans, Agnes (Gust) April 26, 1945. p. 3. HPP. See notice below.
Athansas, Agnes (Gust) April 19, 1945. p. 9. HPN.
Augard, Geraldine (child) July 13, 1944. p.3. HPP & July 13, 1944. p.4 HPN
Augustine, Anna (Magnus) July 27, 1944. p. 7. HPN
Augustine, Emil "Pat" July 13, 1944. p. 7. HPN.
Augustine, George. Jan. 30, 1941. p. 11. HPP.
Austin, Frank D. July 31, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Baehr, William. Feb. 25, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Bahr, George Sohl, Aug. 2, 1945. p. 1. HPP & Aug. 2, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Bailey, John A. Feb. 4, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Feb. 4, 1943, p. 4. HPN
Baker, Charles H. Feb. 27, 1941. p. 20. HPP. *Early Settler.
Baker, Charles H. Aug. 21, 1941. p. 1. HPP
Baker, Mrs. Elizabeth. April 10, 1941. p. 16 HPP.
Baldwin, Judge Francis E. May 17, 1945. p. 3. HPP & May 17, 1945. p. 3 HPN
Baldwin, Peter, Aug. 14, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Ball, Benjamin. April 27, 1944. p. 4. HPP & April 27, 1944 p. 3. HPN.
Barber, Franklin, July 29, 1943. p. 28. HPN.
Barchardt, Paul. Feb. 22, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Barnes, James M. March 16, 1944. p. 8 HPN
Barnhart, Lt. Charles. Oct. 14, 1943. p. 3.HPN.
Barrett, Daniel. Feb. 13, 1941. p. 15. HPP.
Barrett. Frances (Herbert) Oct. 8, 1942. p. 1. HPP & Oct. 8, 1942 p.11 HPN
Bauer, Miss Loretta, Oct. 28, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
Beall, Lt. Kenneth S. Nov. 5, 1942. p. 7. HPP& Nov. 5, 1942. p. 3. HPN.
Beere, Dora (F. William) Feb. 25, 1943. p. 4. HPP.
Beere. Donna (F. William) Feb. 25, 19843. p. 3. HPN.
Bell, Wilhelmina (Oscar) Aug. 26, 1943. p. 12. HPP & Aug. 26, 1943 p.7 HPN
Bellew, Mstr Sgt. James. June 10, 1943. p. 8. HPN.
Belmont, Mrs. Emelia. Jan. 2, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Bennett, James E. Nov. 1, 1945. p. 37 HPN.
Bergdahl, Ernest. Mar. 11, 1943. p. 7. HPP.
Bertagni, Joseph. July 30, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
Berti, Teresina (Mansuetto) Aug. 16, 1945. p. 11. HPN.
Bertucci, Emma (Battista) July 22, 1943. p. 4. HPP & July 22, 1943. p. 21 HPN
Berube, Clay C. Mar. 30, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Best, Edith.(Harry L.) Dec. 7, 1944. p. 1. HPP & Dec. 7, 1944. p. 14 HPN
Bevins, Hubert, Oct. 23, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Biaga, Louis. Oct. 18, 1945. p. 19 HPN.
Birch, Hugh Taylor, Jan. 14, 1943. p. 4. HPN
Blair, Mrs. Emma. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 3. HPP & Jan. 4, 1945. p.30 HPN
Blazak, Anna (Andrew) Oct. 22, 1942. p. 8. HPP & Oct. 22, 1942. p. 10. HPN.
Bliss, George E. May 18, 1944. p. 6. HPP & May 18, 1944 p.3 HPN.
Board, Walter H. July 5, 1945. p. 3. HPP & July 5, 1945, p. 4. HPN.
Bock, Frank N. Mar. 15, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Mar. 22, 1945. p. 24. HPN (Old settler)
Bock, George. June 3, 1943. p. 1. HPP. & June 3, 1943. p. 3 HPN (Old settler)
Bock, Louise (George) Sept. 18, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Boehm, Mrs. Elizabeth. Mar. 25, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Mar 25, 1943. p. 3 HPN
Bolger, James D. Dec. 28, 1944. p. 3. HPP.
Bonette, Dario Apr. 15, 1943. p. 18. HPN
Booth, Agnes N. (John F.) Sept. 2, 1943. p. 12. HPP & Sept. 2, 1943 p14 HPN
Borchardt, Paul. Feb. 22, 1945. p. 3. HPP.
Bowden, George. Sept. 9, 1943. p. 1. HPP &Sept. 9, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Boyd, Olive (Henry) Dec. 13, 1945. p. 6. HPP & Dec. 13, 1945. p. 10. HPN.
Brace, Charles. Nov. 8, 1945. p. 7. HPN.
Bradley, Miss Barbara Sept. 24, 1942. p. 1 & 4. HPP.
Bradley, Cornelia (Frank) Mar. 11, 1943. p. 7. HPP & Mar. 11, 1943.p30. HPN.
Bradley, Marian (Mahlon) Apr. 8, 1943. p. 7. HPP & Apr. 8, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Bradt, William. Dec. 9, 1943. p. 16 HPN
Branan, George. May 25, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Brand, Mary M. (George) July 8, 1943, p. 25. HPN. * Early settler.
Brand, William. Aug. 14, 1941. p. 1. HPP. * Early settler family.
Brandonisio, Ofelia (Arthur) April 9, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Bremer, John. April 20, 1944. p. 14. HPN.
Bresnahan, Mrs. Edith. April 10, 1941. p. 17. HPP.
Bresnahan, Matthew. April 12, 1945. p. 20 HPN.
Brewer, Edgar F. Dec. 16, 1943. p. 6. HPP & Dec. 16, 1943. p. 26 HPN
Broddard, Joseph C. Dec. 23, 1943, p. 4. HPP & Dec. 23, 1943. p. 6 HPN
Brown, Jane. July 24, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Brown, Jessie (Robert) July 27, 1944 p.22. HPN.
Brown, Mrs. Louise (Charles) June 21, 1945. p. 4. HPP & June 21, 1945 p4 HPN
Brugioni, Miss Norma Gene. Nov. 1, 1945. p. 13. HPN.
Bubbett. Mrs. Alice S. Feb. 13, 1941. p. 15. HPP.
Buck, Benjamin Franklin. Oct. 2, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Buckreis, Elmer. Apr. 8, 1943. p. 18. HPN
Burdett, John B. Jan. 7, 1943, p. 21. HPN.
Burgioni, Norma J. Oct. 25, 1945. p. 6. HPP.
Butler, Hubert W. Nov. 4, 1943. p. 30 HPN & Nov. 11, 1943. p. 12 HPN
Butz, Howard, May 4, 1944. p. 28. HPN.
Cahn, Irma (Bertram) Apr. 1, 1943. p. 28. HPN.
Calhoun, James K. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 30 HPN
Campbell, Miss Jean. April 17, 1941. p. 15. HPP.
Canter, Marguerite. Aug. 17, 1944 p. 8. HPN.
Capitani, Carmela (Steve) Dec. 30, 1943. p. 3. HPP & Dec. 30, 1943 p. 15 HPN
Card, Joseph P. April 24, 1941. p. 12. HPP.
Carlbom, Katherin (John) June 28,1945. p. 3. HPP & June 28, 1945. p17 HPN
Carlos, Mrs. Lola. Aug. 10, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Carlson, Mrs. Emil. Feb. 18, 1943. p. 7. HPP & Feb. 18, 1943 p. 23. HPN
Carlson, Gustaf. April 2, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Carlson, Mrs. Ida. Jan. 15, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Carlson, Nellie (Gustave) March 6, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Carlson, Victor. April 12, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Carnahan, Esther (Charles) Dec. 28, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Carpenter, Ira W. March 13, 1941. p. 11. HPP.
Carr, Lynn E. Nov. 6, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Carroll, Samuel L. June 8, 1944. p. 5. HPP & June 8, 1944. p. 9. HPN.
Carter, Clarence E. Feb. 27, 1941. p. 17. HPP.
Cassai, Angelo, Jan. 21, 1943. p. 22. HPN.
Caulkins, Elizabeth (Neil) Oct. 15, 1942. p. 5. HPN.
Cawley, Patrick Francis. Mar. 15, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Mar. 15, 1945. p34 HPN
Chandler, Hannbial H. Feb. 3, 1944. p. 4. HPP
Chester, Marie, Mrs. Allan. July 26, 1945. p. 4. HPP & July 26, 1945. p7 HPN
Chiraini, Marco June 28, 1945. p. 32. HPN.
Christensen, Agnes (Martin) Sept. 27, 1945. p. 18. HPN.
Christensen, Alfred. Oct. 18, 1945. p. 6. HPN
Christensen, Mrs. John. May 13, 1943. p. 4. HPP & May 13, 1943 p14 HPN
Christensen, Robert W. Sept. 16, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Sept. 16, 1943 p. 8 HPN
Christman, Isabel. April 12, 1945. p. 4. HPP. See notice below.
Christman, Belle (John) April 12, 1945. p. 10 HPN.
Church, Morton Sept. 28, 1944. p. 4. HPP & Sept. 28, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Clampett, Mrs. Eliza. Feb. 20, 1941. p. 18. HPP.
Clark, Agnes (William) May 25, 1944. p. 5. HPP & May 25, 1944. p. 3 HPN.
Clark, Miss Isabel. Jan. 7, 1943. p. 21. HPN.
Clark, Joseph, Mar. 25, 1943. p.26 HPN.
Clark, Maude (Wallace) July 19, 1945. p.4. HPP & July 19, 1945. p.24. HPN
Clark, Miss Sadie. June 8, 1944. p. 26. HPN.
Clarke, Walter. Apr. 29, 1943. p. 2. HPP & Apr. 29, 1943. p17 HPN
Clauson, Clara B. (Erick) Nov. 13, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Clavey, Sophia (William) Feb. 1, 1945. p. 3. HPN
Cleary, John Joseph. Nov. 9, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Cloney, Miss Annie. Dec. 28, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Coale, Irma B. (Henry) Sept. 18, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Cole, Edward R. Sept. 27, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Sept. 27, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Coleman, Catherine (Clarence) June 1, 1944. p.12. HPN.
Colombini, Victor. Dec. 9,1943, p. 26. HPN.
Collins, James. June 12, 1941. p. 17. HPP.
Condren, John E. Dec. 9, 1943. p. 38 HPN
Connolly, Walter, Dec. 31, 1942. p. 17. HPN.
Conrad, Mathias H. March 20, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Cook, Catherine (John) Feb. 27, 1941. p. 8. HPP
Cooke, Lizzie (Hamilton) June 14, 1945. p. 34. HPN.
Corrigan, Agnes. (Thomas) Nov. 1, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Oct. 25, 1945 p19 HPN
Corrigan, Thomas, May 25, 1944. p. 32. HPN.
Costo, Lanie (Paul) May 3, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Crawford, Robert. July 17, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Crisp, Jackson E. July 8, 1943, p. 19. HPN.
Cronkhite, F. Abe. June 19, 1941. p. 16. HPP.
Crosby, Frank. Nov. 15, 1945. p. 36 HPN.
Crowe, Mrs. Thomas. Nov. 19, 1942. p. 1. HPP& Nov. 19,1942. p25 HPN
Cummins, Dorothy M. (Carlton) Sept. 20, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Sept. 27, 1945 p. 1. HPP & Sept. 25, 1945. p3. HPN.
Cummings, Percy. Aug. 27, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Cutler, Mary (Dr. William P.) Nov. 9, 1944. p. 4. HPP& Nov.2,1944. p45 HPN
Daggitt, James. Nov. 29, 1945. p. 7. HPN.
Dannemark, Amelia (August) Mar. 22, 1945. p. 2. HPP *Early settler. & Mar. 22, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Danner, Magdalena (William) Aug. 3, 1944. p.3 HPN.
Danner, Marvin, July 30, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Davidson, Col. Royal P. Jan. 28, 1943. p. 1. HPP & May 13, 1943. p.18 HPN
Davis, Dr. C. J. Sept. 20,. 1945. p. 4. HPP & Sept. 27, 1945. p. 8. HPN
Dean, Marie L. (Richmond) June 1, 1944. p. 5. HPP & June 1, 1944. p. 4 HPN
De Bartolo, Joseph. April 3, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Deherder, William. June 3, 1943. p. 16. HPN.
Del Bene, Mary (Julius) Feb. 4, 1943. p. 6. HPP & Feb. 4,1943. p16. HPN
Delhaye, Phillip. Dec. 20, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Demgen, Mrs. Katie. Dec. 14, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Denis, Mariel, Nov. 23, 1944. p. 22. HPN.
Denman, Fred. May 11, 1944. p. 36. HPN.
Dennis, Ralph. Aug. 27, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Denzel, Margaret (Herman) Mar. 2, 1944. p. 2. HPP & Mar. 2,1944. p. 3. HPN.
DeSmidt, Thomas J. Aug. 12, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Aug. 12, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Diasparra, Michael. Dec. 6, 1945. p. 5. HPP & Diasparri (sic) Michael Dec. 6, 1945. p. 17 HPN.
Dickinson, J. David. June 17, 1943. p. 9. HPN.
Diesges, Emma (John) Dec. 23, 1943. p. 3. HPP & Dec. 23, 1943. p8 HPN
Dietrich, John May 31, 1945. p. 33 HPN.
Dietrich, Mary (John) July 27, 1944. p. 3. HPP & July 27, 1944. p.9 HPN
Doherty, Daniel Feb. 1, 1945. p. 7. HPN.
Dolan, Mrs. Alice. Mar. 1, 1945. p. 20. HPN
Donini, Casimero Nov. 19, 1942. p. 11. HPN
Dooley, Miss Elizabeth. Oct. 8, 1942. p. 30 HPN
Dooley, William M. Oct. 19, 1944. p. 1. HPP & Oct. 19, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Doud, Julia. Nov. 20, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Douglas, Robert Wm. Dec. 11, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Doull, John. Mar. 22, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Doty, Filena (Henry H.) May 1, 1941. p. 15. HPP.
Driscoll, Agnes (Dennis) Dec. 6, 1945. p. 5. HPP.
Duchane, Margaret (George) Mar. 11, 1943. p. 7. HPP & Mar. 11, 1943. p. 30. HPN.
Duffy, Edward A. Nov. 5, 1942. p. 6. HPP & Nov. 5, 1942. p. 14. HPN.
Dunbar, William M. June 11, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Dunford, John. Dec. 16, 1943. p. 4. HPP.
Edelman, Selem, Apr. 29, 1943. p. 17. HPN
Eisendrath, Blanche (Dr. Moses) Dec. 28, 1944. p. 10 HPN.
Eisendrath, Margaret (William) Dec. 9, 1943. p. 38 HPN.
Ekdahl, David. Feb. 17, 1944. p. 3. HPP (infant)
Ekelman, Max Sr. Jan. 2, 1941. p. 14. HPP.
Enchelmayer, Carl. May 18, 1944. p. 6. HPP & May 18, 1944. p. 30 HPN.
Epperly, John. Sept. 21, 1944. p. 6. HPN.
Epstein, Chester. Oct. 21, 1943. p. 8. HPN.
Eriksen, Jens. Dec. 28, 1944. p. 3. HPN & Jan. 4, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
Evans, Frank C. Sept. 10, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Everett, Miss Adele. June 12, 1941. p. 17. HPP.
Ewer, Mrs. Charles. Aug. 28, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Ewer, Warren B. Oct. 12, 1944 p. 5. HPP & Oct, 12m 1944. p. 32. HPN.
Faxon, Harry. May 10, 1945. p. 3. HPP & May 10, 1945. p. 6. HPN
Fearing, Joseph L. Aug. 2, 1945. p. 4. HPN & AUG. 2, 1945. P. 4. HPN.
Ferch, Pauline (Fred). Oct. 18, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Oct. 18, 1945. p27 HPN
Ferguson, Louis W. Sept. 14, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Finley, Francis. July 31, 1941. p. 1 & p. 8. HPP.
Fisher, Dr. Hugo Sept. 30, 1943. p. 14. HPN.
Fitzgerald, Anna (John) Mar. 15, 1945. p. 23 HPN.
Fleming, Robert. Nov. 9, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Fliming, Herbert E. Nov. 9, 1944. p. 4. HPP.
Ford, Charles. Oct. 8, 1942. p. 4. HPP& Oct. 8, 1942. p. 6. HPN.
Franci, Arcangelo, Dec. 7, 1944, p. 1. HPP & Dec. 7, 1944, p. 6. HPN.
Francis, George. May 15, 1941. p. 15. HPP.
Frank, Dr. Ira. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 3. HPP & Jan 25, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Frank, Marie (Adam) July 27, 1944. p.5 HPN
Freberg, Adolph. April 12, 1945. p. 3. HPP & April 12, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Fricke, Mrs. Elizabeth. April 26, 1945. p. 3. HPP.
Frisbie, Chauncey. July 23, 1942. p. 7. HPP.
Fritsch, Benjamin. Mar. 18, 1943. p. 3. HPP & Mar. 18, 1943. p.6 HPN
Galletti, Bruna (Arthur). July 12, 1945. p. 3. HPP & July 12, 1945. p. 11 HPN
Garling, Ernest A. Feb. 27, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Garner, Zorah (William) Feb. 8, 1945. p. 5. HPN
Garrison, Jean (Frank) Jan. 9, 1941. p. 10. HPP.
Garrity, Stella. Nov. 19, 1942. p. 3. HPP & Nov. 19, 1942. p. 18. HPN
Gastfield, Anna (Charles) June 29, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Gastfield, Charles. Sept. 3, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Gastfield, Margaret (William) Jan. 18, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Jan. 18, 1945. p 7 HPN
Geacobozzi, Nancy (Cesare) Jan. 1, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Gieser, Mrs. Adolf. Mar. 22, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Geist, Mrs. Henry. July 15, 1943. p. 27. HPN.
Geminer, Mrs. Charles. Jan. 18, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Jan. 18, 1945. p3 HPN
Geminer, Harold. Feb. 17, 1944. p.3. HPP & Feb. 17, 1944. p. 9. HPN.
Gentilini, Mrs. Joseph. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
Gentilini, Onesti Jan. 4, 1945. p. 16 HPN
Genty, Mrs. Margaret Louise, Jan. 7, 1943. p. 12. HPN.
Ghini, Alfred. Dec. 30, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Dec. 30, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Giangiorgi, Gustavo. Sept. 20, 1945. p. 4. HPP &Sept. 20, 1945. p. 9. HPN.
Gibson, Alma (Robert) Sept. 14, 1944. p. 33. HPN.
Gieser, Annie (Adolph) Mar. 15, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
Gifford, Charles E. April 3, 1941. p. 11. HPP
Glader, Fred C., May 17, 1945. p. 4. HPP & May 17, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Glader, Mary (George) July 3, 1941. p. 9. HPP.
Glader, Winfred. Nov.27, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Glasgow, Genevieve (Hugh) Aug. 9, 1945. p. 7. HPN
Gleason, Michael C. Sept. 6, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Glover, Helen (Thomas) Nov. 26, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Glover, Hughlette (Thomas) Aug. 31, 1944. p. 7. HPN.
Goffo, Vincent, Dec. 14, 1933. p. 40 HPN.
Goldberg, Claire B. (Bertrand) Nov. 1, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Golden, Mary (James) Nov. 2, 1944. p. 7. HPN *Pioneer
Goodall, Marie (James) Nov. 29, 1945. p. 5. HPP Note: This page is dated Nov. 15 but is with Nov. 29 paper)
Goodall, Marie (James) Nov. 29, 1945. p. 23 HPN.
Goodnow, George. May 15, 1941. p. 15. HPP.
Goodwin, Mrs. Albert. Feb. 8, 1945, p. 11, HPN,
Gordon, Mrs. Catherine. April 9, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Gordon, Dr. Emory C. May 20, 1943. p. 4. HPP & May 20, 1943. p. 7 HPN
Gosling, Bruce Alexander Aug. 31, 1944 p. 38 HPN. (Infant)
Gotaas, Mrs. Else Margrethe. April 12, 1945. p. 4. HPP & April 12, 1945. p. 30. HPN.
Goudie, Leslie, Jan. 20, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Gourley, Miss Lida. Dec. 25, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Gradle, Alice (Harry) Oct. 12, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Gradle, Walter Nov. 1, 1945. p. 5. HPP & Nov. 8, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Grandi, Rocco. Mar. 15, 1945. p. 6. HPP & Mar. 22, 1945. p. 22. HPN.
Grant, John A., Jan. 28, 1943. p. 6. HPN.
Grave, John Alexander. Jan. 28, 1943. p. 3. HPP.
Green, Neal L. Apr. 8, 1943. p. 7. HPP & Apr. 8, 1943. p. 8. HPN
Green, Redmond, Apr. 15, 1943. p. 32. HPN.
Greenebaum, James E. Aug. 5, 1943. p. 7. HPN.
Greenslade, Nesceil M. (Fred) March 20, 1941. p. 23. HPP.
Guidi, Frank. Dec. 30, 1943. p. 15. HPN.
Grill, John. Oct. 28, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Oct. 28, 1943. p. 25. HPN
Grimes, Mary (William) Feb. 8, 1945. p. 27. HPN.
Gross, Edward. Jan. 11, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
Grostad, Mrs. Christine. Mar. 1, 1945. p. 4. HPP
Grosted, Christine (Martin) Mar. 1, 1945. p. 34. HPN.
Guido, Salvatore. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 3. HPP & Jan. 25, 1945. p. 24 HPN
Gurioli, George. July 12, 1945. p. 3. HPP & July 12, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Haas, James L. Feb. 6, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Haas, J. Lionel. Aug. 7, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Halberg, David T. June 1, 1944, p. 5. HPP & June 1, 1944. p. 3. HPN..
Hallstrom, Marie (Sven) April 17, 1941. p. 10. HPP.
Hanes, Elizabeth (Fred) Dec. 28, 1944. p. 3. HPP & Dec. 28, 1944. p. 6. HPN
Hansen, Edward. Oct. 8, 1942. p. 4. HPN.
Hansen, Jennie (Peter) Oct. 14, 1943. p. 6. HPN.
Harder, Ervin J., Aug. 16, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Aug. 16, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Haskins, Paul W. Jan. 15, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Hastings, Nettie (Samuel) July 15, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Hastings, Samuel M. Oct. 29, 1942. p. 1. HPP. Former Mayor.
Hay, Hester (Raeburn) Sept. 6, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Hayes, Mrs. George. Nov. 26, 1942. p. 6. HPP & Nov. 26, 1942. p. 3. HPN.
Heath, Clara M. (Oliver) Jan. 23, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Heathcote, Vivian (Glenn) July 20, 1944. p.4. HPN
Heindel, Annie (John) Dec. 6, 1945. p. 9. HPN.
Helden, August, Jan. 22, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Henderson, Martha J. (George) Nov. 13, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Henderson, Sarah (Judge John) Mar. 2, 1944. p. 7. HPN.
Henning, Charles. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Nov. 25, 1943. p. 38 HPN
Hickey, James P. Feb. 19, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Hills, Charles W. Sept. 23, 1943. p. 6 HPN.
Himmler, A. William. April 20, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Hindall, Burr Feb. 18, 1943. p. 24. HPN
Hinn, Dr. Otto. July 27, 1944. p. 3 HPP & July 27, 1944. p.5. HPN
Hinrichs, Charles. April 26, 1945. p. 24. HPN.
Hinterberg, August. Dec. 23, 1943. p. 29. HPN
Hintz, Eugene P. Jan. 15, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Hirsch, Isadore. Oct. 21, 1943. p. 20 HPN
Hodges, Etta H. (Carl) April 3, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Holland, William E. Feb. 25, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Feb. 25, 1943. p.23 HPN
Hollands, Edith E. (George) Sept. 23, 1943. p. 6. HPP & Sept. 23, 1943. p. 18 HPN.
Holm, Emily. (Hugo)Jan. 28, 1943. p. 3. HPP & Jan. 28, 1943. p.10 HPN
Holman, Alice (John) Sept. 20, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Holmgren, Henry R. Jan. 29, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Hook, Nathan Oct. 4, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Oct. 4, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Hook, Nathan James. Jan. 7, 1943. p. 14. HPN.
Hooper, Edna. Jan. 8, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Hooper, Elizabeth (Edmund) Feb. 8, 1945. p. 25. HPN.
Hoskins, Etta. (Edward). July 12, 1945. p. 1. HPP & July 12, 1945. p. 3. HPN
Hotz, Mrs. Ferdinand. April 24, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Huebner, Julia (George) Oct. 8, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Hull, Alice. Nov. 18, 1943. p. 30 HPN
Hulse, Lt. Col. Seward W. Aug. 19, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Aug. 19, 1943. p.5 HPN
Hunter, Mary A. (Ross) Feb. 27, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Hurd, Joseph, Sept. 23, 1943. p. 5. HPP.
Hutchison, Lewis R. Nov. 5, 1942. p. 7. HPP & Nov. 5, 1942. p. 6. HPN.
Hutchison, Samuel P. Oct. 1, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Hutton, Mrs. Lydia V. July 24, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Imig, Meta (Victor H.) Apr. 1, 1943. p. 4. HPP& Apr. 1, 1943. p.3. HPN.
Inman, David M. Mar. 9, 1944. p. 6. HPP & Mar. 9, 1944. p. 6. HPN.
Inman, Capt. Roger, July 13, 1944. p.5 HPN
Irons, Frank. Dec. 3, 1942. p. 14. HPN
Ives, William G. Nov. 2, 1944. p. 6. HPP & Nov. 2, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
James, Katherine (Samuel) May 15, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Janess, Herman. May 20, 1943. p. 23. HPN
Jaycos, Mrs. Inez. July 9, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Johansen, Mary (August) Oct. 21, 1943. p. 4. HPP.
Johnson, Albert Nov. 1, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
Johnson, Mrs. Alma V. March 26, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Johnson, Miss Diane, May 4, 1944. p. 28. HPN.
Johnson, Elaine (Dr. Leland) Dec. 10, 1942. p. 3. HPP & Dec. 10, 1942. p. 18. HPN.
Johnson, Mrs. R. F. Dec. 11, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Johnson, Mrs. W. P. Dec. 27, 1945. p. 3. HPP.
Johnston, Lillian (William D.) Nov. 22, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Jones, Edwin C. Aug. 31, 1944. p. 3. HPP & Aug. 31, 1944 p. 3. HPN.
Justi, Margaret (Herman) June 29, 1944. p. 3. HPP.
Kalbus, Josephine (Albert( Nov. 11,1943. p4. HPP & Nov.11,1943 p16 HPN
Karney, Mrs. Mary. June 5, 1941. p. 2. HPP.
Kay, George Spears (2 yr. old) Feb. 8, 1945, p. 3. HPN.
Keeler, George. Oct. 7, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Oct. 7, 1943. p. 5. HPN
Keil, Charles. Aug. 12, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Keller, T. Weller. Aug. 10, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Kelly, Mary (Michael) Jan. 28, 1943. p. 7. HPP & Jan. 28, 1943. p.6 HPN
Kent, William. Jan. 28, 1943. p. 6. HPP & Jan. 21, 1943. p. 10. HPN.
Kehrwald, Joseph. June 22, 1944. p. 6. HPP.
Kemp, Edwin L. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Jan. 4, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Kilian, Helen Marie (Col. James) Jan. 18, 1945. p. 9. HPN & Jan. 18, 1945 p. 1. HPP.
Kimball, Mrs. Curtis. July 2, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Kimball, T. Weller. Aug. 10, 1944. p. 6. HPN.
King, Joseph, July 6, 1944 p.30 HPN.
King, William J., Jan. 1, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Kittermaster, Margaret (Douglas) April 17, 1941. p. 10. HPP.
Klein, Herman J. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 36. HPN.
Kline, Mary M. (Jacob) July 23, 1942. p. 7. HPP.
Knackstadt, Grace (Louis) Sept. 3, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Knox, Mrs. Edith B. June 11, 942. p. 8. HPP.
Knudson, Adolph. Sept. 18. 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Knudson, Mrs. Adolph. Sept. 24, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Koch, Mrs. Louisa. (Theodore) July 26, 1945. p. 3. HPP & July 26, 1945. p3 HPN.
Kohlhase, Edwin A. Sept. 20, 1945. p. 8. HPN.
Kopp, Mrs. Mary, Nov. 20, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Kraus, Minnie. Aug. 31, 1944. p. 25. HPN.
Krueger, Frederick. Sept. 3, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Kuehne, Mary Louise (Ernest) Aug. 10, 1944. p. 5. HPP & Aug. 10, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Kuist, Caroline, Sept. 21, 1944. p. 3. HPP & Sept. 21, 1944. p. 18. HPN.
Lackner, Dr. Julius. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 3. HPP & Jan. 11, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Lahey, Mrs. Adeline. Mar. 16, 1944. p. 3. HPP & Mar. 16, 1944. p. 30 HPN.
Laird, Mary F. (Robert) Feb. 13, 1941. p. 17. HPP.
Laird, Robert. March 19, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Lake, Dr. George B. Mar. 4, 1943.p. 3. HPN.
Landauer, Mrs. Rose. June 11, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
Lang, Adam. May 27, 1943. p. 13. HPN.
Larson, August. Oct. 25, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Oct. 25, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Larson, Elizabeth (Charles) Dec. 30, 1943. p. 3. HPP & Dec. 30, 1943. p13 HPN. (as: Catherine, wife of Charles)
Laubstein, Henry Dec. 11, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Lawler, John. Dec. 9, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Dec. 9, 1943. p. 38. HPN.
Leaming, Katherine (Joseph) Sept. 7, 1944. p1. HPP & Sept. 7, 1944. p. 3.HPN.
Leasch, Philip Nov. 30, 1944, p. 3. HPP.
Leesch, Michael. May 10, 1945. p. 4. HPP & May 3, 1945. p. 8. HPN.
Leesch, Philip Nov. 30, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Leffert, Louis. July 8, 1943. p. 11. HPN.
Lehr, Harry. Feb. 10, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Lehr, Herman. Feb. 10, 1944. p. 3. HPP
Lenzini, Mrs. Mary. Jan. 13, 1944. p. 28. HPN..
Leonardi, Caterina, (Joseph) Oct. 12, 1944. p.3. HPP & Oct. 12, 1944. p. 17. HPN.
Leskie, William. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Aug. 26, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Leuer, Katherine (Joseph) Dec. 21, 1944. p. 8. HPP & Dec. 21, 1944. p3 HPN
Levinthal, Lazarus, May 14, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Lieber, Dr. Charles. Aug. 17, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Lightner, Dwight B. Dec. 18, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Lindberg, Sandford R. Nov. 22, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Nov. 22, 1945. p. 27. HPN.
Liske, Henry G. Oct. 25, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Oct. 25, 1945. p. 14. HPN.
Lloyd, Ellen (Edwin) Jan. 16, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Loesch, Bertha (Joseph) Feb. 15, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Loizzo, Joseph Aug. 3, 1944. p. 1. HPP & Aug. 3, 1944. p.4. HPN.
Lonngren, Benjamin G. Sept. 18, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Loufienburger, Edward. April 16, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Lowrie, Arthur M. Jan. 21, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Jan. 21, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Lufkin, Wallace W. Dec. 13, 1945. p. 6. HPP & Dec. 13, 1945. p. 42 HPN.
Luger, Miss Martha. Aug. 20, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Lundin, Jack Sept. 30, 1943. p. 56. HPN.
Lundgren, Ida (Melker) June 10, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Luntz, Hulda (Arthur) Sept. 13, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Luther, H. A. Dec. 11, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
McBride, George J. Feb. 13, 1941. p. 18. HPP.
McCaffery, Arthur, May 28, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
McCaully, Dorothy (William) Nov. 11, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Nov. 11, 1943. p30 HPN
McCraren, Elizabeth (Thomas) July 27, 1944. p. 3. HPP & July 27, 1944 p3 HPN
McCraren, Thomas J. April 3, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
McCrystle, May (James) Jan. 4, 1945. p. 10 HPN
McDonald, Gerald. Jan. 29, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
McDougall, Mrs. Elise. Feb. 6, 1941. p. 20. HPP
McDougall, Miss Margaret. Jan. 8, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
McGovern, John M. (Terry) Sept. 4, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
McGuire, J. Fred July 8, 1943. p. 4. HPP & July 8, 1943. p. 19 HPN
McGuire, Mrs. Mary. (Thomas) Jan. 4, 1945. p. 3. HPP & Jan. 4, 1945. p5 HPN
McHenry, George. July 26, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Aug. 2, 1945. p. 13. HPN.
McHugh, J. Paul. Nov. 29, 1945. p. 18 HPN.
McIntosh, Joh. Oct. 7, 1943. p. 30. HPN.
McLaughlin, Elmer. May 15, 1941. p. 14. HPP.
McLaughlin, Maj. Frederick. Dec. 14, 1944. p. 4. HPP.
McNally, Mrs. Ellen. Dec. 27, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
McNeil, Emma (Daniel) Aug. 17, 1944. p. 3. HPP Aug. 17, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
McNeill, James. Dec. 17, 1942. p. 2. HPP & Dec. 17, 1942. p.11. HPN.
McNeill, June K. (Edwin) June 3, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
McNeish, Edna (Hugh) Mar. 29, 1945. p. 1. HPP & Mar. 29, 1945. p. 36. HPN.
McNutt, Wade. Sept. 3, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Maata, Arvi Y. Aug. 23, 1945. p. 14. HPN.
Mack, Jeannette (Robert) July 23, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Mack, Peter. April 24, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Maddy, Mrs. Bessie "Sally" May 24, 1945. p. 21. HPN.
Maechtle, Alice (Fred K.) Mar. 8, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Maechtle, Anna (Christian) Nov. 15, 1945. p. 6. HPP & Nov.15,1945. p37 HPN
Maker, Charles. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Jan. 11, 1945. p. 14. HPN.
Malpelli, Peter. April 5, 1945. p. 1. HPP & April 5, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Mandel, Babette (Emanuel) Mar. 15, 1945. p. 1. HPP. *Pioneer settler & Mar. 15, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Mandel, W. K. Sept. 7, 1944. p. 3. HPP & Sept. 7, 1944, p. 8. HPN.
Mangan, Dennis. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 7. HPN
Mangan, Dennis. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 12. HPP.
Mann, Isabel (Joseph) Dec. 16, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Dec. 9, 1943. p. 7. HPN
Mann, William D. Aug. 31, 1944. p. 3. HPP & Aug. 31, 1944 p.4. HPN
Mansell, Richard. July 29, 1943. p. 1. HPP & July 29, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Mansuetti, Peter. Feb. 4, 1943. p. 7. HPP & Feb. 4, 1943. p. 20. HPN.
Manzetti, Paul. Nov. 26, 1942. p. 6. HPP & Nov. 26, 1942. p. 32. HPN
Markell, Harry. June 14, 1945. p. 3. HPP & June 14, 1945, p. 3. HPN.
Marr, Walter W., June 7, 1945. p. 3. HPP.
Marsh, Bertha Smith (Marshall) Jan. 11, 1945. p. 6. HPN
Martin, Charlotte (George) June 17, 1943. p. 8. HPN.
Martin, Frank. Jan. 1, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Martin, Mrs. Samuel Dec. 20, 1945. p. 3. HPP.
Mason, Miss Harriet, Jan. 28, 1943. p. 4. HPN
Mason, Miss Julia. Aug. 13, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Materi, Margaret (Thomas) June 1, 1944. p. 8. HPN.
May, Robert F. March 6, 1941. p. 17. HPP.
Mazzetti, Mrs. Mary. Jan. 27, 1944. p. 2. HPP & Jan. 27, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Mellen, August. Dec. 31, 1942. p. 17. HPN.
Menke, Christoph. Apr. 8, 1943. p. 7. HPP & Apr. 8, 1943. p. 5 HPN
Merriman, Elizabeth A. (Clement) Jan. 16, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Merryweather, Mabel (George) Oct. 25, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Nov. 1, 1945. p. 12. HPN
Metzel, Emil B. Jan. 11, 1945. p. 1. HPP & Jan. 11, 1945 p. 3. HPN Former mayor.
Meyer, Edwin G. June 21, 1945. p. 19. HPN.
Meyer, John. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Meyers, Anne (John) April 10, 1941. p. 16. HPP.
Metzger, Harold H. Dec. 14, 1944. p. 3. HPP.
Mezzini, Mrs. Margharitta. Dec. 11, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Michaels, Joseph. Nov. 29, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Mierhoff, Edith (Arthur) Oct. 22, 1942. p. 1. HPP & Oct.22, 1942. p10 HPN
Miles, Miss Margaret. Mar. 11, 1943l p. 25. HPN.
Miller, Geneva (Adam) Nov. 15, 1945. p. 6 HPP & Nov. 15, 1945. p. 31. HPN.
Miller, J. A. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Miller, Louise (Frank) May 31, 1945. p. 4. HPP & May 31, 1945. p. 6 HPN.
Mills, John. Oct. 1, 1942. p. 7. HPP.
Mocogni, Egidio. April 12, 1945. p. 1. HPP & April 12, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Molendy, Anna. Oct. 21, 1943. p. 4. HPP.
Molinacci, Pamplo. Apr. 8, 1943. p. 7. HPP & Apr. 8, 1943. p. 9 HPN
Monat, Ethlyn (J. S.) Apr. 15, 1943. p. 8. HPP.
Monroe, Josephine (William) Nov. 16, 1944. p. 8. HPN.
Montgomery, C. C. Feb. 25, 1943. p. 13. HPN.
Moore, John. Mar. 30, 1944. p 5. HPN.
Moran, Stella (Herbert) June 24, 1943. p. 4. HPP & June 24, 1943. p. 8. HPN
Morcross, Dr. Edward. Aug. 6, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Mordini, Judith L. Feb. 22, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Feb. 22, 1945. p. 5 HPN (infant)
Morgan, Emily Apr. 8, 1943. p. 7. HPP & Apr. 8, 1943. p. 24. HPN.
Morning, John. Feb. 13, 1941. p. 17. HPP.
Moroney, Miss Ruth. Feb. 19, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Morse, Susan (Joseph) Apr. 20, 1944. p. 38. HPN.
Muller, Max, May 24, 1945. p. 4. HPP & May 24, 1945. p.5. HPN.
Munson, Wilhelmina. Apr. 8, 1943. p. 8. HPP & Apr. 8, 1943. p. 9. HPN.
Murfey, Jane. (E. T.) June 3, 1943. p. 4. HPP & June 3, 1943. p.4. HPN
Murphy, Bartholomew. Mar. 22, 1945. p. 27. HPN.
Myers, Amy (John) May 11, 1944. p. 4. HPP.
Naas, Mrs. George. May 1, 1941. p. 12. HPP.
Nardini, Angelo. April 23, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Neagle, Miss Mary. Sept. 6, 1945. p. 22. HPN.
Nebenzahl, Adolph. Jan. 20, 1944. p. 30. HPN.
Nelson, Ellen May (William) Nov. 23, 1944. p. 8. HPN.
Niago, Louis Oct. 18, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
Nielsen, Mildred (Harry) July 20, 1944. p.3 HPN
Norcross, Marion (John) Aug. 17, 1944. p. 9. HPN.
Norman, Kenneth. Oct. 28, 1943. p. 12. HPN.
Norrlen, John. Jan. 30, 1941. p. 15. HPP.
Norrlen, Marie (Axel) July 23, 1942. p. 3. &p. 4. HPP.
Obee, Mrs. August July 27, 1944. p. 3. HPP. Early settler family. and July 27, 1944. p. 4. HPN
Ogle, Howard Francis Aug. 5, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Aug. 5, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Olesen, O. Laurence, Jan. 22, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Olson, Albert. Dec. 28, 1944. p. 3. HPP & Dec. 28, 1944. p. 7. HPN.
Olson, George R. Apr. 8, 1943. p. 24. HPN.
Olson, Hilding. July 24, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
O'Neill, Dr. James D. Aug. 16, 1945. p. 1. HPP & Aug. 16, 1945. p. 9. HPN.
O'Neill, John Dec. 20, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
Orlandini, Mrs. Enrico. June 14, 1945. p. 34. HPN.
Orsini, Andrew. Oct. 25, 1945. p. 6. HPP && Oct. 25, 1945. p. 31. HPN.
Otrowsky, Joh. Dec. 16, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Dec. 16, 1943. p. 38. HPN.
Ottenheimer, Helen (Monroe) Aug. 10, 1944. p. 9. HPN.
Otto, Minnie (Edward) May 1, 1941. p. 12. HPP.
Overman, Mrs. Harriett Aug. 17, 1944. p. 3. HPP.
Pahnke, Herman. Aug. 18, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Paisley, Daisy Knight (O. Frank) Nov. 16, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Pansie, Katherine (George) Nov. 15, 1945. p. 41. HPN.
Parker, Mrs. Emily. Aug. 27, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Parratt, Jane (Elno) Dec. 20, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Patterson, Helen (Richard) May 20, 1943. p. 23. HPN
Patton, John. May 1, 1941. p. 12. HPP.
Peck, Dr. Wesley H. Mar. 4, 1943. p. 1. HPP.& Feb. 25, 1943. p. 26 HPN
Peddle, Lt. Vincent. June 22, 1944 .p. 2. HPP.
Pellecrini, Pvt. Rocco. Feb. 15, 1945. p. 3. HPP. & Feb. 15, 1945 p3 HPN
Penock, Mert L. Mar. 1, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Peradotti, Anton. Aug. 21, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Perry, Laura (Peter) Nov. 11, 1943. p. 22. HPN.
Perryman, Frederick J. Jan. 16, 1941. p. 21. HPP.
Peschman, Mrs. Mary. July 22, 1943. p. 6. HPN.
Peters, Walter. June 15, 1944. p. 6. HPP & June 8, 1944. p.5. HPN.
Peterson, Andrew. July 8, 1943. p. 4. HPP & July 8, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Peterson, Hugh. Jan. 11, 1945. p. 4. HPP.
Peterson, John. Sept. 2, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Sept. 2, 1943. p. 3 HPN.
Peterson, Louis. Feb. 4, 1943. p. 6. HPP & Feb. 4, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
Peterson, Raymond E. Mar. 16, 1944. p. 2. HPP & Mar. 16, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Peterson, Robert. Nov. 4, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Nov. 4, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Petik, John. Mar. 11, 1943. p. 7. HPP & Mar. 11, 1943 p.29 HPN
Pett, George E. Mar. 2, 1944. p. 9. HPN.
Pfanstiehl, Carl (metallurgist, scientist) March 5, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Pfister, Edith (Charles) May 7, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Phelps, Augustine (Paul) June 14, 1945. p.3. HPP & June 14, 1945. p5 HPN
Phelps, Paul. Feb. 26, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Pickens, Ens. Milton. June 1, 1944. p. 2. HPP.
Pitcher, Wilhelmina (Henry) July 19, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Pitsch, Walter. June 29, 1944 p. 3. HPP & July 6, 1944. p.8 HPN
Placenza, Fortunato. July 5, 1945. p. 26. HPN.
Ponsi, Elerio. May 23, 1941. p. 12. HPP.
Pople, Walter, Dec. 23, 1943. p. 1. & p. 6. HPP & Dec. 12, 1943. p30 HPN
Porter, Catherine (Roland) Oct. 29, 1942. p. 8.HPP & Oct. 29, 1942. p8 HPN
Potterton, Arlene. Apr. 29, 1943. p. 26 HPN Deerfield page.
Pratt, Leno Nov. 8, 1945 p. 14. HPN.
Price, Alfred L. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Jan. 4, 1945. p. 11. HPN.
Prindiville, Garce (James) Jan. 2, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Proctor, Joseph. July 2, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Prye, Katherine (Edwin) Nov. 1, 1945. p. 5. HPP & Nov. 1, 1945. p. 16. HPN
Purdy, De Witt C. Dec. 25, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Ralph, Bridget (William) May 24, 1945. p. 4. HPP & May 24, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Rapp, Isaac. Nov. 18, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Nov. 18, 1943. p. 30 HPN.
Rasmussen, Severine (Henry) May 6, 1943. p. 4. HPP & May 6,1943. p4 HPN
Ready, Mrs. R. Willard. May 21, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Ream, Lyle. Mar. 8, 1945. p. 11. HPN.
Reay, William Mason. Aug. 13, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Recketenwald, Mary (Frank) Jan. 25, 1945. p. 31 HPN.
Redine, Ida M. (Gus) Oct. 22, 1942. p. 3. HPP & Oct. 22, 1942. p4. HPN.
Redmond, Laurence. May 25, 1944. p. 32. HPN.
Reeb, John Jr. Dec. 18, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Rennhack, Fred. Feb. 27, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Renning, Mrs. Marietta (A.L.) June 21,1945. p1. HPP & June 21,1945. p3 HPN
Reiter, Patricia (Emil) May 15, 1941. p. 12. HPP.
Reynolds, James. Mar. 9, 1944. p. 8. HPN.
Richie, James. Oct. 23, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Riggio, Constance (Angelo) Jan. 11, 1945. p. 30. HPN.
Rioux, Celestine, Oct. 21, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Oct. 21, 1943, p. 5. HPN.
Rivet, Miss Evelyn F. Mar. 25, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Mar. 25,1943. p.5 HPN
Roberts, Randall. May 13, 1943. p. 9. HPN.
Robertson, Lucille (infant) Dec. 11, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Rpckenbach, Joanna (Albert) July 27, 1944. p. 9 & p.22 HPN
Rockenbach, Robert. Feb. 27, 1944. p. 22. HPN.
Rockwell, Mrs. Madeleine. March 6, 1941. p. 18. HPP.
Rodgers, Curtis C. May 6, 1943. p. 1. HPP & May 6, 1943. p. 13. HPN.
Rogan, Terry May 3, 1945. p. 10 HPN (cild)
Rogers, Anna (William) Apr. 13, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Roggow, Albert. Nov. 13, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Rosenthal, Adolph M. Apr. 15, 1943. p31. HPN.
Ross, Frank. Apr. 27, 1944. p. 28. HPN.
Rouse, John. July 3, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Rouse, John. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Rowles, Susan (Ernest) Mar. 22, 1945. p. 12. HPN.
Rudolph, Charles. Aug. 5, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Aug. 5, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Rudolph, Emil. March 6, 1941. p. 7. HPP. *Pioneer surveyor.
Rudolph, Harry M. Aug. 17, 1944, p. 3. HPP & Aug. 17, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Ruehl, Augusta (Louis) April 5, 1945. p. 6 HPN.
Ruskowitz, Frank. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 10. HPN.
Rutherford, Thomas. June 8, 1944. p. 28. HPN..
Saathoff, Mrs. Louise A. Jan. 29, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Saathoff, William Henry Nov. 29, 1945. p. 5. HPP (Note: This page is dated Nov. 15 but is included with Nov. 29.)
Saathoff, William H. Nov. 29, 1945. p. 3. HPN
Sackett, Barton Hill. Sept. 6, 1945. p. 3. HPP.
Sage, Mrs. Emma. Dec. 23, 1943. p. 23. HPN.
Salyards, William. Oct. 25, 1945. p. 3. HPP & Oct. 25, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Salo, Miss Alma. Feb. 22, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Mar. 1, 1945. p. 32. HPN.
Saltenberger, Conrad. Feb. 24, 1944. p. 22. HPN.
Salvador, Antoinette (Angelo) Oct. 11, 1945. p. 15. HPN.
Salyards, Peter, Jan. 21, 1943. p. 6. HPN.
Sampson, Jennie (Harry) June 24, 1943. p. 1. HPP & June 24, 1943. p30 HPN
Sanborn, Lois (Colin) Dec. 23, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Dec. 23, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Sander, Laura (George) Dec. 16, 1943. p. 6. HPP.
Santi, Dionigi. Aug. 23, 1945. p. 3. HPP
Sappington, Harold. Sept. 13, 1945. p. 38 HPN.
Sarrett, Julia Baker. Nov. 8, 1945. p. 1. HPP & Nov. 8, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Sarrett, Margaret (Lew) March 6, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Schendorf, Margaret C, (Henry) June 14, 1945, p. 3. HPP & June 14, 1945 p. 18. HPN.
Schinleber, Elizabeth (Levi) May 31, 1945. p. 33. HPN. *Old settler.
Schlenker, Otto, April 27, 1944. p. 4. HPP & April 27, 1944 p.14 HPN.
Schlicker, Mrs. Albert. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 37. HPN.
Schlossman, Augusta (Isaac) Sept. 7, 1944. p. 7. HPN.
Schlung, Rev. Benjamin Dec. 3, 1942. p. 10. HPN.
Schmidt, William J. Feb. 20, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Schneider, Robt. W. Nov. 2, 1944. p. 1. HPP & Nov. 2, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Schoepp, Lew. May 13, 1943. p. 28. HPN.
Schramm, Matthias. March 13, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Schubnell, Mrs. Anna Dec. 18, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Schultz, Lt. Louis. Dec. 6, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Schumacher, Howard. Jan. 2, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Schwartz, Etta (Louis) Mar. 11, 1943. p. 7. HPP & Mar. 11, 1943. p.29 HPN
Schwimmer, Daisy (Walter) Mar. 29, 1945. p. 8. HPN.
Scornavacco, Alex. Dec. 31, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Scornavacco, Michael. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 3. HPP
Scribner, Mary B. (Carlton) March 2, 1944. p. 28. HPN.
Scrugham, Sen. James. June 28, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Segert, Ricka (Henry) Feb. 24, 1944. p. 22. HPN.
Seifert, Mrs. Hannah. Feb. 25, 1943. p. 26. HPN.
Selig, Charles Albert. Sept. 18, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Severson, Anna (Joseph) April 23, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Sharp, Charles Henry. Aug. 24, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Sharpless, Donald. Feb. 6, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Sheffer, Diane (Paul) Apr. 15, 1943. p. 6. HPP.
Sheldon, Grace (Albert) Nov. 29, 1945. p. 5. HPP & Nov. 29, 1945. p. 32. HPN
Shelton, Miss Frances. Mar. 11, 1943. p. 7. HPP. & Mar. 11, 1943. p17 HPN
Sherley, Harry. July 8, 1943. p. 4. HPP & July 8, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Shipness, Wilford C. Dec. 11, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Shutts, Frances. Oct. 12, 1944. p. 26. HPN.
Siljestrom, Frank L., June 7, 1945. p. 1. HPP & June 7, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Simmer, Joseph H. Sept. 27, 1945. p. 6 HPP & Sept. 27, 1945. p. 15. HPN.
Simons, Blanche (Joseph) Oct. 15, 1942. p. 14. HPN.
Sitwell, Harry. April 27, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Skidmore, Mrs. Edith J. Mar. 12, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Smith, Ansel E. Jan. 16, 1941. p. 18. HPP.
Smith, Bridget L. (Rev. Leonard) July 10, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Smith, Ernest F. Nov. 20, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Smith, Howard. May 15, 1941. p. 15. HPP.
Smith, Mrs. Margaret. Jan. 6, 1944. p. 4. HPP.
Smith, Mrs. Minnie, April 13, 1944. p. 7. HPN.
Smith, Mrs. Sophie. Nov. 30, 1944. p. 40. HPN.
Soldinger, Fannie (Adolph) Nov. 18, 1943. p. 8. HPN.
Spellman, Mrs. John. Nov. 2, 1944. p. 6. HPP.
Stanger, S. S. Sept. 2, 1943. p. 13. HPN
Stanton, Belle. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Nov. 25, 1943. p. 38 HPN
Stein, Donald. Nov. 8, 1945. p. 15. HPN.
Stein, S. Sidney. Nov. 1, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Steiner, Godfrey S. Feb. 11, 1943. p. 26. HPN.
Steinman, Emil L. June 17, 1943. p. 27. HPN.
Stenson, Mrs. Anna. July 29, 1943. p. 4. HPP & July 29, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Stevens, Clara. (Charles)June 24, 1943. p. 4. HPP & June 24, 1943. p3 HPN
Stitzell, Harry D. April 27, 1944. p. 4. HPP.
Stoddard, Miss Laura. Apr. 15, 1943. p. 7. & May 13, 1943. p.2 HPP and Apr. 22, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Stuart, Earl. Aug. 12, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Stuenkel, Edward. April 27, 1944. p. 4. HPP & Apr. 27, 1944. p 28 HPN.
Stupey, Richard (infant) Dec. 16, 1943. p. 6. HPP.
Stupey, Robert Feb. 11, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Feb. 11, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
Sullivan, Miss Catherine. June 15, 1944. p. 6. HPP.
Sutcliff, Albert. Aug. 21, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Sweeney, Miss Ellen. June 7, 1945. p. 1. HPP & June 7, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Swickard, John Charles. May 24, 1945. p. 4. HPP & May 17, 1945 p. 9 HPN
Tahtinen, Helmi (Fred) May 18, 1944. p. 32. HPN.
Tarschioni, Antonio. Jan. 8, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Taylor, Mrs. Annie, Mar. 15, 1945. p. 4. HPP
Taylor, Dr. John, May 11, 1944. p. 24. HPN.
Taylor, Joseph H. July 3, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Tenney, Dr. Alonzo. May 11, 1944. p. 5. HPP & May 11, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Tepp, Esther (Frank) Aug. 10, 1944. p. 4. HPP.
Tepp, Frank. Nov. 11, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Nov. 11, 1943. p. 30 HPN.
Terry, Annie (William) Apr. 15, 1943. p. 9. HPN
Terry, Frank July 20, 1944. p. 5. HPN
Therrien, Edward. Dec. 14, 1944. p. 4. HPP & Dec. 14, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Thomas, John. Nov. 18, 1943. p. 3. HPP & Nov. 18,1943. p. 5. HPN.
Thomas, Joseph. Nov. 18, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Nov. 18, 1943. p. 30 HPN.
Thorne, Gerrit T. Jan. 8, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Tillman, Martha (Richard) May 8, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Tillman, Capt. Milton. Sept. 9, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Tillman, Richard .Jan. 14, 1943. p. 21. HPN
Timm, Albert. Nov. 12, 1942. p. 8. HPP & Nov. 12, 1942. p. 14. HPN.
Todd, Edith (John) Nov. 4, 1943. p. 9. HPN.
Tosi, Louis Aug. 30, 1945. p. 9. HPN.
Tracy, James. June 3, 1943. p. 26. HPN.
Trout, Lillian (Arthur) Dec. 16, 1943. p. 6. HPP & Dec. 16, 1943. p. 25. HPN.
Truelsem, Martin. Feb. 5, 1932. p. 8. HPP.
Tucker, Carrie (George) Jan. 23, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
Turelli, Marco. Jan. 21, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Jan. 21, 1943. p. 22. HPN.
Turner, Mrs. Ada. Oct. 21, 1943. p. 4. HPP.
Ugolini, Pelegrino. Oct. 29, 1942. p. 4. HPP & Oct. 29, 1942. p. 17. HPN
Ubehann, Charles H. Nov. 11, 1943. p. 2. HPP & Nov. 11, 1943 p.21 HPN
Ullmann, Emma (William) Feb. 24, 1944. p.4. HPP & Feb. 24, 1944. p13 HPN
Van Arsdale, Mrs. Laura. Feb. 22, 1945. p. 3. HPP & Feb. 22, 1945. p9 HPN.
VanBergen, Mrs. Ella. Jan. 7, 1943. p. 3. HPP & Jan. 7, 1943. p. 6. HPN.
Veitch, Irving F. Mar. 22, 1945. p. 1. and Mar. 29, 1945. p. 2. HPP & Mar. 22, 1945. p. 34 HPN. & Mar. 29, 1945. p. 26 HPN.
Venning, Frank Logan. Feb. 24, 1944. p. 3. HPP & Feb. 24, 1944. p. 3.HPN.
Venturi, Joseph. Dec. 10, 1942. p. 6. HPP & Dec. 10, 1942. p. 19. HPN.
Vetter, George. Dec. 2, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Dec. 2, 1943. p. 4 HPN.
Vinson, Eleanor (Curtis) Dec. 16, 1943. p. 30 HPN.
Virgin, Mrs. Minnie, Aug. 19, 1943. p. 24. HPN.
Viti, Mrs. James. July 17, 1941. p. 15. HPP.
Viventi, Mary (Stanley) April 24, 1941. p. 12. HPP.
Wachholder, John J. June 14, 1945. p. 3. HPP.
Warner, Florence (Mirtillo) March 6, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Warren, E. A. Oct. 23, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Waterhouse, Elmer. Feb. 15, 1945. p. 11. HPN.
Watson, Arhtur Hull. July 3, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Waxman, Lt. Murray . Dec. 23, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Dec. 23, 1943 p. 8. HPN.
Webster, Mrs. William. Nov. 23, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Weider, Charlotte. Dec. 11, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Weil, Paula (Victor) April 5, 1945. p. 34. HPN.
Weisenberger, Albert. Sept. 27, 1945. p. 4. HPP & Sept. 27, 1945. p.38 HPN
West, Harold Apr. 22, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Apr. 29, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
Whatley, Miss Marian. Jan. 28, 1943. p. 7. HPP & Jan. 28, 1943. p10 HPN
White, Mrs. Helen. Dec. 10, 1942. p. 3. HPP & Dec. 10, 1942. p. 22. HPN.
Whitehill, Miss Anastasia. Apr. 15, 1943. p7. HPP & Apr. 22, 1943. p24 HPN
Whiting, William. Jan. 27, 1944. p. 22. HPN Former mayor: Deerfield.
Whiting, Mrs. William A. Sept. 7, 1944. p. 28 HPN
Wick, Edward. Jan. 16, 1941. p. 6. HPP
Wiggons, Bruce S. July 1, 1943. p. 9. HPN.
Wilcox, Joseph B. Nov. 9, 1944. p. 4. HPP & Nov. 9, 1944. p. 11 HPN.
Wilder, Edna H. (Tom) Jan. 7, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Jan. 7, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
Wiley, Dr. Harry D., Aug. 23, 1945. p. 1. HPP & Aug. 23, 1945. p. 4. HPN & Aug. 23, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Wilhelm, Christine (John) Sept. 25, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Williams, Drucilla (Alfred) Apr. 8, 1943. p. 8. HPP & Apr. 8, 1943. p. 7 HPN
Williams, Fred B. Mar. 8, 1945. p. 1. HPP & Mar. 8, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Williams, Herbert Sept. 21, 1944. p. 3. HPP & Sept. 21, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Williams, Ira (Ft. Sheridan chaplain) July 17, 1941. p. 10. HPP.
Willson, Lizzie (Howard). April 16, 1942. p. 4 & p. 6. HPP.
Wilson, Lt. Robt. June 1, 1944. p. 2. HPP.
Wingard, John W. Dec. 9, 1943. p. 38. HPN.
Winters, Frances (L.L.) Sept. 14, 1944. p. 6. HPN.
Wisdom, Florence. Jan. 7, 1943. p. 12. HPN
Witten, Harvey W. Aug. 21, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Wood, Mrs. Kate. Dec. 13, 1945. p. 6. HPP & Dec. 13, 1945.p. 24. HPN.
Worth, Mrs. Elizabeth S. July 14, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Wright, William R. March 19, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Yager, Frank F. Oct. 25, 1945. p. 6 HPP & Oct. 18, 1945. p. 6. HPN.
York, George F. Apr. 22, 1943. p. 28 HPN.
Yost, Jacob H. April 2, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Youngdahl, Charles. Oct. 21, 1943. p. 4. HPP & Oct. 21, 1943. p. 7 HPN
Zaccari, Josephine (Guy) April 6, 1944. p. 3. HPP & Apr. 6, 1944. p.6. HPN.
Zagnelli, Miss Angeline. Jan. 8, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Zahnle, Jack. Oct. 18, 1945. p. 8. HPN.
Zango, Leonard. Dec. 24, 1942. p. 3. HPN.
Zick, Daniel. Dec. 17, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Zieman, August July 27, 1944. p.22. HPN
Zimmer, Nettie (Julius) Jan. 6, 1944. p. 4. HPP & Jan. 6, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Zimmer, Salome (August) Dec. 7, 1944. p. 6. HPN.
Zoellner, Mrs. Lucy. Oct. 7, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Oct. 7, 1943. p. 30 HPN.
Zoul, John F. Jan. 18, 1945. p. 6. HPN
Price ceiling starts Monday. May 14, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Farm prices hold near parity level. Aug. 20, 1942. p. 8 HPP.
League upholds OPA in enforcing price ceilings. Sept.10,1942. p3 HPP
Food ceilings effective July 4. July 8, 1943. p. 10. HPP.
League Women Voters urges opposition to all price amendment. June 8, 1944. p. 2. HPP.
New ceiling prices on cars announced by OPA. July 6, 1944. p. 23. HPN.
Ceiling set on clothing item. July 13, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
1945 Refer matters of rent control to Waukegan office. Jan. 11, 1945. p20 HPN
Waste paper, grease, tin salvage to continue after OCD closes. May 17, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
See: Dorcas Home.
Lake Bluff Orphanage marks 50th anniversary. Aug. 2, 1945. p. 27 HPN.
1943 What is a municipal recreation system. Apr. 1, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Apr Why we need a municipal recreation system. Apr. 8, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
May Coordinating Council plans Day Camp at Sunset Park. May 27, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
June Sunset Park day camp opens with six clubs for children. June 24, 1943. p. 11. HPN.
July Park District to sell house, land. (Ravinia) July 1, 1943. p. 12. HPN.
Nov. Dunes may become Illinois State Park. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 28. HPN.
1944 Playground, recreation board plan summer program. Apr. 27, 1944. p1 HPP
May Recreation Board announces playground staff for summer. May 18, 1944. p 1. HPP
Park Board demonstrates real democracy at work. May 25, 1944. p.1 HPP
Pass playground resolution. May 25, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
June H.P. Recreation board in operation June 1. June 1, 1944. p. 1. HPP>
Playground and recreation board offers fine program. June 8, 1944. p1 HPP
Summer playgrounds draw enrollment of over 500. June 15, 1944. p. 1. HPP
Park District to open two public beaches. June 22, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Dec. City-wide ice skating meet at Sunset Park. Dec. 19, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
City-wide ice carnival slated at Sunset Sunday. Dec. 28, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
1945 Large crowd attends city wide ice meet. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
City-wide ice meet attended by large crowd. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Field house located in Sunset Park (Photo) Feb. 1, 1945. Cover. HPN.
May Summer playground plans are announced. May 24, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
June Recreation question to be considered by co-ordinating council. June 7, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Summer playground recreation program opens. June 7, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
July Varied activities attract many at play grounds. July 12, 1945. p1 HPP
Aug. Park commissioners plan enlarged beach facilities. Aug. 2, 1945. p1 HPP
Rosenwald property now available for additional park expansion. Aug. 23, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Sept. Park District ballot presents 2 propositions for October elections. Sept. 20, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
To vote on two park proposals here Oct. 10. Sept. 20, 1945. p 5. HPN.
Oct. Additional improvements will not increase taxes. Oct. 4, 1945. p.1 HPP.
Park Dist. referendum to be voted on Wednesday. Oct. 4, 1945. p3 HPN
Highland Parkers approve two park board bond issues. Oct. 18, 1945 p. 3. HPN.
Vote to purchase and maintain land for Park District. Oct. 18, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Nov. Announce winning bids in Park Board's two improvements. Nov. 15, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Dec. Recreation Board to have Xmas vacation program. Dec. 20, 1945. p1 HPP.
PFANSTIEHL, CARL (Scientist, metallurgist)
Memorial services held Tuesday for Carl Pfanstiehl. March 5, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Page titled: Pictorial Parade appears in HPN each week on page 5.
Captain Donald E. Rossiter takes part in European action. July 27, 1944. p.4 HPN.
Local doctor, Charles B Puestow, commander of famed hospital unit. Nov. 30, 1944. p. 18. HPN.
Descendants of local pioneers honored. Mar.9, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Poems by Jess McGinniss began appearing each week on page 1 as of November, 1941
1943 City's two polio victims reported much improved. Sept. 30, 1943. p4. HPN.
Young Clavey son is stricken with polio. Oct. 28, 1943. p. 8. HPN
Stricken with polio, Robert Peterson dies in hospital Nov. 4,1943. p 3. HPN
Two light cases of polio reported in vicinity. Nov. 5, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
To investigate polio cases in western section. Nov. 11, 1943. p. 5. HPN..
1944 District health officer releases paralysis figures. July 27, 1944 p.12 HPN
John Peters, 12, is victim of polio. Aug. 10, 1944. p. 11. HPN.
Condition of polio sufferer improves (John Peters) Aug. 17, 1944. p1 HPP
Delora Scheemeaker stricken with polio. Sept. 7, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Richard Flinn suffers slight case of polio. Sept. 7, 1944. p. 9. HPN.
Good reports on two polio victims (Scheemeaker, Flinn) Sept. 14, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Polio patients are doing well. Sept. 14, 1944. p. 3. HPP.
American people give 30 million dollars in 11 year fight on polio. Sept. 21, 1944. p. 31. HPN.
Polio strikes for 3rd and 4th time in Highland Park. Sept. 28, 1944. p.3.HPN.
Condition of polio victims reported much improved. Oct. 5, 1944. p. 3. HPN
1945 Infantile (paralysis) strikes soldier (Pfc. Jim Pflaeger) (sic) Jan. 18, 1945. p. 9. HPN.
Pfc J. Flaeger (sic) , infantile victim, returns to the U.S. Mar. 15, 1945. p. 36. HPN.
Two cases of polio reported here this week. Aug. 16, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Report third case of polio in this vicinity during week. Aug. 30, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Set $8,000,000 quota in funds for Sister Kenny Polio Drive. Dec. 6, 1945 p. 15. HPN.
See: Office of Price Administration OPA
1942 Receives word that son is Jap prisoner. (Sgt. Robert S. Box) Nov. 19, 1942. p. 7. HPP.
1943 Fourth letter received from Prisoner Coomes. Oct. 14, 1943. p3 HPN
Prisoners of war work carried on by national D.A.R. Oct.28,1943 p29 HPN
Christmas comes in form of cards from war prisoners. Dec. 16, 1943. p3 HPN.
1944 Soldier-grandson of C.J. Thom sends them card from Nazi prison. Mar. 9, 1944. p. 3. HPP.
Youngsters warned re: printing PW on jackets. Apr. 27, 1944. p1. HPP.
S/sgt. Walz reported as German prisoner. July 27, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
1945 Prisoner of war food packages to be displayed. Jan. 18, 1945 p3 HPN.
Jan.. Sixth message is received from Jap war prisoner, Siljestrom. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Feb. Lt. Homer Smith reported prisoner of war in Germany. Feb. 1,1945 p3 HPN
Lt. Richard Gilbert in German prison camp. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 8. HPN.
PFC. Leno Castellair prisoner of Germans. Feb. 15, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
May Highland Parkers are among liberated Yanks. May 3, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Five local families learn sons are freed from prison. May 3, 1945. p3. HPN
June Prisoners return. June 7, 1945. p. 3. HPN
July Former German soldiers serving on County projects. July 5, 1945. p26 HPN
Sept. Koons informed son, John, rescued from Jap prison camp. Sept. 6, 1945 p. 3. HPN.
Gordon Siljestrom freed at Osaka. Sept. 20, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
John Koon, liberated, flies home. Sept. 20, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Gordon Siljestrom reports on Jap prison camp. Sept. 27, 1945. p3 HPP
Former resident, Capt. Lincoln Clark, killed on POW ship. Sept. 27, 1945 p. 8. HPN.
'Nightmare epic' of PT crew features local lieutenant (Henry Ross) Aug. 3, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
No color line to be drawn at Tam-O-Shanter. June 4, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
Local Draft Board sends colored men. Oct. 15, 1942. p.1. HPP.
Navy looking for amateur radio operators. Dec. 18, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
North Shore Line new electroliners. Photo. Feb. 6, 1941. p17. HPP.
Northwestern adds four streamliners. Dec. 25, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Battle of transportation. (ed.) Apr. 22, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
No settlement concerning No. Shore strike. Nov. 16, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
No. Shore Line strike enters 13th day of deadlock. Nov. 23, 1944. p. 4. HPN
17-day North Shore Line strike ends this week. Nov. 30, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
North Shore train employees demand new wage increase. Dec. 7, 1944, p. 5. HPN.
1942 Predict change in marketing methods due to tire ration. Jan. 15,1942. p. 7. HPP.
Jan. Procedure for getting tires: local tire rationing board has offices in city hall. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Rationing for victory (ed.) Jan. 29, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Feb. 10 rules to prolong lives of tires. Feb. 12, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Leopold survey shows 748,000 tire miles lost. Feb. 19, 1942. p1 HPP
Mar. March tire allotment announced. March 5, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Tricks for making autos last longer. March 5, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Apr. Sugar registration May 4-7. April 23, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Sugar rationing registrations April 28-29. April 23, 1942. p.7 HPP.
Sugar registration May 4-7. April 30, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
May Public signs for sugar this week. May 7, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park to Ravinia deliveries restricted. May 28, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Deerfield to register for sugar for canning. May 28, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
July Rubber salvage nears end. July 2, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
4 pound rubber quota set. July 9, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Aug. Prohibit carrying of gasoline into rationed area. Aug. 27, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Sept. Additional sugar may be obtained for canning purposes. Sept.3,1942. p. 1. HPP.
Reports given by rationing boards of Highland Park, Highwood. Sept. 3, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Limit set on transportation of family, effects. Sept. 3, 1942. p.3.HPP
Possible gas rationing forgotten in traffic. Sept. 3, 1942. p3 HPP.
Oct. Reports issued for the month by rationing boards. Oct.8,1942. p.3 HPP
To organize 'Share the Ride' groups before rationing. Oct. 1, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Reports for month issued by rationing boards. Oct. 8,1942. p20 HPN
Tire inventories for September must be filed by October 15. Oct. 8, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Mechanical and tire inspection necessary to save cars. Oct. 15, 1942. p. 1. HPP
Committee appoints coordinators for group riding. Oct. 22, 1942. p. 3. HPN.
Cuts in sugar allocations go into effect now. Oct. 22, 1942. p.1. HPP.
Nov. Fuel oil rationing forms arrive in Lake County. Nov. 5, 1942. p17 HPN.
Registration for gas ration for passenger cars Nov. 12-14. Nov. 12, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Register passenger cars for gas. Nov. 12-14. Nov. 12, 1942. p. 3. HPN.
Applications for fuel oil received. Nov. 12, 1942. p. 6. HPN.
List items issued during October by rationing board. Nov. 12, 1942. p1 HPP.
Total of 3433 register for gas rationing. Nov. 19, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Total of 3433 register for gas rationing. Nov. 19, 1942. p. 12. HPN.
Extra gas will be issued those in car-sharing clubs. Nov. 19, 1942. p. 18. HPN.
Fuel oil rationing questions are explained by OPA. Nov. 26, 1942. p. 1. HPP
Gas ration books may be revoked by speed convictions. Nov. 26, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Dec. Commercial cars must present certificates for mileage rations. Dec. 3, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
One pound of coffee issued until Jan. 3. Dec. 3, 1942. p. 5. HPN.
One automobile issued by ration board during month. Dec. 10, 1942. p. 10. HPN.
Gasoline rationing and tire inspection now in effect. Dec. 10, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Many motor trucks have been allotted insufficient gasoline. Dec. 10, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Release list of "C" cards issued to local residents. Dec. 24, 1942. p. 3. HPN.
List 15 official tire inspection stations. Dec. 24, 1942. p. 4 HPN.
1943 New license plates should be recorded on ration books. Jan. 7, 1943, Jan. p. 1. HPP.
Gasoline hoarding is dangerous. Jan. 7, 1943. p. 20. HPN.
Board chairman explains point rationing system. Jan. 14, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
List all items issued by rationing board in December. Jan. 14, 1943, p. 6. HPN.
Lost gas coupons may be replaced upon application. Jan. 14, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Register 1943 license numbers on ration books. Jan 28,1943 p3. HPN
Feb. Shoe rationing now in effect. Feb. 11, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Rationing of canned foods goes into effect. Mar. 1. Feb.11, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Canned goods rationing effective Mar. l. Feb. 11, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Point rationing to be explained by secretary. Feb. 18, 1943. p.3 HPN
Station 'explainers' in all local grocery stores. Feb. 25, 1943. p.3 HPN
Official table of point values for processed foods. Feb. 25, 1943. p.2. HPN
Mar. War ration book no. 1 still available. Mar. 4, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
List shoes now available without ration coupons. Mar. 4,1943. p3 HPN
Simple matter to figure new meat rationing. Mar. 18, 1943. p. 3 HPN
Three types of shoes may now be purchased . Mar. 25, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Official table of consumer point values for meat, fats, fish & cheese. Mar. 25, 1943. p. 27. HPN.
Point rationing reminders. Mar. 25, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Radio program to give tips on point rationing. Mar. 25, 1943. p1 HPP
Apr. Home canning sugar will be available on last year's basis. Apr. 15, 1943. p. 8. HPP.
War ration book 3 to be distributed through the mail. Apr. 22, 1943, p. 1. HPP.
Ration timetable. Apr. 22, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
War ration Book No. 3 to be distributed through mail. Apr. 29, 1943, p. 4. HPN.
May Sugar for home canning limited to fifteen pounds. May 20, 1943. p1 HPP.
Meat under rationing. May 6, 1943. p. 2. HPN
Sugar for home canning limited to 15 pounds. May 20, 1943. p. 7. HPN
June Ration board cannot issue gasoline for funerals, visiting. June 10, 1943. p. 13. HPN.
Deerfield ration board reports on previous month. June 17, 1943. p. 29 HPN.
July Ration reminder. July 8, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Shortage of baby products threatened. July 8, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Ceilings on food go into effect this week. July 8, 1943. p.11. HPN.
Truck operators to hear talk on gas rationing. July 22, 1943. p1 HPP
Change in dates for reviewing B, C, gas books. July 29, 1943. p12. HPN.
Aug. Ration reminder. New gasoline coupons should be obtained. Aug. 26, 1943 p. 1. HPP
Rationing Board , group photo. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 18. HPN..
Ration all stoves starting this month. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Sept. To start using ration book 3. Sept. 9, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Issue war ration book #4 to 120,000,000. Sept. 30, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Oct. Register at schools for ration book. Oct. 14, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Register for ration book. Oct. 14, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
Dec. Free brown points given in exchange for cooking fats. Dec. 16, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
1944 Grocery prohibited from selling rationed goods for 10 days. Jan. 6, 1944. Jan. p5. HPN.
Offer new type of childrens' shoes without points. Jan. 6, 1944. p.9. HPN
Woman Voters to sponsor a ration problem discussion. Jan. 13, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Proper use of ration stamps will eliminate black market. Jan. 13, 1944. p.3. HPN.
Rationing problems subject of town meeting discussion. Jan. 13, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Feb. Gas rations to be issued in city office. Feb. 17, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Mar. Home canning sugar will be obtained now. Mar. 23, 1944. p3. HPN
OPA officials conduct check up of grocery stores. Mar. 30, 1944. p27 HPN
Additional gasoline is available for local victory gardeners. Apr. 13, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
July Deerfield ration board rulings on tubes. July 6, 1944. p. 23. HPN
Deerfield ration board issues clothing regulations. July 13, 1944. p.20 HPN
Rubber situation to be explained at Chamber meeting. Oct. 5, 1944. p4 HPN
1945 Commerce Chamber gives War Production Board order restricting use of electricity. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 1. HPP
Feb If points are scarce, eat bread and gravy. Feb. 22, 1945. p. 21. HPN.
Aug. No canning sugar stamps in Highwood until Aug. 1. June 21, 1945. p14 HPN
Raise blue points on six food items. Aug. 2, 1945. p. 26 HPN
Rationing of food still in effect at present time. Aug. 16, 1945. p3 HPN
Sept. Highland Park, Deerfield ration boards are combined. Sept. 20, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Oct. Mayor warns of danger with end of gas rationing. Oct.11, 1945 p8 HPN
Nov. Mayor warns of danger with end of gas rationing. Nov. 1, 1945. p.1 HPP.
Critical shortage of passenger tires. Nov. 1, 1945. p5. HPN.
Highwood rationing board combined with Waukegan. Nov. 15, 1945. p5. HPN
Ration board quota: 275 tires for present month. Nov.15,1945. p9 HPN.
Ravinia music festival opens 9th season June 27. May 25, 1944. p1 HPP
Outstanding artists engaged to appear at Ravinia festival. June 8, 1944 p. 1. HPP.
Leon Fleischer to make debut at Ravinia July 31. May 17, 1945 p.1. HPP.
Plan for service personnel to enjoy Ravinia concerts. June 14, 1945. p.1. HPP.
Defense work cuts state relief rolls to half of 1939 period. Jan. 15, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Meeting based on religious teaching in schools planned. Sept. 20, 1945. p.3 HPN.
Opening meeting of interfaith group on Tuesday. Oct. 11, 1945. p. 8 HPN.
Life of Fort Sheridan soldier saved by 'buddy'. Aug. 19, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Commentation (sic) given soldier for saving friend. Aug. 16, 1943 p. 6 HPN
Tribute. April 19, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
All Highland Park joins in mourning late president. April 19, 1945. p3 HPN
Rosenwald property now available for additional park expansion. Aug. 23, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Florsheims to open home for Russian War Relief benefit. Aug. 27, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Russian fair to be held for benefit of war relief. Sept. 17, 1942. p2. HPP.
Local women plan 'sulfa teas' for Russian war relief. Oct. 8, 1942. p9 HPN.
Take action on Elm Street crossing safety. March 20, 1941. p. 5 HPP.
Patrols to guard H.P. children. (Patrol boy groups) Sept. 25, 1941. p1.HPP
Highland Plans to eliminate danger of curb shrubbery. Oct. 30, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Safety committee meets to discuss new organization. Nov.22,1945. p3 HPN
Safety committee to hold public meeting. Dec. 6, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
City warns against dangers of shrubbery. Dec. 13, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
1941 Headmaster John W. Richards resigns post held 28 years at Lake Forest Academy. March 20, 1941. p. 6. HPP.
Mar. Clarinet sextet of Highland Park H.S. Photo. March 27, 1941. p1. HPP.
Apr. Members of high school orchestra. Photo. April 17, 1941. p5. HPP.
Record vote cast in School District 108. April 17, 1941. p. 10. HPP.
May Dr. Harold Spears new H.S. principal. May 1, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Junior Safety Patrol. May 1, 1941. p. 4. Photo. HPP.
Oct. Present tax facts. Oct. 30, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
1942 School levies show tax increase in '41. March 12, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
June Graduation exercises next week. June 4, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Sept. High school to open Sept. 9 with 1,200 students enrolled. Aug. 20, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Oct. Four women start nursery school classes in Ravinia. Oct. 8, 1942. p. 12. HPN.
Nov. Former teachers needed in schools. Nov. 19, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
1943 Voters League stresses need of state school board. Jan. 21, 1943.p. 8. HPN
Jan. Feb. Elementary school system to be subject of League meeting. Feb. 11, 1943. p. 10. HPN.
High officers are graduates of local high school. (Generals Wainwright, Bradley, Clark) Feb. 18, 1943. p. 7. HPN
Elm Place women provide lunchroom for children. Feb. 25, 1943.p. 11 HPN.
Mar. Tax rates for school districts low in Deerfield. Mar. 11, 1943. p. 7. HPN.
May Elementary school survey topic for town meeting. May 20, 1943 p. l. HPP.
Religious school at N.S. Congregation to hold graduation. May 13, 1943. p. 21. HPN.
Clark Wright to retire as Dist. 108 superintendent . May 13, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Town meeting on elementary school survey. May 20, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Lester B. Ball new superintendent of District 108. May 27, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
Lester B. Ball new superintendent of School Dist. 108. May 27, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
June Highland Park H.S. graduating class pictures. June 3, 1943. p. 14 HPN.
Aug. High school needs substitute teachers for coming year. Aug. 19, 1943. p. 1. HPP & Aug. 19, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Schools of district 108 do their part. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 26 HPN.
Highland Park High School aids in war effort. Aug. 26, 1943. p.26. HPN.
Wartime work of Elm Place and Green Bay Schools. Aug. 26, 1943. p26 HPN
Sept. Expect 1150 students at high school new term. Sept. 2, 1943. p. 5. HPN
. Anticipate 1150 students in fall term at local high school. Sept. 2, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Bring parents and teachers into closer relationship. Sept. 23, 1943. p5 HPN
Lincoln School develops safety patrol system. Sept. 30, 1943 p56 HPN
Lincoln School develops safety patrol system. Sept. 30, 1943. p6 HPP
Oct. Importance of students' work during war stressed by Principal Spears. Oct. 21, 1943. p. 7. HPN.
Assemblies held each week at schools in 108. Oct. 28, 1943. p. 14. HPN.
1944 Pageant to portray growth at Elm Place. Mar. 23, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
May Patrons of schools invited to discuss findings of survey. May 4, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
R.H. Price resigns as Dist. 107 Superintendent. May 4, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Discuss school survey at meeting in Old Elm Place. May 4, 1944. p4 HPN
High school orchestra prepares for concert at Auditorium. May 4, 1944. p.1 HPP
Sam Golden cello soloist with high school orchestra. May 11, 1944. p.1 HPP
Schools cooperate in collecting clothes for Russian relief. May 18, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
54th commencement of high school to be held June 1. May 25,1944. p.1 HPP
June School district consolidation pro and con. 5 articles: June 8, 15, 22, 29, July 6, 1944. all on p. 1. HPP.
Four high school graduates discuss "Training for Peace." June 8, 1944. p16. HPN.
July E. C. Reichert new school superintendent for District 107. July 6, 1944 p3 HPN.
Dr. Harold Spears, principal of H.P. High School, resigns. July 27, 1944 p.4 HPN.
Dr. Harold Spears resigns to accept position in the East. July 27, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Aug Consolidation pro and con-Virgil E. Herrick comments. Aug. 1944. p1 HPP
Consolidation pro and con-Aug. 17, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Council adopts resolution regarding consolidation. Aug. 17, 1944. p4 HPN
New law requires physical exams for 1st grade children. Aug. 24, 1944. p. 30. HPN.
Urge students to return to school this year. Aug. 31, 1944. p. 29. HPN.
Sept. Lincoln School forms traffic safety plan. Sept. 21, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Braeside approves larger recreation facilities. Sept. 28, 1944. p. 8 HPP.
Nov. Consolidation of districts 107 & 108 discussed at meeting. Nov. 16, 1944 p. 1. HPP.
Districts107 &108 to vote on consolidation. Nov. 16, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
1945 One-fifth of students (HPHS) listed on honor roll this period. Jan. 11, 1945. p. 25. HPN.
College career room is opened at H.P. high school. Feb. 1, 1945. p. 29 HPN.
Army specialty test to be given at high school. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 26 HPN
Mr. A. E. Wolters is selected principal of Highland Park High School. May 10, 1945. p. 1. HPP
Elect A.E. Wolters to serve as high school principal. May 10, 1945. p5 HPN.
Bond drive at high school hits $178,712.20. May 10, 1945. p. 36 HPN.
June Three types of program offered at summer school. June 7, 1945. p.5 HPN
Teachers honor R. Bock on 70th birthday. June 7, 1945. p. 9 HPN
21 local high school students pass Army specialized test. June 7, 1945. p. 10. HPN.
July Observe 20th anniversary of high school industrial course. July 5, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Observe 20th anniversary of high school industrial course. July 12, 1945. p.5. HPN.
Annual financial statement of township school treasurer. Aug. 2, 1945. p. 16. HPN.
Sept. Meeting based on religious teaching in schools planned. Sept. 20, 1945 p. 3. HPN.
Oct. High school to give educational, vocational guidance to veterans. Oct.11,1945. p. 1. HPP.
"Charting the way for elementary schools" is voters league offering. Oct. 11, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Nov. 1160 students enrolled at local high school. Nov. 1, 1945. p. 23. HPN.
Lincoln School PTA gives report on safety rules. Nov. 15, 1945. p3 HPN.
Dec. Vaughan Hospital vets get cabinets made by HPHS boys. Dec.20,1945 p1 HPP
See also: DRAFT.
Selective Service to use system of pre-medical exams. Dec. 18, 1941 p.6. HPP.
Give Selective Service full cooperation. Jan. 1, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
Armstrong urges rejected men to prepare for service. Aug. 27, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
3-A men urged to apply for officer training. Sept. 17, 1942. p7. HPP.
Board members: Selective Service Comm. Photo. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 15. HPN
1941 Plan recreational activities for servicemen. April 3, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Sept Highwood Service Center opened. April 10, 1941. p. 11. HPP.
Apr. Open House Sunday for Service Club (Army-Navy Club). April 17, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Dedicate Servicemen's Club. April 24, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
June H.P. chapter USO started this week. June 12, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Soldiers, sailors need home cooking. June 12, 1931. p. 16. HPP.
Photo-USO. cover: June 19, 1941. HPP.
Highland Park gets Army-Navy "Y" this week. June 19, 1941. p. 3. HPP
To organize junior recreation corps . June 26, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
July Servicemen's club already overcrowded. July 24, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Hop in, Soldier. (ed.) July 31, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Aug. Service Club grant application to President. Aug. 28, 1941. p.1. HPP.
Proposed Highland Park Service Men's Club. Sketch. Aug. 28, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Oct. Service Club grant approved. Oct. 2, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Service Club plans purchase. Oct. 16, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Service Clubs get under way. Oct. 30, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
1942 Rooms needed for relatives of servicemen. March 5, 1942. p. 5. HPP.
Oct. Howell S. Murray cited for bravery. Oct. 8, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Ensign Howell Murray receives citation for bravery. Oct. 8, 1942. p. 11, HPN.
Plane piloted by Lt. Richard Knobloch destroys bridge in Burma. Oct. 15, 1942. p. 5. HPN.
Graduates of local navigation class in service. Oct. 22, 1942. p3 HPP
Dec Lt. W. F. Christie of Deerfield given medals for heroism. Dec. 31, 1942. p. 3. HPN.
1943 A weekly column "They're in the Army Now." gives details on local men in the Service. HPP
Jan. Brainerd Chapman promoted to Major in Army. Jan. 21, 1943. p.4 HPN
Feb. Lions erect sign containing servicemen's names. Feb. 4, 1943. p3 HPN
High officers are graduates of local high school (Generals Wainwright, Bradley and Clark) Feb. 18, 1943. p. 7 HPN
Highland Park's Honor Roll Feb. 18, 1943. p. 13. HPN.
1150 former high school (H.P.H.S.) now in service. Feb. 25, 1943 p. 12. HPN.
Mar. Service flag at high school now has 1243 names. Mar. 11, 1943. p. 7. HPN
Rooms in private homes desired for service men's families.Mar. 18, 1943. p. 7. HPN.
May Large response postpones Service Men's issue. May 27, 1943. p. 3.HPN
July 1510 former high school pupils now in service. July 1, 1943. p13 HPN
July1, 1943 issue: Memorial issue with pictures of all servicemen/women, lists of wounded, missing in action and casualties.
Capt. Knobloch awarded air medal for gallantry. July 8, 1943. p4 HPN.
Capt. Alfred Meyer awarded silver star for bravery in action. July 29, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
World War II hero Knobloch returns from enemy mission. July 29, 1943. p4. HPN.
Sept Plan city-wide program to entertain men from overseas. Sept. 2, 1943. p3 HPN
Former resident, A. Rafferty, awarded medal. Sept. 2, 1943. p. 17. HPN.
Lt. Hugh Suttle awarded soldier's medal for rescue. Sept. 9, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Club secretaries form welcome home committee. Sept. 9, 1943. p. 3 HPN
Distinguished flying cross awarded to Lt. William Peters. Sept. 9, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Two local marines provide exciting tales of battles. Sept. 16, 1943. p. 4 HPN.
Col. J.A. Kilina commander of replacement depot in England. Sept. 16, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Flying medal, oak leaf cluster, given to Mrs. Hayward. Sept. 2, 1943. p. 3 HPN
Oct. Large crowd at dedication of Honor Billboard. Oct. 7,1943. p. 3. HPN
Lt. Charles Clark missing in action. Oct. 28, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Lt. Col. Chandler Johnson given Legion of Merit. Oct. 28, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Nov. Ens. Phillip Dering receives medal for heroism. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Dec. Distinguished Flying Cross awarded to Lt. Dean Tjaden. Dec. 2, 1943. p.3 HPN.
1944American soldiers overseas rate mail-call above eating. Jan. 13, 1944. p. 5 HPN.
Mar. High honors awarded posthumously to Sgt. George W. Bowden. Mar. 9, 1944. p. 2. HPP
Apr. Lt. John Creigh given Silver Star. Apr. 6, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Cpl. Wm. Coomes escapes prison camp; recaptured. Apr.20, 1944. p. 3. HPN
Air medal awarded Lt. Donald Siljestrom. Apr. 27, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
May Cpt. Dean Tjaden wins DFC. May 11, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
June Sgt. Murray Sheridan awarded Purple Heart. June 22, 1944. p. 2. HPP.
Award Bronze Star to Sgt. Garrity. May 11, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Oak Leaf cluster awarded to Lt. Dan Wolterding. May 11, 1944. p.8 HPN
Lt. Carl Johson awarded air medal. June 29, 1944. p. 2. HPP.
July Lt. Richard Hawkins awarded bronze medal. July 27, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Service men's honor roll board completely remodeled. July 27, 1944. p.3. HPN.
Aug. Service council for soldiers and sailors. Aug.10, 1944. p. 6. HPP.
Lt. Carl Johnson awarded air medal. Aug. 10, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Lt. Peter Reinhardt awarded DFC for saving plane, crew. Aug. 17, 1944. p. 3.HPN.
Col. James A. Kilian is presented legion of merit. Aug. 24, 1944. p. 4. HPN
Sept. Lt. E.W. Ziese awarded DFC. Sept. 7, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Nov. Highwood Major (Herman Sutphin) designs railway near Panama Canal. Nov. 2, 1944. p. 22. HPN.
Dec. Award gold star to Lt. Hawkins in South Pacific. Dec. 7, 1944. p. 6. HPN.
DFC awarded to Lt. Lester Polakov. Dec. 7, 1944. p. 7. HPN.
Overseas fathers to receive hand prints of their babies. Dec. 7, 1944. p. 46 HPN.
1945 Bronze star for heroism awarded Tec. Eugene Buchanan. Jan. 4, 1945 p16 HPN
Jan. Bronze star to Lt. Col. Lichene. Jan. 11, 1945. p.7. HPN.
Sgt. Robt. Will awarded air medal at base in Italy. Jan. 11, 1945. p8 HPN
Bronze star given Col. J. McCawley. Jan. 11, 1945. p. 16.
Maj. E. Wyles given bronze medal. Jan. 18, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Feb. Distinguished flying cross awarded Lt. S. E. Keller. Feb. 8, 1945. p24 HPN
Three sons of Stupeys serving in armed forces. Feb. 22, 1945. p.18 HPN
Mar. Lt. E.J. Moroney awarded 6th oak leaf cluster. Mar. 1, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Honor Roll (List of all service people.) Mar. 8, 1945. p. 19. HPN.
Highwood honor roll. Mar. 8, 1945. p. 22. HPN.
Deerfield honor roll. Mar. 8, 1945. p. 22. HPN.
May Bronze and silver stars awarded to Lt. James Garrity. May 10,1945. p22 HPN
Croix de Guerre with palm awarded to Lt. Col. Ralph Talbot. May 17, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Bronze star given posthumously to Maj. E. Tremaine. May 17, 1945. p 6. HPN
Bronze star awarded Cpl. Melvin Moon. May 17, 1945. p. 7. HPN.
June Local members of 8th Air Force praised by Doolittle. June 7, 1945. p18 HPN
5th bronze star awarded Lt. Cook. June 14, 1945. p. 2. HPP.
July Lt. Robt. Nichols awarded bronze star. July 5, 1945. p. 2. HPP.
Maj. Joseph Hall awarded bronze star. July 5, 1945. p. 2. HPP & July 26, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Lt.Col. T. Metzel awarded high honor. July 5, 1945. p. 2. HPP
Award silver star posthumously to Pfc. Robert Hirsch. July 12, 1945. p. 7. HPN.
Silver star posthumously awarded Pfc. Robt. Hirsch. July 19, 1945. p3 HPP
T/sgt. Gene Montecchi awarded flight metals. July 26, 1945. p.2. HPP.
Sept. Nation's highest award goes to Illinois man: S/sgt. Clyde Choate - Anna, Illinois. Sept. 13, 1945. p. 8. HPP.
Formal meetings resumed this week by Sea Scout ship. Oct. 1, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
Mrs. Donald Boynton christens newest aircraft carrier. Dec. 10, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Mrs. D. Boynton christens newest aircraft carrier. Dec. 10, 1942. p. 6. HPN.
Mother of late Jesse Lowe Smith dies in Indiana. July 10, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
General who signed surrent papers formerly at Fort. May 10, 1945. p8 HPN
Modern youth smokes--is taller. June 25, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
Rattlesnake found on Siljestrom farm. July 20, 1944. p. 18. HPN.
Social Security records not available. Jan. 14, 1943. p. 2. HPP.
Announce increase in social security benefits by residents. July 20, 1944. p. 24. HPN
Social Security pays 1,000,000th insurance benefit. Aug. 24, 1944. p. 24. HPN.
Social Security tax returns misdirected. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 32 HPN.
Social Security regional head will address Chamber. Sept. 6, 1945 p3 HPN
Social Security talk continues at November meeting. Nov. 1, 1945. p11 HPN
4,000 see Joe Louis box at Fort. Oct. 16, 1941 p. 8. HPP.
Ballgame at Sunset Sunday Aug. 11, in honor of Mrs. Richardson. Aug. 3, 1944 p. 1. HPP.
Expect record crowd at benefit game. Aug. 10, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park High School football team (1944) photo. Oct. 26, 1944 Cover, HPN.
Deerfield Road. (Letter to the editor) July 29, 1943. p. 27 HPN.
Discuss shrubbery condition at City Council meeting. Oct. 7, 1943. p.3. HPN
Suicide verdict in death of F. Rennback. Feb. 27, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
1943 The 20% withholding tax. June 24, 1943. p. 14. HPN
West Deerfield assessment roll Aug. 19, 1943. p. 3-- HPP.
Decrease in allotments from the gas tax. Sept. 2, 1943. p. 7. HPN
1942 taxes to exceed those for 1941. Sept. 23, 1943. p. 30 HPN.
1944 Delinquent special assessment and tax list. Aug. 31, 1944. p. 199- HPN
Delinquent tax list. Sept. 14, 1944. p. 17- HPN
Appoint committee to collect city's delinquent taxes. Oct. 12, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
1945 New mark set by tax payments in Lake County. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 7. HPN.
Largest tax foreclosure suit filed against local property owners. April 5, 1945. p. 8. HPN.
Real estate and personal property taxes to be paid. April 26, 1945. p.5 HPN
Meet to formulate plans for completing the foreclosure sale. May 31, 1945 p. 3. HPN
Annual appropriation bill. June 21, 1945. p. 23. HPN.
Delinquent and special tax list of Highland Park. Sept. 6, 1945 p. 25 HPN.
Delinquent and special tax list of Deerfield. Sept. 13, 1945. p. 19 HPN
Assessment roll. Sept. 20, 1945. p. 23 HPN.
Dist. 111 to vote on increase in school tax. Nov. 15, 1945. p5 HPN.
1942 Miss Behrens (Lula), Green Bay teacher has retired. March 5, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Announce new teachers for school opening. Sept. 3, 1942. p1. HPP.
Former teachers needed in schools. Nov. 19, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
Survey of nation's teacher shortage in progress. Nov. 26, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
1943 Mrs. M. Freeman retires after 34 years at Lincoln School. June 3, 1943. p. 8. HPN.
High school needs substitute teachers for coming year. Aug. 19,1943 p.3 HPN.
High school completes survey of teachers' cost of living. Nov. 18, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
1944 Miss Doretta Grunewald, teacher at Elm Place, retires from service. June 8, 1944. p. 5. HPP.
Doretta Grunwald retires from teaching duties at Elm Place. June 8, 1944. p. 12. HPN.
Places to live are sought by local teachers. July 20, 1944. p. 9. HPN.
Dr. Harold Spears (High school principal) resigns to accept position in the East. July 27, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Substitute teachers greatly needed by School Dist. 108. Dec. 21, 1944. p. 6. HPN
1945 Teachers, students asked to serve as nurses' aides. Apr. 12, 1945. p1 HPP
Teachers needed in arts and crafts. Apr. 12, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Teachers needed to aid GIs at Fort Sheridan. Oct. 11, 1945. p1 HPP.
Let's not be penny wise and pound foolish (ed) Apr. 15, 1943. p.3. HPP
Highland Park Rotary Club to organize youth service council. Nov. 4, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Milwaukee Road to test telephones for moving trains. July 13, 1944. p. 21. HPN.
Picket lines in front of local telephone company. Nov. 22, 1945. p3 HPN.
Local telephone operators back at work. Nov. 29, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Wind up rehearsals on Braeside play: "The Queen's Husband." Photo: Cast. Feb. 6, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
19411940 Traffic Safety Council report shows improved conditions. March 13, 1941. p. 22. HPP.
Traffic Commission installed in office. April 17, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
New traffic code gets national rating. April 24, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Install traffic control signals. July 31, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
To install light at County Line Road. Aug. 28, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Skokie traffic lights OK'd. Oct. 9, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
1942 Illinois traffic 18% below '41 record. Dec. 3, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
1943 Discuss shrubbery condition at City Council meeting. Oct. 7,1943. p3 HPN
1944T Traffic death toll for 1943 lower than past year. Feb. 17, 1944. p24. HPN
Chief announces special enforcement campaign over Fourth. June 22, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
1945 Mayor warns of danger with end of gas rationing. Nov. 1, 1945. p1 HPP.
Safety-responsibility law effective Jan. 1, 1945. Nov. 1, 1945. p1 HPP
Launch plans this week for proposed bus route. March 19, 1942. p1.HPP.
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary has 40 new members. Jan. 15, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Civilians may now serve as members of Coast Guard Reserves. Nov. 26, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
1941 Navy starts recruiting here. Nov. 20 1941. p. 1. HPP.
1942 Reopen enlistment in Naval Reserve. Jan. 1, 1942. p. 7. HPP.
Jan. Naval aviation rules changed. Jan. 8, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Apr. Ens. Gordon MacLane back from S. Pacific war area. April 23, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
June Navy needs doctors and dentists. June 25, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
July Schabowske, Frederick, follows son into the Navy. July 2, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Binoculars badly needed by the Navy. July 2, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Navy's appeal for binoculars. July 9, 1942. p. 7. HPP.
Oct. Photo-Navy recruits at Public Service Co. window display. Oct. 8, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Eight local cadets to be inducted into Naval Air Force. Oct. 22, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Dec Mrs. Donald Boynton christens newest aircraft carrier. Dec. 10, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Mrs. D. Boynton christens newest aircraft carrier. Dec. 10, 1942. p. 6. HPN.
1943 Dr. Paul Wells promoted to rank of Navy commander. Jan. 7, 1943. p3 HPN
Jan. Mrs. Milton Arenberg sponsors minesweeper Jan. 7, 1943. p. 3 HPN.
Cover picture is painting of Adm. John Downes. Jan. 14, 1943. p3. HPN.
Rayanne Bartlett commissioned an ensign in WAVES. Jan. 14, 1943. p. 4. HPN. Aug
Naval aviation training open to 17 year-olds. Aug. 26, 1943. p1 HPP
Nov. Admiral John Downes to be retired after 46 years in Navy. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 1. HPP & p. 13. HPN.
Dec U.S. Navy presents fine opportunities for 17 year-olds. Dec. 23, 1943, p. 4. HPP.
U. S. O. (United Services Organization)
See also: Servicemen.
June. U.S.O. Highland Park fund rousing public support. June 19, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
U.S.O. seeks to maintain morals of defense forces. June 26, 1941. p. 19. HPP. Photo.
July Appoint U.S.O. site selection committee. July 3, 1941. p. 14. HPP.
Gen. Wood takes part in U.S.O. drive. July 10, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Report U.S. O. drive victorious here. July 24, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
Flower show for benefit of U.S.O. July 31, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
Aug. U.S.O. committee meets Friday. Aug. 14, 1941. p. 1. HPP..
Dec. Highwood U.S.O. club dedicated Dec. 18th. Dec. 11, 1941. p. 8. HPP.
Service club dedication. Dec. 18, 1941. p. 1. HPP.
War causes changes in holiday plans. Dec. 18, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Dedicate U.S.P. at Highwood at 8 o'clock. Dec. 18, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
1942 Service Men's club dedicated. Jan. 15, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Feb. Victory book party tonight at U.S.O. Club. Feb. 5, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Victory party at U.S.O. was success. Feb. 12, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Mar. U.S.O. open house March 15. March 5, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
U.S.O. open house Sunday. March 12, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Need tools at U.S.O. Club workroom. March 26, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
May U.S.O. drive is on. William T. Jones appointed chairman. May 21, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
June $6,096 collected for U.S.O. June 18, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Bowen Schumacher heads U.S.O. committee. June 18, 1942. pl. HPP.
Sept. Transfer Housing Com. Service to local U.S.O. Sept. 17, 1942. p1 HPP
Dec. First government built USO opened just one year ago. Dec. 3, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
USO/Salvation Army brought Christmas cheer to hundreds. Dec. 31, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
1943 USO events listed in weekly column.
Jan 1st anniversary of Highwood U.S.O. to be observed. Jan. 7, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
75,000 servicemen entertained by JWB-USO during 1942. Jan. 21, 1943. p. 7. HPN.
June Over 100 attend annual meeting of local U.S.O. June 17, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
July U.S.O. overseas operation expands during past year. July 29,1943. p.15. HPN
Aug. Increase shown in placements of USO aid. Aug. 12, 1943. p. 5. HPN
1200 volunteers cooperate in operation of local U.S.O. Aug. 19, 1943. p5 HPN
Highland Park first to have U.S.O. Club. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 13. HPN.
Sept. Highwood tavern transformed into U.S.O. club. Sept. 2, 1943. p. 27. HPN.
1944 USO clubs of the country observe third anniversary. Feb. 3, 1944. p1 HPP
Observe 3rd anniversary of U.S.Os throughout the country. Feb. 3,1944. p5 HPN
Photo of building on Green Bay Rd. Dec.14,1944. cover. HPN.
1945 U.S.O. appeals to homeowners for rooms, apartments. Jan.25,1945. p5 HPN
May No let down in activities at local U.S.O. May 10, 1945. p. 10 HPN.
Salvation Army-U.S.O. closing meets opposition, May 31, 1945. p1 HPP
June Salvation Army U.S.O. in Highwood may close in June. May 24, 1945.p. 5. HPN
Highwood citizens speak (on U.S.O. closing) June 14, 1945. p.1. HPP.
Efforts fail to keep Salvation Army U.S.O. open at Highwood. June 21, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
U.S.O.-Salvation Army closes its doors. June 21, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Sept. U.S.O club serving present emergency and has future use. Sept. 6, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Oct. U.S.O. hospital program to continue indefinitely. Oct. 11, 1945. p1 HPP.
Dec. Fire destroys three-quarters of Highland Park U.S.O. Building. Dec. 6, 1945 p. 3. HPN.
Photo: U.S.O. fire damage. Dec. 20, 1945. p. 5 HPN.
Less than 3% got jobless benefits during the year 1943. Feb. 10,1944. p 24 HPN
June jobless pay jumps 7 percent over May figures. July 20, 1944. p. 8.HPN
1942 V-Mail stationery available at post office. July 30, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
1943 Post Office seeks bids for larger quarters. Apr. 1, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Inaugurate new method of speeding up mail delivery. June 10, 1943. p. 25. HPN.
Christmas gifts must be sent overseas this month. Sept. 9, 1943. p3 HPN.
Mail Xmas gifts in Nov. Nov. 17, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Much V-Mail finds way to dead letter office. Dec. 30, 1943. p1 HPP.
1944 New schedule of postal rates begins Mar. 26. Mar. 9, 1944. p. 6. HPP.
'Marge' Hudson first lady mail carrier. Apr. 6, 1944. p. 3. HPP.
V-Mail letter exchange total is astronomical. Sept. 7, 1944. p. 22. HPN
1945 Postal employees ask citizens' aid in obtaining raise. April 5,1945. p5 HPN
Grant pay raise to all employes (sic) of post office. July 12, 1945. p5 HPN
Veterans return to post office. Oct. 4, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
13 Lake County towns to get new postoffices. Dec. 20, 1945. p.1 HPP.
Electric service to Illinois farms. Dec. 7, 1944. p. 5. HPP.
WPB (War Production Board) issues warning regarding use of electricity. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 17. HPN.
N. Shore Gas Co. plans for natural gas service in 1946. Nov.15,1945. p5 HPP
Natural gas to be brought into this territory soon. Nov. 15, 1945. p3. HPN.
V-Day observance discussed at meeting of city leaders. Sept. 28, 1944 p. 5. HPN.
V-E Day. Editorial. May 10, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Churches remain open for prayers of peace. May 10, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Special programs held at school for V-E day. May 10, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Compare headlines of Tribune at end of World War I. May 10, 1945. p.3. HPN
Full attention of Fort soldiers turns to Pacific. May 10, 1945. p.3. HPN.
Highland Parkers accept V-E day news with prayers. May 10, 1945. p.3 HPN.
Quiet observance in Highwood. May 10, 1945. p. 8. HPN.
Highland Park hears word of peace in a joyous mood. Aug. 16, 1945. p3 HPN
Greet victory news at Sheridan with enthusiasm. Aug. 16, 1945. p3 HPN.
Who did the damage? (Deerfield H.S.) (ed.) June 17, 1943. p. 27 HPN
Reward offered for arrest of persons damaging field house. June 24, 1943. p. 26. HPN.
1941 Spanish War vets disband Friday, organized in 1900. March 27, 1941. p. 11. HPP.
1944 Jobless benefits to state veterans total $345,490. Jan. 27, 1944. p17 HPN
Feb Legion plans to speed up help for servicemen. Feb. 17, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Local legionnaires to help veterans to file for mustering out pay. Feb. 17, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Mar. They can't eat their medals-act now-legislature re: mustering out pay. March 23, 1944. p. 4. HPN
May Offer training program for placing war vets in jobs. May 4, 1944. p. 17. HPN
Aug. Central Bureau needed to aid Illinois veterans. Aug. 10, 1944. p. 4. HPP.
Establish personnel bureau for vets at U. of Ill. Aug. 17, 1944. p.14 HPN
Service officer calls attention to Vets' rights, benefits. Aug. 31, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Sept. University of Illinois will assist veterans. Sept. 14, 1944. p. 5.HPP
Oct. Give info on health care for returning vets. Oct. 5, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Hayes (Raymond) elected chairman of Veterans' Service committee. Oct. 12, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Dec. League studies veteran rehabilitation program. Dec. 7, 1944. p. 1. HPP
Views of veterans at Northwestern U. Dec. 14, 1944. p.5. HPP.
Service office gives information on GI Bill program. Nov. 30, 1944. p. 6.HPN.
GI Bill of Rights to be explained at voters' school. Nov. 30, 1944. p. 8. HPN
Veterans' Rehabilitation Program to be studied by League Women Voters. (sic) Dec. 7, 1944. p. 6. HPN.
1945 Pensions given widows, children of World War vets. Feb. 1, 1945. p. 10 HPN
Service officer urges veterans to retain insurance. Feb. 22, 1945. p30 HPN
Apr. Poppies to honor heroes of two world conflicts. Apr. 12, 1945. p. 1 HPP
Poppies on sale to help vets of two wars. Apr. 26, 1945. p. 1. HPP
Claimants warned not to pay for services offered. Apr. 26, 1945. p28 HPN
Warns of fraudulent schemes aimed at war veterans. Apr.26,1945 p35 HPN
May Profits from Poppy sales aid rehabilitation program. May 24, 1945. p.2 HPP
June Veterans handled with speed and fairness at separation center. June 21, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Vets committee completes study of service laws. June 7, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Chamber to hear veterans' speaker. June 7, 1945. p. 3. HPN
Civilian attendants urgently needed at veterans' hospital. July 5, 1945. p. 20. HPN.
Help needed for disabled war vets. June 28,1945. p. 2. HPP.
Aug. Veteran of two World Wars returns to duty. (Col. Edward A. Smith) Aug. 2, 1945. p. 3. HPP.
Information regarding Highland Park Veterans Memorial. Aug. 23, 1945 p. 1. HPP.
Citizens favor proposed Veterans Memorial plans. Aug. 30, 1945. p. 1. HPP
Sept. Veterans Memorial will fill an immediate need. Sept. 6, 1945. p. 1 HPP.
Returning veterans laud memorial project plans. Sept. 13, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Disabled vets to form chapter in local community. sept. 13, 1945. p18 HPN
Vets committee moves office to local library. Sept. 20, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Oct. Veterans return to the postoffice. Oct. 4, 1945 p 1. HPP.
High school to give educational, vocational guidance to veterans. Oct. 11, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Educational guidance given vets at local high school. Oct. 11,1945 p. 5. HPN
Highland Park War Vets organization growing. Oct. 25, 1945. p.1. HPP.
Young veterans desire to preserve America's way of life. Oct. 25, 1945, p. 1. HPP.
Nov. Large turnout of foreign war vets. Nov. 8, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Dec. 5037 veterans placed in Federal employ during month. Dec.6,1945. p20 HPN
Vaughan Hospital vets get cabinets made by HPHS boys. Dec. 20, 1945. p. 2. HPP.
1942 Library course for Gray Ladies at Presbyterian Hospital. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Uncle Sam calls office volunteers for Washington service. Aug. 13, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Workers urgently needed by local Red Cross unit. Nov. 5,1942. p3 HPP
1943 Workers urgently needed by local Red Cross committee. Apr. 15, 1943 p. 1. HPP.
1944 All sorts of duties performed by Gray Ladies. Jan. 13, 1944. p. 16 HPN.
Volunteers needed by ten special Red Cross services. Sept. 7, 1944, p. 22. HPN.
Volunteer recruits urgently needed for Red Cross Motor Corps. Sept. 28, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Pinafore Girls at Highland Park Hospital. Photo. Nov. 2, 1944. p. 16. HPN.
Hospital auxiliary acts as hospital volunteers. Dec. 14, 1944. p. 4. HPP
1945 Ft. Sheridan volunteers working on curtains. Mar. 22, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Great help given by volunteer aides at hospitals. Apr. 12, 1945. p27 HPN
22 local women teaching crafts to wounded men. Apr. 26, 1945. p.36 HPN
Volunteer assistants still needed by the Red Cross. Aug. 30, 1945. p3 HPP.
Gen. Wainwright, Highland Park hero. Interview. Sept. 20, 1945. p2 HPP.
1943 Total of $142,837 reported in bonds. Jan. 7, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
Sept. Set quota for third war loan for city at $712,000. Sept. 2, 1943. p1 HPP
Oct. Community and war fund campaign off to good start. Oct, 7, 1943, p. 1. HPP
Nov. Recanvass plan to complete war fund drive. Nov. 4, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Plan new drive for sales of war bonds in this city. Feb. 11, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Highland Park sets record in February war bond sale. Mar. 18, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Second War Loan drive is launched in Highland Park. Apr. 15, 1943. p. 7. HPN.
Manager A. E. Patton names 3rd War Loan organization. Sept.16,1943. p. 3. HPN.
Top quota of $712,000 in Highland Park's war loan. Oct. 7, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
1944 Patton (A. E.) accepts direction of 4th War Bond drive. Jan. 13, 1944. p3. HPN
Feb. Bond drive gathers speed. Feb. 3, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park tops 4th War Bond quota by large margin. Feb. 17, 1944. p3 HPN.
War loan drive clears top. Feb. 17, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
June Program for the 5th war loan drive set in motion. June 15, 1944. p.1 HPP
July 5th war loan drive ends Aug. 1. Goal already passed. July 20, 1944. p1 HPP
Oct. War fund campaign workers report collection of $51,286. Oct. 12, 1944 HPN.
Nov. Kick-off session tonight for Sixth War Loan drive. Nov. 16, 1944. p.3 HPN
6th war loan campaign now getting under way. Nov. 23, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Early reports of bond sales show satisfactory results. Nov. 30, 1944.p. 3. HPN.
Dec. Push E bonds as 6th war loan drive nears end. Dec. 14, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Rush to 'E' bond sales as sixth war drive ends. Dec. 14, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park tops all sixth war loan quotas. Dec. 28, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park tops all with war loan quotas. Dec. 28, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
1945 War loan drive goes over quota by 247%. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
May City's 7th war loan quota set at $1,125,000. May 10, 1945. p. 3. HPN
City's war bond quota is placed at $1,125,000. May 10, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Bond drive at high school hits $178,712.20. May 10, 1945. p. 36 HPN.
'Mail it in' feature gains favor in 7th bond drive. May 17, 1945. p. 1 HPP.
June War bond sales exceed 2 million; another week. June 28, 1945. p.1. HPP.
July 7th war loan campaign sales reach $2,653,000. July 5, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Dec. 95.14% reached on Victory "E" bonds. Dec. 13, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
1942 Beall, Lt. Kenneth S. Nov. 5, 1942. p. 7. HPP & Nov. 5, 1942. p. 3. HPN
Riddle, Pfc. Robert. Dec. 24, 1942. p. 1. HPP & Dec. 24, 1942. p. 3. HPN
1943 Word received John Koon is prisoner of war. Jan. 7, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Jan. Ens. James M. Shaffer listed missing. Jan. 7, 1943. p. 2. HPP.
Mar. Raymond Coombs is prisoner of war. Mar. 18, 1943. p. 3. HPP.
Lloyd Magnusen reported missing. Mar. 25, 1943. p. 2. HPP.
May Harwood, Capt. Craig. May 6, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Farish, Lt. William. May 20, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
June Private Jack Sharpless killed in action. June 17, 1943. p. 1. HPP & June 3, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
July Former Deerfield boy, Lt. Richard Kamminga, dies in Africa. July 22, 1943. p. 2. HPP & July 22, 1943. p. 27. HPN
Sept. Sgt. Archer Funk of Army Air Corps killed in action. Sept. 9, 1943. p1 HPP
Sgt. Archer Funk killed. Sept. 9, 1943 p. 7. HPN.
Capt. Milton Tillman. Sept. 9, 1943, p. 4. HPN.
U.S. casualties to date: 105,205. Sept. 30, 1943. p. 6. HPN.
Oct. Lt. Ralph Hamill killed in action. Oct. 7, 1943. p. 1. HPP & p. 4 HPN.
Barnhart, Lt. Charles. Oct. 7, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Nov. Clark, Lt. Charles. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 4. HPN
. Lt. Charles "Heinie" Clark reported killed in European raid. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Dec Lt. Daniel Wolterding loses life in South Pacific. Dec. 2,1943. p1 HPP & p. 5. HPN
Highland Park man PFC John W. Fealey a casualty on Makin Island. Dec. 23, 1943. p. 1. HPP & p. 3. HPN.
1944 Two local boys, Howell Murray and Allen Hendrickson, missing in destroyer mishap in N.Y. Jan. 6, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Bowden, Marine Sgt. George, Jan. 20, 1944. p. 12. HPN
Feb. Anderson, 2d Lt. Everett. Feb. 3, 1944. p. 3. HPN
Highland Park flier forfeits life in raid over Bremen, Germany. Lt. Everett Anderson. Feb. 3, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Murray, Lt. Howell, Feb. 10, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Hendrickson, Allen, Feb. 10, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Shupe,. Ray, Feb. 17, 1944. p. 3. HPN
Mar. Caldarelli, Pvt. Ray. Mar. 2, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Gibson, 1st Lt. Donald. Mar. 9, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
May Gold Star Honor Roll May 25, 1944. p. 1. HPN.
Brannan, Georg. May 25, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
June Peddle, Lt. Vincent. June 22, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Thomas, Pvt. Harrison. June 29, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Wygal, Lt. Lawrence. June 29, 1944. p. 4. HPN..
Aug. Beller, Pvt. Edmund. Aug. 10, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Johnson, Ens. David. Aug. 10, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Parson, T.Sgt. Jerry. Aug. 10, 1944. p. 2. HPP.
Overseas action claims four more local boys. Aug. 10, 1944. p3 HPN E. Beller, D. Johnson, J. Parsons, F. Ronzini,
Ori, Pfc. John. Aug. 17, 1944, p. 5. HPN.
Lenzini, Pfc. Vito. Aug. 17, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Binder, Lt. Carroll, jr. Aug. 31, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Viventi, Pfc. Anton. Aug. 31, 1944. p. 6. HPN.
Sept Chalmers, Cpl. Roland. Sept. 7, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Oct. Mosteller, Pfc William. Oct. 26, 1944. p. 1. HPP & Oct, 26, 1944 p.3 HPN
Groesbeck, Pfc. Frederick. Oct. 26, 1944 p. 5. HPN.
Wagner, Cpl. Bruce. Oct. 19, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Nov. Gentilini, Pfc. Elio. Nov. 2, 1944. p. 4. HPP & Nov. 2, 1944. p. 15. HPN.
Canarini, Cpl. Sergio. Nov. 2, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Dec. Hoffman, Lt. Glenn. Dec. 14, 1944. p. 1. HPP & Dec. 14, 1944, p. 5. HPN.
Chavis, Lt. Thomas. Dec. 28, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
1945 Walsh, Cpl. Robert E. Jan. 11, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Welch, Col. Robert. Jan. 4, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Troy, Pfc. Foster. Jan. 11, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Stroud, Pfc. Fred. Jan. 18, 1945. p. 16 HPN.
Matthews, Edward. Jan. 18, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Feb. MacKinnon, Lt. William. Feb. 1, 1945. p. 1. HPP & Feb. 2, 1945 p. 3 HPN
Farinas, Joseph, Feb. 1, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Detmer, Lt. Edward. Feb. 1, 1945. p. 1. HPP & Feb. 1, 1945. p. 6. HPN & Feb. 15, 1945, p. 5. HPN>
Phillips, Sgt. Robert. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 1. HPP & Feb. 8, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Hirsch, Pvt. Robert. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 1. HPP & Feb. 1, 1945. p. 5. HPN
Mar. Duchane, Pvt. John L. Mar. 8, 1945. p. 5. HPN
Howes, Lt. Byron C. Mar. 8, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Colo, Pvt. Joseph. Mar. 8, 1945. p. 10. HPN
Cowell, Pvt. Leonard. Mar. 22, 1945. p. 25. HPN
Johnson, Lt. Col. Mar 29, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Halvorsen, Pfc. Charles. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 8. HPN.
Apr. Johnson, Lt. Col. Chandler. Apr. 5, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Lomoro, Pvt. Dominic. April 5, 1945. p.3. HPN.
Rankin, Lt. Robert, April 5, 1945. p. 8. HPN.
Halverson, Pfc. Charles. April 5, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Ott, Pvt. Raymond. Apr. 12, 1945. p. 1. HPP & Apr. 5, 1945. p. 7. HPN.
Pasquali, Pvt. James. Apr. 12, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Smith, T,sgt, Douglas E. Apr. 19, 1945. p. 19 HPN.
May Casualties of War in Europe. List. May 10, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Plagge, Pfc. Leland. May 10, 1945. p. 2. HPP & May 10, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Moon, Lt.j.g, Robert. May 17, 1945. p. 1. HPP & May 17, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Smith, Sgt. Jack. May 24, 1945. p. 2. HPP.
Wolak, S.Sgt. Matthew. May 31, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
June Kirk, Pfc. James. June 7, 1945. pp. 1. and 4. HPP & June 7, 1945. p8, HPN.
Wolac, S/sgt, Matthew. June 7, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
July Bell, S/sgt. Norman July 12, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Benson, Ens. Lyman. July 19, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Aug. Lt. Morgan Holmes, former resident killed on Jap ship. Aug. 9, 1945. p3 HPN
Eugene Renner dies of wounds. Aug. 16, 1945. p. 4. HPN.
Pfc Jack Wiechers killed in transport plane crash. Aug. 23, 1945. p5. HPN.
Oct. Pfc Dan Templeton listed killed in action. Oct. 4, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
Nov. Christiansen, Sgt. Alfred. Nov. 29, 1945. p. 2. HPP.
Lt. Louis Schultz reported killed. Nov. 22, 1945. p3 HPN..
Dec. Schultz, Lt. Louis C., Dec. 6, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
1941 Urgent need for donations to British War Relief. Feb. 27,1941. p21 HPP.
Clothing and sewing needed for British. Aug. 28, 1941. p. 7. HPP.
1942 Auto executive surveys local dealers on tools available for war work. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Women save fat, help win war. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Aid U.S. by using old flashlights in blackouts. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 7. HPP.
Plan rally for Russian war relief. Jan. 22, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Feb Stenographers needed in Washington. Feb. 5, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Illinois homes to wear silver star of service for Armed men. Feb. 5, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Quota of 100,000 pints of blood assigned Red Cross. Feb. 5, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Legion inaugurates its plans for national defense. Feb. 12, 1942. p8 HPP.
Mar. C of C sends letter to merchants re: conserving and recycling waste for war effort. Mar. 5, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Silver service stars ready for families. March 5, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Bundles for America include Army, Navy. March 12, 1942. p.1. HPP.
Apr. War Bond pledge drive May 11-13. April 30, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
May War Bond speakers available. May 7. April 30, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
H.P. pledges $1,190,874.46 in War Bonds. May 28, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
H.P. contributes $2800 for Navy relief. May 28, 1942. p. 1. HPP
July Skilled workers urgently needed at Pearl Harbor. July 2, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
To collect scrap iron in Highwood. July 16, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Tin collection starts Monday. July 23, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Legion collecting (phonograph) records. July 23, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Military rubber needs a challenge to all motorists. July 23, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Grease quota over the top. Tin collection to start in Highland Park Monday. July 30, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Aug. City trucks to pick up tin cans for salvage. Aug. 6, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Scrap cleanup program for Milwaukee line. Aug. 6, 1942. p.8 HPP.
"Scrap minded" salvage committee collects old keys. Aug. 20, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Lake County War Savings program to be launched here. Aug. 27, 1942.p. 1. HPP.
Local women to launch new war bond drive. Aug. 27, 1942. p.4. HPP.
Rubber from corn or maize. Aug. 27, 1942. p. 8. HPP.
Sept. Large increase shown in city's salvage grease. Sept. 3, 1942. p.1 HPP
'Share the Ride' campaign inaugurated in this city. Sept. 10, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
All out salvage for victory drive planned. Sept. 17, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
"Share the Ride" campaign in full swing. Sept. 17, 1942. p. 7. HPP.
Groups cooperating in "All Victory Drive'. Sept. 24, 1942. p1 HPP.
Oct. Plans for salvage drive completed at last meeting. Oct. 1, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
'Scrap' contest for school children. Oct. 1, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Dig up all your rubber, metal and rags for all-out city wide salvage drive October 5-10. Oct. 1, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Salvage drive reported to be off to flying start. Oct. 8, 1942. p3. HPN.
Large amount of salvaged materials collected by juniors. Oct. 8,1942. p. 3.HPN
N. Shore cars carry war bond signs in colors. Oct. 8, 1942. p.10 HPN
Tabulations made of all share-the-ride replies. Oct. 15, 1942. p.6 HPN
Successful Salvage for Victory drive completed. Oct. 15, 1942. p. 3.HPP.
Committee appoints coordinators for group riding. Oct. 22, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Sum of money is granted drive group. ('Share the Ride') Oct. 22, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Community cooperates in successful salvage drive. Oct. 29, 1942. p. 4. HPN.
Large amount of war bonds sold here. Oct. 29, 1942. p. 12. HPN.
War Production Board WPB, states that no cans should be wasted. Nov. 19, 1942. p. 6. HPP.
Nov. Bundles for America asks public to donate hosiery. Nov. 19, 1942. p. 4. HPN.
Grease salvage drive started. Nov. 26, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Dec. Second carload of tin cans sent to Chicago plant. Dec. 3, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Second car load of tin cans sent to Chicago plant. Dec. 3, 1942. p. 6.HPN.
Announce silk hose salvage drive. Dec. 3, 1942. p. 6. HPN.
Hosiery depots located in local stores. Dec. 17, 1942. p. 5. HPN.
Victory fund committee is started in Highland Park. Dec. 17, 1942. p. 5. HPN.
J.B. Garnett heads stocking salvage. Dec. 17, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Victory fund committee organized for Dec. drive. Dec. 17, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Gas company gives rules for reducing fuel. Dec. 17, 1942. p. 3. HPP.
1943 Third carload of tin cans shipped Dec. 29. Jan. 7, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Jan. Third carload of tin cans is shipped. Jan. 7, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Check for $68.82 turned over to O.C.D. from tin cans Jan. 14, 1943 p. 4. HPN.
Ask citizens to grow victory gardens this year. Jan. 21, 1943. p 4 HPN
Feb. Large amount of salvaged tin cans shipped. Feb. 4, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Salvage committee plans for annual city-wide drive. Feb. 11, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
Day-in and day-out salvage drive started. Feb. 11, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Grease salvage group prsises butchers for collections. Feb. 18, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Plan spring drive for 150,000 tons of metal scrap. Feb. 18, 1943. p. 2. HPP.
Mar. Official photos record local citizens group riding plan. Mar. 4, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Highland Parkers share their cars. (Photo page) Mar. 11, 1943. p. 7. HPN.
Ship fifth carload of salvaged tin cans. Mar. 18, 1943. p. 1. HPP
Apr. All-out city-wide salvage drive to begin April 19. Apr.1,1943. p1 HPP
Second city-wide salvage drive set for Apr. 21-24. Apr. 1, 1943 p. 3. HPN.
All sections of city are joining in salvage drive. Apr. 8, 1943. p. 4. HPN.
Second war loan drive is under way here. Apr. 15, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Second war loan drive passes half-way mark. Apr. 22, 1943. p1 HPP.
Second war loan goes over the top. $878,839. Apr. 29, 1943. p.1 HPP.
June Housewives urged to save a tablespoon of fat a day. June 11, 1943.p. 1. HPP.
July 114,200 pounds of cans shipped. July 1, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
114,200 pounds of cans shipped.; more are needed. July 1, 1943. p. 14 HPN
Wrong kind of rubbish placed in salvage boxes. July 8, 1943. p3 HPP.
Lake County residents offered free canning facilities. July 15, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Grease collections reach highest point in six months. July 15, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
West Deerfield supervisor urges use of canning center. July 22, 1943 p1 HPP.
Salvaged paper needed for Armed services. July 22, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Importance of waste fats stressed here. July 29, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Aug Rules are given for disposing of salvage. Aug. 5, 1943. p. 25. HPN
National drive is started for waste paper of all types. Aug. 12, 1943. p. 3. HPN
. Buy War Bonds and Stamps for close view of Jap sub. Aug. 19, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park car-sharing plan wins national recognition. Aug. 26, 1943, p. 20 HPN.
Sept. All waste paper to be salvaged for overseas duty. Sept. 30, 1943. p4. HPP. & Sept. 30, 1943. p. 6. HPN.
Oct. Fall drive for scrap metal gets under way Oct.1. Oct. 7, 1943. p24 HPN
City wide salvage drive to be conducted Oct. 25-30. Oct. 21, 1943. p1 HPP & p. 3. HPN.
Nov. Salvage drive yields 18 tons of waste paper. Nov. 4, 1943. p. 1.HPP
18 tons of waste paper collected in salvage drive. Nov. 4, 1943. p.5. HPN.
Announce total amount salvaged here this year. Nov. 11, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Continue drive for all metals, grease, paper. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
Dec. Vital war effort impeded by waste paper shortage. Dec. 16, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
Free brown points given in exchange for cooking fats. Dec. 16, 1943. p. l HPP.
Turn Christmas cards and wrappings into munitions. Dec. 30, 1943. p. 1. HPP.
1944 WPB (War Production Board) stresses vital importance of waste paper salvage. Jan. 6, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Jan. WPB asks for waste paper salvage till end of war. Jan. 6, 1944. p8 HPN
Monthly pick up of waste paper starts in February. Jan. 13, 1944. p15 HPN
February starts local monthly pick-up drive on paper cartons, etc. Jan. 13, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
48 hour working week in effect in Waukegan area. Jan. 27, 1944. p15 HPN
Boy Scouts to be responsible for city waste paper pick up. Jan. 27, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Feb. Tin cans needed for weapons containers. Feb. 10, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
List aims at 48hr. wartime week in county. Feb. 10, 1944. p. 5. HPN
War production calls for every empty tin can. Feb. 10, 1944. p. 8 HPN.
Governor asks housewives to save fats for salvage. Feb. 17, 1944 p28 HPN
First Monday of each month brings waste paper pickup. Feb. 17, 1944 p. 1. HPP.
Housewives urged by governor to save fats. Feb. 17, 1944. p1 HPP
May 130% increase in city paper pickup. May 11, 1944. p. 1. HPP
Salvage imperative. May 25, 1944. p. 1. HPP>
June Each scrap of paper vital to war effort. June 1, 1944. p. 1 HPP.
July Naval officer urges redoubled waste paper collection here. July 27, 1944 p. 5. HPN.
Here's how 100 pounds of waste paper go to war. July 27, 1944. p. 6 HPN.
Aug. More grease needed to end war. Aug. 17, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Sept. Still urgent need for all types of paper. Sept. 28, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Oct. Paper shortage hits, launch conservation drive. Oct. 19, 1944. p1 HPP
Citizens cooperating in 'Paper Holiday" campaign. Oct. 26, 1944. p3 HPN
More grease from kitchen needed for war munitions. Oct. 26, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Paper holiday continues as need increases. Oct. 26, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
If grease from kitchen goes to war, lard can be kept for food. Oct. 26, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
Nov. Waste paper crisis fails to increase collections. Nov. 16, 1944. p. 4. HPN
Dec. Used fats needed until surrender of Japan. Dec. 14, 1944. p. 1. HPP.
1945 Scouts collect paper from stores weekly. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 1. H PP.
Keep guns loaded by saving more used kitchen fats. Jan. 11, 1945. p9 HPN
Waste paper salvage reminders. Jan. 18, 1945. (cartoons on cover) HPN
Boy Scouts collect waste paper from stores each week Jan.25, 1945 p3 HPN
Feb. Waste paper pickup starts Monday, WPB asks for more. Feb. 1, 1945. p5 HPN.
Proceeds from paper salvage buys snow plow for city. Feb. 15, 1945. p.3 HPN.
Feb. Butchers aid grease salvage. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Saving fats is vital home front war job. Feb. 8, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Apr. Tin can salvage urged; every can vital need. Apr. 5, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Aid people in war torn lands by giving clothing to drive. April 12, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Highland Park to join in special waste paper pick up. April 19,1945. p5 HPN
20 million lb. goal set in wastepaper drive. Apr. 19, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
May 24,000 pounds of clothing collected here. May 3, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Salvage of waste paper, grease, tin to continue. May 17, 1945. p. 5. HPN
Waste paper, grease, tin salvage to continue after OCD closes. May 17, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Surgical dressings made at Woman's Club. May 24, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
July Large amount of kitchen grease is still needed. July 12, 1945. p3. HPN.
More paper than ever before needed for war. July 19, 1945. p3 HPN.
Aug. Tin can salvage slowing down. Aug. 9, 1945. p. 25. HPN.
Waste paper needs still acute. Aug. 30, 1945 p. 1. HPP.
Oct. Salvaged fats vitally needed in peace time. Oct. 18, 1945. p. 1 HPP
Nov. Still critical need for waste paper, fats and grease. Nov.1, 1945. p3 HPN
Improved scout camp to serve as war memorial. Aug. 16, 1945. p. 4. HPN
Gen. Wood named chairman of Legion's war memorial. Aug. 23,1945. p3 HPN
List proposed improvements for Boy Scout camp. Aug. 23, 1945. p. 22 HPN.
Over 200 join committee for war memorial. Aug. 30, 1945. p. 3. HPN.
Highland Park veterans' memorial plan. Aug. 30, 1945. p. 13. HPN
Veterans' Memorial to serve important immediate need. Sept. 6, 1945 p. 3. HPN.
Returning veterans praise Highland Park Memorial. Sept. 13, 1945. p5 HPN
City wide mailing tells of plans for Memorial Building. Sept. 20, 1945. p.5 HPN.
WPB states that no tin cans should be wasted now. Nov. 19, 1942. p. 3. HPN.
Commerce Chamber gives WPB order restricting electricity use. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
WPB issues warning regarding use of electricity. Jan. 25, 1945. p. 17 HPN
Photo: New waterworks at foot of Park Ave. Sept. 20, 1945. Cover, HPN
High winds cause destruction in all parts of city. April 13, 1944. p. 4. HPN
Orson Welles mentions "News" while subbing for Chicago columnist. July 5, 1945. p. 5. HPN.
See also Obituaries.
Tribute paid to Mrs. Tom Wilder. Jan. . 21, 1943. P. 12. HPN
1941 Lists 10 greatest women of the U.S. Jan. 2, 1941. p. 14. HPP.
1942 First contingent of WAACs (Women's Army Auxiliary Corps) arrives at Fort next month. Nov. 5, 1942. p. 2. HPP.
Nov. First contingent of WAACs arrive at Fort next month. Nov. 5, 1942. p. 25. HPN.
Dec. Newly constructed WAAC barracks viewed by reporters. Dec. 3, 1942. p. 1. HPP.
Inspection tour made of new WAAC Headquarters. Dec. 3, 1942. p. 9 HPN.
Mrs. Mary Supple, local resident, is going to war. Dec. 10, 1942. p. 4. HPP.
Need women for executive positions with Army ordnance. Dec. 10, 1942. p. 7. HPP.
Motor transport course offered for women. Dec. 10, 1942. p. 7. HPP.
1943 Royanne Bartlett commissioned an ensign in WAVES Jan. 14, 1943. p. 4. HPN
Jan. Elizabeth Clarke joins WAACs leaves soon for training . Jan. 21, 1943. p. 11. HPN.
Mar. Women needed as air traffic trainees. Mar. 25, 1943. p. 7. HPN.
Apr. WAAC mobilization day to be held in Chicago April 10. Apr. 8, 1943. p. 21. HPN.
Drive during May to recruit women into auxiliary army. Apr. 29, 1943 p. 3. HPN.
May WAACs will observe first anniversary Sunday. May 13, 1943. pl HPP.
June Lt. Ellen Leonard commander of WAACS. June 17, 1943. p. 12. HPN.
Queen of the meat block ( Ruth Kershner) June 24, 1943. p. 18. HPN
July WAACs are now Women's Army Corps, part of regular Army. July 8, 1943 p. 18 HPN
Aug. Need policewomen for department in Washington. Aug. 19, 1943. p. 14 HPN
Girls needed for government jobs. Aug. 26, 1943. p. 10 HPN.
Oct. Courses offered to WAC's in Army finance. Oct. 28, 1943. p. 30 HPN
Nov. Recruiting of WAC's gaining steadily. Nov. 25, 1943. p. 25. HPN.
Dec WACs (sic) may be trained for hospital work. Dec. 30, 1943. p.4. HPP.
1944 Enlistees in WAC may now be assigned to duty in home areas. Jan. 6, 1944. p. 4. HPP.
Jan. Qualified women now being enrolled in Army Air Force. Jan. 6, 1944. p. 16. HPN
Feb WACs take over jobs as mechanics. Feb. 24, 1944. p. 14. HPN
Mar. First WAC member of signal corps at Fort Sheridan Mar. 23, 1944. p20 HPN
Postmaster Cobb interviews women for carrier positions. Mar. 30, 1944. p3. HPN.
Apr. "Marge" Hudson first lady mail carrier. Apr. 6, 1944. p. 3. HPN.
Women in Army may be assigned to air transport. Apr. 6, 1944. p.13 HPN.
July Modest lieutenant (Helen Cawley) returns from 28 months overseas. July 6, 1944. p. 4. HPN.
Sept. Women needed at Army hospital. Sept. 14, 1944. p. 24. HPN.
Fort Sheridan WAC detachment departs for undisclosed post. Sept. 21, 1944. p. 5. HPN.
Nov. WACs needed in military hospitals as technicians. Nov. 9, 1944. p.27 HPN
Dec. Enlistments in WACs being taken during holidays. Dec. 7, 1944. p.19 HPN.
1945 Urgent need for WAC hospital recruits. Mar. 22, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Mar. Local WAVE vies with Dixie girl for title. (Patricia Speed) Mar. 22, 1945 p. 1. HPP.
Italian prisoner paints picture of Lt. Ruth Chatfield. Mar. 29,1945. p29 HPN
WAC recruits needed in all Army hospitals. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Women asked to enlist in medical corps. Mar. 29, 1945. p. 39. HPN.
May Louise Smith Phillips becomes Marine captain. May 3, 1945. p.2. HPP.
Business women needed at Army, Navy posts. May 10, 1945. p. 1. HPP.
Dec. Native nieces of Uncle Sam who served in World War II. Dec. 13, 1945 p. 1. HPP.
Gen. R. E. Wood issues statement. June 5, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Gen. Wood asks referendum vote (in re: war.) July 10, 1941. p. 3. HPP.
General & Mrs. Wood's grandchildren. Oct. 23, 1941. p. 5. HPP.
Gen. Wood serves as consultant to air service. Dec. 17, 1942. p5. HPN.
Far-east poker game. Aug. 21, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
British invasion plans. Aug. 21, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Norway heavily fortified. Aug. 21, 1941. p. 4. HPP.
Recreation round-up to be staged by organizations. Jan. 21, 1943. p. 3. HPN.
'Recreation round-up' Jan. 28, 1943. p. 3. HPN
Guiding principles of proposed recreation program. Jan. 28, 1943. p. 7. HPN.
Solutions given for recreation problems here. Feb. 18, 1943. p9 HPN
Delinquency to be discussed by League (of Women Voters. Oct. 28, 1943. p. 7. HPN
Volunteer youth service council organized by Rotary Club. Nov. 4, 1943. p. 5. HPN.
Ask police to report building to zoning commission. Nov. 18, 1943. p 5. HPN